FAQ - Hernia, Hiatal
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I have a hiatal hernia and the Doc told me?

He said I should get 6 inch blocks to put under the head of my bed. Where in the world can I find these blocks? None of my friends know.. Thanks!
He said it was to control the symptoms of reflux. If my head was up 6 more inches, the acid would not come up in my throat.

Hiatus hernia is a protrusion of the stomach through the diaphragmatic hiatus. Most hernias are asymptomatic, but an increased incidence of acid reflux may lead to symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Diagnosis is by barium swallow. Treatment is directed at symptoms of GERD if present.

A variety of lifestyle changes can help ease the gastroesophageal reflux that may accompany a hiatal hernia. Some or all of the following measures may help:
* Eat small meals. Large meals can distend your stomach, pushing it into your chest.
* Avoid problem foods and alcohol. Try to avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, onions, spicy foods, spearmint and peppermint — all of which increase production of stomach acid and relax the lower esophageal sphincter. Even decaffeinated coffee can be irritating to an inflamed esophageal lining. Also try to limit citrus fruits and tomato-based foods. They're acidic and can irritate an inflamed esophagus.
* Limit fatty foods. Fatty foods relax the lower esophageal sphincter and slow stomach emptying, which increases the amount of time that acid can back up into your esophagus.
* Sit up after you eat. Wait at least three hours before going to bed or taking a nap. By then, most of the food in your stomach will have emptied into your small intestine, so it can't flow back into your esophagus. Eating a bedtime snack stimulates acid formation and further aggravates acid reflux.
* Don't exercise immediately after eating. Try to wait at least two to three hours before you engage in any strenuous activity. Low-key exercise, such as walking, is fine.
* Lose weight. If you're overweight, slimming down helps reduce the pressure on your stomach. This may well be the most important thing you can do to relieve your symptoms.
* Stop smoking. Smoking increases acid reflux and dries your saliva. Saliva helps protect your esophagus from stomach acid.
* Avoid certain medications, if possible. Medications to avoid include calcium channel blockers; the antibiotic tetracycline; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium; quinidine; theophylline; sedatives and tranquilizers; and alendronate. If you take any of these medications and have heartburn, talk to your doctor. You may be able to take other drugs instead.
* Elevate the head of your bed. If you elevate the head of your bed six to nine inches, gravity will help prevent stomach acid from moving up into your esophagus as you sleep. Using a foam wedge to raise your mattress also may help. Don't try to use pillows, which tend to increase pressure on your abdomen.
* Avoid tightfitting clothes. They put pressure on your stomach.
* Take time to relax. When you're under stress, digestion slows, which makes GERD symptoms worse. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga may help reduce acid reflux.

Anti-reflux surgery is surgery to correct a problem with the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus (the tube from your mouth to the stomach). Problems with these muscles allow gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) to happen.
This surgery can also repair a hiatal hernia.  (+ info)

I have a hiatal hernia should I get it surgically repaired?

I do jiu-jitsu and various martial arts and sometimes it bothers me. Sometimes I feel like its pushing up on my lungs and messing with my cardio. The acid reflux is the worst part of it though.

The hernia will be fixed permantly with surgery. Allowing you to continue on with your activities without pain, discomfort or as bad reflux. They can fix your reflux totally by a fundoplication at the same time.

If you don't vet it repaired it will not go away and heal. And with your sports there is a very real chance it will only get worse.  (+ info)

What alcohol is suitable to drink when you have a hiatal hernia?

NONE. Alcohol is an irritant to your stomach. When you have a small cut and you pour rubbing alcohol it burns doesn't it . Well alcohol hurts your belly too. In face doctors recommend:

Raising the head of the bed four to six inches
Avoiding alcohol, chocolate and caffeine
Avoiding overeating
Eating or drinking nothing two to three hours before bed
Avoiding greasy, fatty foods
Losing weight

So unless you want to continue to have problems the best alcohol is NONE  (+ info)

Anyone have Barrett's Esophagus and a Hiatal Hernia?

I just found out I have Barrett's esophagus from 28 yrs of acid reflux. I was on every RX and OTC medication there has been, but meds no longer work, and I can't eat that many foods without acid reflux. I recently saw a specialist, and am going to have a hiatal hernia repaired where they will stitch the opening of the stomach to keep acid from coming into my esophagus. He said, they would pull my stomach back down into place. Can someone please tell me how your stories of Barrett's and if you have been treated for a hiatal hernia. I was told that I will need to be monitored every so often to make sure the erosion doesn't turn to cancer, and that it was slim that it would. Any information, is appreciated, and what to expect for a few months after the hiatal hernia. How was your recovery, any problems? Bless you for sharing with me.
I am a 53 yr old female.

I worked for a gastro for over 13 years and assisted with endoscopy. We saw many Barrett's esohagus cases and hiatal hernia. Yours must be bad to warrant a hernia repair. But it does work. We followed up every few months on all our Barrett's patients. Out of the many that we had, we had one that went cancerous and after surgery, he did well. That was 8 years ago and he is still alive and well. I don't work there anymore but keep up with what is going on and our old patients so I know he is doing great. Just make sure you follow up faithfully. The hernia repairs that our patients had went smoothly. Most people were up and going within 24 hours of surgery. They said they could eat whatever they wanted and suffered no reflux at all. Good luck with your surgery. You will do well.  (+ info)

Suggest foods for a grandma with hiatal hernia.?

My grandma has hiatal hernia, diabetes, thyroid and peptic ulcers as well. She's also not in good shape. I'd like to help her out. Can you suggest any good foods for her and what about exercise?

The treatment for hiatal hernias is focused on diet and surgery is rarely necessary. Doctors recommend restricting your intake of spicy and acidic foods and beverages, caffeinated beverages, and chocolate; elevating your head when lying down to prevent gastroesophageal reflux; remaining in an upright position after eating; and using antacids and acid-reducing medications. Patients with hiatal hernias find that symptoms are reduced if they eat frequent small meals throughout the day

Exact foods would depend on her particular likes and dislikes

As far as exercise goes, it also depends on her limitations/abilities.....anything that gets her moving is good,  (+ info)

What is the medical term for a Hiatal Hernia on the right side?

Dr told me that it is rare
The Dr told me 3 words together to describe what it was called and he said that he had only read about Hiatal Hernia on the right side in medical textbooks and that it is rare and normally on the left.

There isn't a single name. The repair is done the same.   (+ info)

Need help to cure hiatal hernia with nature cure?

I am diagnosed with hiatal hernia and stomach ulcer and my GP prescribed me Nexium 40 mg per day. I wonder it is not working and symptoms getting worse

Since yesterday morning, I have difficulty in breathing and pain in upper right chest part.

Cud anybody please advise natural treatment/cure about hiatal hernia?

I will really appreciate your help.

One of the best articles I have seen regarding a hiatal hernia and the cures can be found from CureZone here:


Besides the lifestyle changes and exercises recommended from the site above, you can drink Caraway tea. It really helps.

Make a tea of 1 tsp. of Caraway seeds and 8 ounces of boiling water. Let steep for 8 to 10 minutes, and drink after meals.

As far as stomach ulcers, I found a wonderful article from eHow on stomach ulcers. I used to have ulcers myself, and most of these remedies really do help.

Here is the link to the article:


1. Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly juices. A healthy raw food diet is the most important ingredient in natural remedies, particularly those effecting digestion. It is important that you eat foods that your body can easily digest, ensuring that you receive all of the vitamins and minerals your body need to maintain balance.

2. Limit the triggers that cause hyperacidity in the stomach to prevent and soothe stomach ulcers. Things such as spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, tobacco and overeating can increase the levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, causing and worsening peptic ulcers.

3. Eat bananas, one of Mother Earth's best natural remedies for stomach ulcers. Bananas neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, reducing the painful symptoms of peptic ulcers. Eat two bananas with a glass of milk three times a day to soothe acid reflux and prevent further aggravation.

4. Make an infusion of wood apple leaves to relieve pain and discomfort caused by stomach ulcers. Soak 15g of wood apple leaves in 250 ml of water overnight. The next morning, strain the leaves from the water and drink.

5. Drink fenugreek tea twice a day to protect the lining of the stomach and intestines. Fenugreek seeds, used in many natural remedies, are highly mucilaginous and will coat the stomach and intestines as they pass through your body, both preventing and soothing stomach ulcers. Boil one cup of water and remove from heat. Add 1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds, allowing to steep for 5 minutes before straining and drinking.

6.Reduce stress, which can trigger peptic ulcers. Get lots of gentle exercise to help relax and eliminate toxins from the body. Getting regular massage, practicing yoga, meditation or Tai Chi can all help reduce your stress and help prevent further problems from stomach ulcers.

Personally, I drank cabbage juice, aloe vera and chlorophyll (not all mixed together. Drank separately throughout the day.)

Most pharmacies carry chlorophyll and aloe vera. Juice the cabbage yourself using a juicer, and drink 4- 4oz. glasses a day. Here is an article from the Happy Juicer that explains this:


I hope this helps!


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I have a hiatal hernia and its really bothering me, what can i do at home to relieve my pain?

It feels as if someone is pinching my throat, and it feels like i have to burp.. i constantly burp but it doesn't relieve my pressure... what can i do to help easy the discomfort... also can you tell me what the procedure is that a doctor would do to help me? Like meds? surgery? what?

Your hiatal hernia is causing heartburn,
Take proper diet, if possible 5 to 6 small meals a day.
Avoid spicy, oily, fatty and deep fried stuffs.
Reduce caffeine and alcoholic drinks.
No to acid fruit juice and chocolate.
If you are obese cut down your weigh.
Exercise will definitely help, but not immediately after food.
If there is no improvement by 2 to 3 days consult a doctor.  (+ info)

I have a hiatal hernia, but I have to drink lots of coffee on my swing shifts. What can I do?

I cannot stay awake without coffee but the acid from my GERD is killing me. Sometimes I have to go in at 1:00am with little notice.

Nexium is a wonderful medicine.  (+ info)

Can a Hiatal Hernia give you arm numbness?

Was just curious, my mother's friend had one a few years ago and said that's what happened with it.


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