FAQ - Hematoma, Epidural, Cranial
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Can you give yourself a epidural hematoma or subdural hematoma?

I have OCD/ADD and and after hearing about Nastasha Richardson I am a little scared about it. I do jerk and shake my head cuz of my OCD/ADD alot and give myself a headache. Let me know!

Hematomas require that blood vessels be ruptured. A severe blow to the head can cause this to happen.

The brain has a number of protective mechanisms that prevent cranial blood vessels from being damaged. Your brain is surrounded by a liquid cushion of fluid and is held in place by strong tissues to prevent excessive movement.

Even the strongest shake by your own muscles are far, far below the amount of force required to rupture any blood vessels in your brain. A very strong blow from an outside source such as a baseball bat or crashing into something while skiing is required to produce the kind of damage necessary for a hematoma in your head. You are perfectly safe.  (+ info)

What is more severe, subdural hematoma or epidural hematoma?

subdural hematoma is more likely to cause problems ,  (+ info)

help me to find specific nursing diagnosis for coma secondary to epidural hematoma?

Apply your prioritization! Think of your ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation) or the Maslows Hierarchy of needs, so you will be able to formulate a nursing diagnosis.  (+ info)

Can epidural hematoma lead to cerebral hypoxia?

Not hypoxia as much as herniation and death. Epidural bleeds aren't in contact with brain tissue, unlike subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage (both of which can cause vasospasm-->hypoxia and ischemia).  (+ info)

nursing care plan for coma secondary to epidural hematoma?

Epidural hematoma
This is bleeding above the dura mater (between the periosteal lining of the skull and dura mater)
Bleeding is usually caused by arterial bleeding from a torn middle meningeal artery. It is often associated with a fracture of the temporal bone. The clot presses on the brain and this can cause rapid herniation and death.

Nursing management of Comatose patient with an epidural hematoma: :
1.) Monitor LOC using the Glasgow scale or some other objective scale.
2.) Assess motor responses bilaterally, check for positive Babinski
3.) Assess for decreased sensory response bilaterally but with special emphases on the side
opposite the injury.
4.) Monitor pupillary dilation and response to light. Note precisely the size of the pupils in mm
Notify the physician immediately if dilation of pupils occurs.
5.) Monitor vital signs. Notify physician if any deviation from parameters.
6.) Provide nursing measures related to respiratory care. That would include suctioning, doing
blood gases, monitoring ventilator settings, providing O2 therapy.
7.) Maintain fluid restriction. These patients need to be kept a little dry to help control ICP.
8.) Position the patient to maintain venous outflow from the brain. Elevate the HOB to 30
degrees (except for a dural tear). Do not put a pillow under the head as it may flex the head
forward and could impede venous outflow. Turn by logrolling every 1 - 2 hours.
9.) Administer prescribed medications. (will be discussed later)
10.) Control noise and stimulation from the environment. It is very important to separate stimuli
such as turning, bathing, suctioning, injection, dressing changes, and changing the bed. Allow
a rest period between each activity as the continued stimuli will cause the ICP to rise.
11). Maintain a desired temperature range either with the use of antipyretics or a hypothermia
blanket. If the patient has a hypothalamic injury, the fever will not respond to antipyretics
so a hypothermia blanket will be necessary.
12.) Provide nursing care to prevent complications such as damage to the eyes, skin, or oral
mucous membranes.
13. Provide emotional support to the family. Allow them to spend as much time as possible with the patient. Involve them in the care of the patient if they wish to participate. Always encourage them to talk to and touch the patient. Answer questions for them when possible or refer them to the MD

14) ICP monitoring device-Monitor ICP via the Epidural catheter if present. EC is a transducer that is placed between the skull and the dura, leaving the
dura intact. A similar device is the subdural catheter - a transducer that is placed under the dura mater.

Nursing management
The facility will have protocols for the management of these pressure monitors. The main thing that must be observed is if the waveform becomes dampened which indicates the device is not functioning. If after trouble shooting the device (IE. balancing and checking the transducers placement) the wave continues dampened, the nurse should notify the physician

Severely head injured patients or anyone developing increased intracranial pressure will be intubated and placed on controlled hyperventilation with a ventilator.
Hyperventilation is basic to the treatment of these cases because it is very effective in reducing cerebral blood flow, and thus reducing ICP
Additional measures would be:
1. Maintain PaO2 at 100 mmHg on ventilator
2. Maintain PaCO2 at 27 to 30 (norm 35 to 45 mmHg)
3. Keep sedated
4. Use relaxants as necessary  (+ info)

Epidural Hematoma Help Please?

My 13year old nephew had a epidural hemotoma and had surgery they had to remove the clot and put a plate in his head. What things is he my suceptible to is he more prone to seizures or what things do we have to be on the lookout for in the future. He just had surgery 3 days ago could he start bleeding again? He goes back to dr next week but we are just curious what dr will say.

really depends on if brain damage occurred before the surgery  (+ info)

About: Epidural Hematoma (blood clot on the brain)?

"My friend" about six year ago had a Epidural Hematoma (blood clot on the brain), in the left side of his head/brain. It happened in upper front of the ear. I believe it affected the: temporo lobe, periental lobe, and a little of the frontal lobe. My question now is: Is it fine for him to smoke marijuana? If you have had an Epidural Hematoma is it okay to still smoke marijuana? I know it's not okay to drink alcohol because of seizures , but does marijuana have any bad impact apart from that it is bad for you?

I think marijuana can increase intracranial pressure and cause premature atherosclerosis of the brain just like tobacco can.  (+ info)

Do I have an epidural hematoma? Please answer I'm worried?

Hi y'all. So my brother threw a bar of soap at my head, hard. It hit me right in the middle of the forehead. Would this be enough pressure to give me a hematoma? Or not? Haha sorry guys, I'm just a little worried. Muchas gracias in advance

-Katie :)

Seeing that it's not traumatic injury to your brain stem and you're still conscience, you're fine. Yeah, you might get a hematoma (i.e. a bruise and possibly a bump) but I wouldn't worry too much.  (+ info)

Epidural Hematoma Questions?

My 13year old nephew had a epidural hemotoma and had surgery they had to remove the clot and put a plate in his head. What things is he my suceptible to is he more prone to seizures or what things do we have to be on the lookout for in the future. He just had surgery 3 days ago could he start bleeding again? He goes back to dr next week but we are just curious what dr will say.
skate boarding accident

The doc may put him on anti-seizure meds just as a precaution (since he had head trauma). How did he get the hematoma? Does he have a medical condition?  (+ info)

what is epidural hematoma?

The meninges are three layers of connective tissue membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The outermost memberane of the meninges is the dura mater. An epidural hematoma is a collection of blood pertaining to above the dura mater.  (+ info)

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