FAQ - Hepatit C
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How can a person get Heptitus C and does it effect people differently?

I have met a few people with Hep-C. One seems to be living a normal life and has no health problems. The other is very sick and is not expected to live much longer. Does Hepititus C have "carriers" and those that are actually sick from it?

yes, there seems to be those who are carriers. they carry the antibodies for the virus.

however, i was dubbed a carrier and none of my symptoms went away. come to find out, i was chronic and active.

a person can have chronic active hcv and claim to have no symptoms while others who are dubbed carriers can have symptoms and vice versa.

many folks who have hcv claim they have no symptoms, yet when asked about illnesses and diagnoses prior to knowing about their hcv status, 8 out of 10 folks i've spoken with have had diseases associated with hcv. they are called "bi-directional diseases". had they not have hcv, they problably wouldn't of had other diseases like skin disorders or depression.

(this is why i do not believe in self treating hcv with herbs or other methods because other diseases can be aggrivated by this type of treatment and can cause more harm than good). hcv is very complex. it is not just a liver disease. it uses the liver as a host, yet hcv is found in all organs and tissues.)

so it is really up to each individual and how their body reacts to hcv.  (+ info)

After a scheduled c-section, How long do you have to wait before you're allowed to eat?

I remember not being allowed to eat for a long time after my emergency c-section. Is it any different with a scheduled one?

the gave me apple juice and strawberry jello the first day. I actually think that I ate some real food that night too but I can't really remember. My scheduled csection was at 7am so I think I ate food at dinnertime.  (+ info)

What is Vitamin C? What is the vitamin that helps absorb calcium and whats a good multivitamin brand?

is Vitamin C, Calcium??
What is that one vitamin called that helps you absorb the Calcium into your bones?
What is a good multivitamin that has lots of Calcium.. hopefully chewable and is kinda cheap? Like i could find it at Wal Mart?

I think you may be thinking of Vitamin D, not vitamin C.

Centrum usually has a wide variety of products that cater to age and nutrition goals. They have men's and women's only vitamins as well as general health supplements.

You may also want to invest in Caltrate if you feel you are not getting enough calcium through your diet and additional supplements.  (+ info)

How long after c-section can i start exercising?

Its been 7 weeks since my c-section and i want to start exercising. I know at this point i can walk and lift light weights but when can i start jogging and sit ups?? I have an apt with my OB in a week and a half so i will double check with her. But i just wanted some public advice for the moment. Thanks!!

I wouldn't jump right back into jogging. Try walking at a quick-pace in the beginning. Do not do sit-ups until you have been to the doc and given a green light. Why risk it!  (+ info)

What is the earliest you can safely start walking after a c-section?

I know after a c-section you are told to walk and they make you in the hospital. I know some hospitals do it at 24 hours, but when could I get up and start sooner without risking a problem? I want to start the healing process as soon as possible.

You can do it as soon as you feel ready and the anesthesia has worn off and you have good pain control. The standard at my hospital is to at least get you sitting at the edge of the bed and standing briefly once within 6 hours of surgery (if all was normal). You could be up walking between 6-12 hours for the first time. By 24 hours at the latest you should be up and walking and have your catheter out and using the toilet.

The more you walk the better, but there can be a point where you simply wear youself out and your pain could be worse. So take it easy. By day two after surgery you should be walking to the bathroom and back and walking in the hallways at least 4 times.

The sooner you get up and moving the more quickly you will heal, despite the temptation to lie around because you just had surgery / had a baby. Women who lie around and don't move end up with more complications, slower healing, worse gas pain and sluggish digestion / constipation.  (+ info)

What's the difference between 'fresh' & 'longlife' juice, in terms on the amount of Vitamin C?

Hey, i did a titration to discover how much Vitamin C was in an ornage juice and an apple juice.

It was found that the apple juice had more Vitamin C than the orange juice, which was correct.

However normally orange juice has more...

My teacher told me to discuss the juice comparison of a longlife juice (apple), and a fresh juice (orange), and how the affect the amount of Vitamin C in the juice itself.

Can you please explain what the difference is, and how the Vitamin C content is impacted? I can't find anything...

apples have more. you press apples and squeeze oranges.
its so obvious!  (+ info)

Is getting vitamin C injections good for health and mainly skin? Does it really make the skin flawless?

I'm thinking of getting vitamin C injections to make my skin (mainly face) look less fatigue and more energetic and lively.

That's a new one to me! Have you thought of actually ingesting the vitamin and/or taking a good multi-vitamin, eating right (lots of salads, fruits, and veggies) and of course, getting a good night's sleep (8 hours). Also, don't smoke and drink to excess, wear moisturizer and sun block.  (+ info)

At what temperature will the Hepatitis C virus be inactivated?

I would like to disinfect utensils and dishes that are used by persons who have hepatitis C, perhaps using a dishwasher. Bleach has been said to be an effective way of killing the virus, but this is impractical for dishes and eating utensils. Is it possible at temperatures reachable by a dishwasher to inactivate the hepatitis C virus?
But if a person were to bleed just a bit onto utensils or dishes, that would be a big risk. Hence, back to my original question.

Relax. The first answer was correct. You can not get hepatitis C that way. It is not transmitted by saliva or by casual contact. You can not get hepatitis C by sharing eating utensils, dishes, or drinking glasses, and you can not get it from any other casual contact. Hepatitis C is transmitted by infected blood. You would need to get infected blood INTO your bloodstream through a bleeding wound or a needle stick. (It is most commonly transmitted by sharing needles for drug use.)

The only precautions you need to take when living with someone who has hepatitis C are: Do not share razors or toothbrushes with people who have Hep C, as these items could have blood on them, and the virus could stay alive on them for up to 4 days. Also, when helping someone who has hepatitis C deal with a bleeding injury, always wear gloves.

As I said above, you can not get hepatitis C from sharing eating utensils, dishes, or drinking glasses, or by kissing, or by casual contact. It is not transmitted by saliva. It is only transmitted by blood.  (+ info)

How long after a C-section did you no longer feel any sensation near the scar?

It's been 6 mos since my c-section and the scar still has a mild pulling feeling, it's itchy sometimes and has just general annoying sensations. When does this end? Also what causes that flap of flab to form above the scar?

I'm a surgical technician....I know that sometimes when you are sutured it kills some of the nerve endings around the wound site. It's fairly normal to lose some sensation in or near the scar site, that's just part of the beauty of child birth.

The "flap of flab" usually is worse when the Dr doesn't spend too much time on the asthetics part of the closure. Most of the Drs here where I live just leave us to do the closure usually. Depends on the skill of the person doing the closure also, plus if you gained more weight w/ your baby obviously the flap will be more "flappy" (for lack of a better term) my youngest is 11 and I still have a little flabby tummy.....even w/ exercising it's just there to stay. Sorry if this sux...just telling what I know...lol  (+ info)

How long after your c-section did you get a period after your bleeding stopped?

It's been 9 weeks since I had my c-section. I bled for like 2 weeks afterwards. Then It stopped for a couple days and I bled again. I'm wondering if that was my period. I havn't had any bleeding since then. I had sex with a condom but I'm totaly freaking out that I could be pregnany again because I don't think I've had a period. Help?

i think i got mine within 6 weeks after my c section but i think it does vary but u shouldnt be pregnant again if u used protection but after u have had a baby for the first 3 months is the easiest time to get pregnant but i dont think u are !! by the way ur period will be late sometimes for a far few months well thats what happenend to me after like 5 months and i was freaking out lol but just be careful and if the problem persist i recommend go to a female doctor and have a full check up blood work and everything just to see where ur hormones are at and to check ur vitamins ect k good luck xo  (+ info)

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