FAQ - Hepatit C
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How long do I have to wait after a c section to try for a natural birth?

I really wanted to have my baby vaginally, but I went through 35+ hours of labor and ended up with a c section...I've heard you have to wait 18 months afterwards so you can safely try to naturally deliver...I just want to know if anyone else has had a different experience.

Good for you! YES, you CAN have a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) and don't listen to anyone who tells you different, ESPECIALLY the doctors. I have delivered many babies for women who have had one OR MORE cesareans. In fact, one lady had three cesareans and went on to have two vaginal births. There are records of women who have had vaginal births following up to 7 cesareans. This however is pretty rare, and you would be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to help, so by all means go for a vaginal birth with your very next pregnancy.

Ok, here is the scoop on WHY all doctors and hospitals are now discouraging VBAC. It is NOT because of any increased risk (the risks are extremely small if: your incision was a low-transverse, double-layered sutures, and your next baby is due at least 18 months following your section.) The real reason is mal-practice insurance companies changed their policies on VBACS, making it mandatory (for insurance coverage) that hospitals have an anesthesiologist on-site when a VBAC mom is in labor (most hospitals had this already), and (this was the death-blow for VBAC's) that your obstetrician has to remain in the hospital with you the whole time you are in labor. OB's don't do this. They may drop in occasionally if their office is near, but generally they don't show up until you are pushing. Sit around and wait for hours and hours? When they could be playing golf, working in their office, or sleeping? I don't think so!

For years doctors were encouraging VBAC's for pregnant women. At first they were cautious and pretty much let nature take its course. VBAC's became common-place. With it's proven track record for safety (and lets remember that c-sections are not risk-free), doctors forgot the very slight increased risks and got impatient. Doctors started using more and more interventions on these laboring moms, things that increased the risk of uterine rupture, like inducing with pitocin, or even worse, Cytotec, augmenting labor with drugs, using forceps or vacuum extraction, etc. These are the no-no's that someone with any uterine scar needs to avoid.

VBAC's did not suddenly become riskier than they had been, doctors just started doing some things that increased risks, things that increase risks with all births. For example, if a pregnant woman who has never had a c-section is induced with the drug Cytotec she is much more likely to have a uterine rupture than a woman who has had a cesarean but who labors naturally.

Your only problem will be finding a caregiver and support for your decison. I would do some serious reading NOW, not when you get pregnant again. Find out what your alternatives are now. I will list some resources.

Good luck!

Claudine, CPM, LM  (+ info)

when can you really start dieting and exercising after c section?

had my 3rd c section 3 weeks ago. when can i start dieting and exercising?

If you are breastfeeding, you should not diet in order to provide yourself and the baby with enough nutrition. If you are not BF then you can diet right away, BUT you still need to eat as healthy as possible because you are essentially recoevering from surgery. Your body needs proper nutrition with LOTS of protein to help rebuild/repair muscle.

You should wait for you DR to OK exercise, but you also know your own body. If you feel up to it you can (and should) begin walking. As a nurse, they train us to get people walking very soon after surgery. It prevents blood clots and gets your systems (esp: intestinal) going. Work up from there, but don't go crazy. Even when the outside is healed, it takes even longer for the muscle to completely heal.  (+ info)

How long does it take stitches to heal after c section?

I had a c section 5 and a half weeks ago and my sutures seem like in certain areas is poping open, can that happen? It is also burning some times, but is not red or hot!

They left stitches in for 5 weeks? Seems like a long time to me. I had staples and they took them out 18 hours after my surgery and replaced them with Steri-strips. Within two weeks I was probably 90% healed and didn't have much pain. I know I didn't have burning at 6 weeks though. I would go to the doc and double check that nothing serious is going on. Better safe than sorry! :) Good luck!  (+ info)

How lost does vitamin C last in your system?

I'm experiencing the beginnings of a severe cold and I bought some vitamin C tablets to take. Does anyone know how long vitamin C lasts in your system, because I heard it wasn't very long.

Vitamin C is eliminated from your body every day as it is water soluble. The best strategy is to take vitamin C two or three times a day as that is far more effective than taking the total amount once a day. If you only take it once a day there is nothing left for later on towards the end of the day.  (+ info)

How difficult was it to care for your older children after a c-section?

I have a 20 month old son and a baby due next week. I have a c-section scheduled. My first was delivered by c-section and I remember the recovery being very difficult and I couldn't lift things. I am worried about not being able to lift my older son and just the general difficulties of caring for 2 kids after surgery.

Anyone out there with experience, encouragement or advice?

I would think it would be hard with another toddler age child, but my daughter was 9 when i had my son and she was really Lot of help, always standing ready to do anything i needed, i never even had a chance to ask it was so cute lol . if i would move she was right there asking what i needed,,,,what was funny though was she told me," mom, id go pee for you if i could" when i had to make one of my many trips to the potty lol.  (+ info)

What is the role of a pathologist in a c section?

I recently had a c section and i received a bill summary from a pathologist. Does anyone know what this is for? Just curious! Thanks.

Basically this is all I found:
Unless specifically exempted, all material surgically obtained, e.g. tissue, calculi or foreign bodies, from patients at this institution must be examined by the Department of Pathology

Criteria for laboratory examination of a placenta resulting from a cesarean section are the same as those for normal delivery. These specimens should not routinely be submitted to the laboratory based solely on derivation from cesarean section.

The physician performing the cesarean section or vaginal delivery should determine disposition of these specimens in accordance with the following suggested guidelines:

Indications for Placental Pathology Requests


Severe preeclampsia
Rh isoimmunization
Insulin dependent diabetes
Prematurity (less than 34 weeks)
Substance abuse
Severe oligohydramnios
Hx of active herpes during pregnancy

Vasa previa
Amnion nodosum
True knot in cord
Abnormal prenatal sono

Multiple gestation
Congenital anomalies
Fetal distress
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Meconium staining
Low apgar score (less than 6 at 5 minutes)
Suspected sepsis
IUGR-BW (10th percentile)
Neurologic signs
PLUS: Any case with unusual or abnormal clinical circumstances or with an abnormal appearance of the placenta or cord.  (+ info)

What are some emergency contraception options for people with protein C deficiency?

Is the morning after pill safe for protein C deficient people? If not, what is?

I'm not sure. However, if it's hormone interaction you're worried about, then you may be interested in having a copper IUD inserted. For up to 5 days after an unprotected incident, having one put in place will act as emergency contraception and has a success rate of (I believe) 99.9%. As a bonus, it will continue to function as birth control for up to 12 years after insertion (some people say 10, but it has been proven effective for 12), and can be removed at any time.  (+ info)

How long after a D&C did it take you to get pregnant?! Are you more fertile after?

I'm scheduled for a D&C next week. The baby didn't develop past 6 weeks and I should be at 10. This would be our 2nd child. My OB-GYN said that after the D&C, I should have two normal periods and then start trying again. I was wondering, after those two normal periods, how long did it take you to conceive? I heard you are more fertile after (since there is no scar tissue left on your uterine wall) - is this true? Any insight would be great. Thank you!

Hayden's Mommy, again, very sorry for your loss.

I miscarried my third baby. My husband and I didn't start trying again right away (I'm an educator and hate to admit it, but was trying to "time" the birth for June.) I miscarried and had a D&C in Nov. 2006 and conceived again pretty much as soon as we started trying again in Sept. 2007. Thankfully I had another healthy baby boy in June 2008.

((((HUGS))))  (+ info)

How long did you wait to have sex after d&c procedure due to an early missed miscarriage?

How long did you wait to have sex after d&c procedure due to an early missed miscarriage? My doctor never said anything except don't use tampons for 2 weeks. So, I assume I should wait two weeks but how long did you actually wait? Thanks in advance.

i had a miscarriage on march 14 they told me to wait 6 weeks but i didnt. more like 2. i was getting fustrated cause i wanted to get pregnant asap. well on june 28 i found out im 7 weeks pregnant. also it depends on how you feel when you have sex it could hurt or maybe not it didnt for me i only bleed for like 3 days and that was it hope it helps  (+ info)

What can of work can a person get with hepaitis c or liver problems?

My son was told by a test he had while he was being seen because he had been very ill and had to go to the emg. in the hosiptal, that he had hepaitis c and my have some liver damage.
Yes I mean what kind of job,because my son has lost a lot of jobs because of getting ill a lot.

A person with Hepatitis C (HCV) can get any type of job he is qualified for. There is no job that someone with HCV is precluded from. Most people with HCV live & work normally while dealing with the fatigue of hep c.
Best wishes.  (+ info)

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