FAQ - Hepatit C
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How long before having a repeat c-section are you supposed to cut off eating?

My family is having a Thanksgiving meal the day before my c-section and I was wondering if I would be able to eat anything or if I should make them eat earlier. My c-section is at 2 pm on November 30th.

go ahead and eat as much as you want, and enjoy it. after that baby comes you wont have a lot of time to sit and enjoy a meal. since it's the day before as well you should have plenty of time for it to digest. enjoy it mama.  (+ info)

How soon after a c-section do you start feeling better?

I'm going on five weeks and I still feel very uncomfortable and have a bit of pain and pressure on my incision. My friends tell me everyone is different. I had an emergency c-section due to my placenta rupturing and my body took a beating.

My incision still is a lil painful and there is still a little pressure ecspecially when I wear jeans and it has been 3 1/2 months, so I think that is normal. Other than my incision aching occasionally I felt great around my 6-8 week mark.  (+ info)

How effective is Vitamin C and zinc in producing higher quality sperm?

My husband was tested recently. His prostate, etc, is perfectly healthy, but his sperm count is very low and the few that he produces are very slow. The urologist suggested he take high doses of Vitamin C and zinc for three months and then get retested. We would like to know if these supplements actually do make a great difference? What is the prognosis in such a case? Will we be able to have children eventually?

Eat foods and/or whole food supplements that are naturally rich in folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc.

Folate, selenium, and zinc are particularly important to producing healthy sperm. Vitamins C and E are thought to protect sperm against damage by the environmental stressors listed in the next section.
  (+ info)

How long can Hepatitis C virus survive outside of the body at freezing temperatures?

For example: How long would or could the Hep. C virus survive outside of the body in dried blood on pavement with overnight temperatures reaching below freezing? All I could find was the length it lives at room temperature, but what about below room temperature or above? Does anyone know of any research on this?

If one would take the example given on FFP (fresh frozen plasma) and apply it here, it's feasible to assume that hcv is relatively unstable when storing at room temperature or at repeated freezing and thawing.

I would go by the addage that the same 4 day rule applies (give it 5 for safe measure) that after that 4th or 5th day HCV is deactivated and no longer transmitted.

The 4 day rule applies to dried hcv infectious blood under normal warmer temperatures- any of those particles, if they came into contact with your bloodstream- could transmit in up to 4 days.
I'm repeating this info because this is what is definately understood in the medical community or those with HCV who have previously asked their doctor.  (+ info)

Can someone who was previously infected with acute hepatitis C but has been cleared of it still infect others?

"The other 15% of hepatitis C virus infected individuals simply have an acute infection; that is, one that resolves spontaneously in a few weeks or months".
Is there still a possibility of someone who fits the above description, to infect their spouse with hepatitis C?

Hep C is super, super hard to transmit.
If your Hep C is cleared, that means you have NO active viral particles in your blood. That is good!
Even if you have chronic positive, it is still hard to transmit, for example, my husband's mother has had it since before he was even born. He does not have it, and his dad does not have it. So, you see it does not transmit so easily.
I would not be freaking out at this point at all.  (+ info)

What is the difference between synthetic and natural vitamin c?

Wondering about the bioavailability regarding vitamin c from natural or sythetic sources. I am specifically looking for studies or scientific proof of the negative effects of sythetic vitamins and specifically vitamin c.

Vitamins are made up of several different components enzymes, co-enzymes, and co-factors– that must work together to produce their intended biologic effects.Vitamins that are found naturally in whole foods come with all of their necessary components.The majority of vitamins that are sold in pharmacies, grocery stores, and vitamin shops are synthetic vitamins, which are only isolated portions of the vitamins that occur naturally in food.  (+ info)

how do you use vitamin c powder, vitamin e oil, or vinegar powder as a natural preservative?

How much of these individually or together would you use in a recipe to preserve cookies? I plan on baking my famous cookies to sell on ebay and locally. I hear people sometimes use vingegar powder to preserve baked goods, I also heard that vitamin c powder and vitamin e oil as well as flax seed make good natural preservatives.

For around a 4 inch cookies, how much of these should I use to extend the shelf life of my homemade cookies?

You might be best off to use a vacuum sealer. There are some pretty cheap home versions available.  (+ info)

What is the difference between hepatitis c and hepatitis b?

What is the difference between hepatitis c and hepatitis b? And also can it be possible to have a false positive on a Hepatitis B test? My friend tested negative 4 months ago for it, but now she got a test again and it came back positive this time, but nothing has changed in her life. Same sex partner, no cheating, no drug use or anything. So she went back today to get another re-test, thinking that the positive test was a mistake. We won't find out the answers for a few days though. But basically the reason why she gets tested so often for this type of stuff is because she is trying to get pregnant with invitro, and they must test for all of these diseases before they will inseminate you with the fertilized egg.
Anyway, if she does really have Hepatitis B, why isn't she sick? And will she eventually get sick? And also, how long does it take to show up on a blood test before you do test positive for Hepatitis B, I mean can she have caught it a year ago, but it just now showed up?

The main difference is that they are caused by different viruses.  (+ info)

How does the measurement of a blood C peptide level help to determine the type of diabetes?

Occasionally an adult or child is diagnosed with diabetes who does not fit the stereotypical picture of the type of diabetes associated with their age group. How does the measurement of a blood C peptide level help to determine the type of diabetes?

C-peptide is only released when insulin is produced. Therefore, if C-peptide is not present, or is in low concentrations, doctors would, very likely, determine that the patient is suffering from type 1 diabetes. (In type 2 diabetes insulin is still produced, though is not readily used due to insulin resistance.)  (+ info)

Do Vitamin C really work to prevent illnesses and strengthen body's immune system?

I heard that consuming Vitamin C is pointless to maintain a healthy body, unless you are exposed to extreme conditions. Is it true? Then what are the other ways to prevent illnesses and strengthen body's immune system besides Vitamin C?

Taking extra vitamin C definitely boosts your immune system. You will get fewer colds and when you do they will be less severe.

Although you can easily get at least 50 mg of vitamin C from a normal diet, taking extra vitamin C is much better. 500 mg a day would be a useful amount. More vitamin C also helps to absorb more iron.

Garlic is another immune system booster.  (+ info)

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