FAQ - Heart Block
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Life expectancy of person with pacemaker due to heart block?

My GF was born with heart block and had to have a permanent pacemaker put in her. She says she can live a normal life etc.. Other people say she will probably die before she is 50 and will be sickly until that point.. Anyways, it hurts me to hear that.. Can she still have a normal life? Can she have kids? Will heart block and pace maker lower her life expectancy?
-- BTW, she has complete heart block or third degree if that helps any.

The area of the heart block requiring a pacemaker is the sinus node, and the problem is usually called sick sinus syndrome. My husband received his first pacemaker at the age of 53. Over the course of his life it was replaced twice. His problems were caused by severe atherosclerosis (blockage of the coronary arteries). He went on to quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery a year after the first pacemaker was implanted, and lived for 23 years after that. Since your girlfriend's block was present at birth, the two situations are not the same. If she exercises, eats a healthy diet, keeps her cholesterol under control, I can't see any reason why having a pacemaker would shorten her life expectancy. The pacemaker is strictly to keep her heartbeat in the appropriate range of beats per minute. I wouldn't pay any attention to what other people say, and if it would make you feel better, and your girlfriend's okay with it, I think it would be a good idea to accompany her to an appointment with her cardiologist to help with your concerns. Provided the rest of her heart is healthy (and I imagine this has been checked thoroughly) I think she should probably be able to have children. By the way, very young children sometimes require pacemakers and are able to have a much more active and healthy life than they would have without the pacer. Good luck, and I hope you find a way to put your fears to rest.  (+ info)

Does repetitive drug use take a toll on a persons heart where they can develop a bundle branch block?

My friend claims her boyfriend whose 22 has a bundle branch block from inheriting it from his father but we know for a fact he is a drug user and does speed or something they call tweak. Can his drug use be the real affect of his heart condition?

You bet it can cause bundle branch block, in addition to a whole host of other heart problems. Speed has no mercy on a person's heart.  (+ info)

ECG : How would the electrical axis of the heart change during branch bundle (left and right) block?

What factors affect the orientation of the mean electrical axis of the heart?

How would the electrical axis of the heart change during branch bundle (left and right) block?

Explain the physiological reason(s) for any differences in the mean electrical axis under the following conditions.
a. lying down versus sitting up.
b. inspiration versus expiration.

LEFT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK..electrical axis moves to the left because the current stays longer in the left ventricle as it is trudging slowly cell by cell to depolarize the left ventricle
RIGHT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK.. electrical axis moves to the right for the same reason. you get an extra R wave called R prime with this kinda block. your qrs will be RsR'  (+ info)

Could a peri cardial effusion cause a heart block?

I went to the Dr. and had an Echo done and it showed I had a pericardial effusion, water around my heart. My Dr. thought it would be a good idea for me to wear a heart monitor and that showed a heart block. I'm just wondering if they are somthing that could be cause by eachother or just to random things happening to my heart at the same time?
type one heart block.

no they're not related.
ur heart is surrounded by a fibrous sac (pericardium) and if enough fluid leaks out into the sack, it can compress ur heart and keep it from pumping effectively.
u would get decreased cardiac output and subsequent symptoms.
the fluid needs to be drained.
there r different types of heart blocks. they r first degree, second degree type 1 and 2, and third degree.
a heart block is caused by electrical conduction problems in your heart.
second degree, type 2 and third degree heart blocks are not good.
did your doctor tell u what type of heart block u have?  (+ info)

I have 2 brain aneursyms and a left branch bundle block in my heart. How will I heal and will I?

The 2 aneursyms broke and I have clamps in them and I still have another on the right side of my brain they say they need to keep an eye on the rest of my life. And now I have to worry about my heart thing.

You may not heal, but you'll be able to continue your life, although you'll have to take it easy and probably be on medications for the rest of your life, and get frequent check ups. You may have to take blood thinners, start eating right, cut out cigarettes and alcohol, and do small exercises to keep yourself healthy. If you do these things, and get healthy and in shape, you could quite possibly have many years of a good life ahead of you. But if you don't, your risk for having more of these problems and symptoms from them would be through the roof. So looks like you should start on a healthy diet right away and cut out all cigarettes and alcohol (and illegal drugs if you do them...i'm not saying you do any of these things....only saying to quit them if you do).

Hope this helps
-monco  (+ info)

Is a heart block a one time occurrence or an actual chronic disorder in the heart?

And does it show up in an EKG immediately?


Heart block is a chronic disorder and may cause light-headedness, syncope (fainting), and palpitations.  (+ info)

Does atrioventricular dissociation lead to heart block?

Or is it actually a form of heart block?

Considering the fact that A-V dissociation is when the atria and ventricles beat independent of each other, it is not necessarily considered a heart block. A-V block, however, is considered by some as one form of A-V dissociation. It's worth looking into further.
A-V dissociation can be caused by either slowing of the sinus node (causing an escape beat) or acceleration of a ventricular or junctional pacemaker. A-V block definitely falls into the definition of A-V dissociation, but doesn't have the same pathophysiology. I think it would be safe to consider the two as separate entities. Therefore, let's throw A-V dissociation in a separate box, and keep heart blocks where they belong. Watch out, though. The EKG can lie.  (+ info)

How can a heart block effect my career?

what is morbitz type two second degree block and how will effect my military career
no pacemaker and i dont have much confidence in military dr's. I have recieded two different opinions from two different dr's one says i need more tests and not to do anything that will elevate my heart rate to much and the other say nah your fine...so i dont know what to do

I don't know, do you have a pacemaker?  (+ info)

Is it possible to fly around the world if i have HEART BLOCK?

i want to fly to see my family but I just realized I have Heart Block. Im afraid I`ll never see my family again. So please just ask your doctors about this question. If you are 100% sure about this answer just tell me. But please make sure you are right by asking your doctors this questions. Thanks

Well what degree heart block is it, has this been newly diagnosed and have you had treatment? Providing your Doctor says it's ok for you to fly, there is no issue. You need to go and check with him, we don't have your medical notes  (+ info)

I have been diagnosed with a right bundle branch block of the heart, what can I do to reverse this?

Please give me some feedback on this, I know it's not that serious. I have been on medication in the past, and I wonder if that would cause this?. What can I do to stay healthy, and ultimately try to recover from this?

There is no way to reverse a bundle branch block. It simply means you have a delay in the electrical conduction to the right ventricle of your heart for some reason. It was not likely caused by medication, you could have been born with an incomplete block and it's just not been diagnosed until now. You can only detect it on an EKG, it doesn't make noise like a murmur- so docs can't hear it when they listen to your heart. To stay healthy, all you have to do is follow the same recommendations as everyone else to lower your risk of cardiovascular problems. That is, eat a low fat diet, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and lead an overall low stress, sensible lifestyle. You will not "recover" from a bundle branch block. It will likely stay stable, that is, it won't do anything one way or another, for your entire life. It will need periodic monitoring, a simple EKG once a year is enough to monitor it, just to ensure it doesn't lead to something else. Even if it does become symptomatic, as long as the heart tissue itself is healthy, it can be handled with a pacemaker. The person to best explain all this to you is your cardiologist or personal physician. You will feel a lot better if you get the scoop from the experts, and then you can ask these questions to a live warm body and get the answers you need in person. I encourage you to do this, although you will be told exactly what I've said here- it's always best to get the advice from the folks with the diplomas to back them.  (+ info)

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