FAQ - Herpes Labialis
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How is it possible to contract herpes in one area and not both?

I was just wondering how can someone get genital herpes and not oral herpes or both if they have sexual intercourse and oral sex with a partner who is infected?

Different strains of the same virus. Kinda like there are a lot of different strains of the flue. That's how you can still get the flue after you had a flue shot. It was a strain you didn't get vaccinated for.  (+ info)

What are the chances of getting genital herpes from oral sex?

So people say that you can get genital herpes from having oral sex from someone who has cold sores.

What are the chances of getting genital herpes this way? Even if there is no sign of an outbreak?

Yes, you can get genital herpes from having oral sex from someone who has the cold sore virus.

The chances of getting genital herpes this way depend on 2 things:

1. If you already have the cold sore virus on your mouth yourself

2. If the person who is giving you oral sex has an active sore or not.

Eight out of ten people are infected with the oral herpes virus hsv-1 by adulthood. The vast majority of these people are unaware that they are infected, because only a few people actually suffer outbreaks of the virus - cold sores ot you and me.

If you are one of the eight out of ten who is already infected with hsv-1 orally, and you have had the virus for a while, more than a few months, your chances of catching hsv-1 genitally through receiving oral sex from someone else who gets cold sores is virtually nil.

This is because when you have had the virus a while you produce antibodies which protect you from another infection with the same virus.

It takes a few months for you to acquire this protection though - that is why they recommend leaving it 3-6 months after exposure to the virus before you get tested to see if you have caught it. They test for the antibodies in your blood, which don't show up until this point. Probably still a good idea to avoid oral sex when your partner has a cold sore, just to be on the safe side. However, the Herpes Viruses Association of the UK gives the following advice:

"If you and your partner have the same virus you will not reinfect each other - even on a different part of the body. So, if you have caught it genitally from your partner’s facial cold sores, he or she will not catch the virus back on the genitals."

If you do not already have oral herpes, you are at risk of catching it, and whether or not you catch it is a lottery whenever you have oral sex. You are more likely to catch it if you are a woman - where I live, up to 75% of new genital herpes infections in young women are acquired this way.

Oral hsv-1 - the virus that causes cold sores - is the most infectious form of herpes. It is infectious about 18% of the time in total - about 10% of the time when you have no symptoms. Since you cannot tell when someone is infectious, whether or not you catch it is partly your partner being aware of their own body and realising when they are starting with a cold sore or the virus is active, and partly luck.

For example, neither I nor my sister caught the oral herpes virus as children like most (80% of) people do. So we both caught genital herpes through oral sex with a partner with cold sores by the time we hit our mid twenties.

I caught genital herpes seven years into my relationship with my boyfriend. We were aware of the possibility of him spreading it to me, so he didn't give me oral sex very often and he was scrupulously careful to avoid giving it me when he had any symptom he thought might indicate the virus was active - a tingle on his lip etc. He did not have a cold sore at the time he transmitted it to me, and hadn't for months.

My sister caught genital herpes through oral sex four months into a new relationship. Again, her partner did not have a cold sore at the time - 70% of herpes infections are passed when symptoms are not present. My friend at college caught genital herpes from a guy she took home for a one night stand in freshers' week. They didn't have intercourse, he only gave her oral sex and he didn't have a cold sore.

Hope this info is useful.  (+ info)

How easy is it to contract genital herpes?

My current college roomate has genital herpes, and is taking 500mg of Valtrex daily. Is it possible for me to catch genital herpes from her without sexual contact?

it is very rare for you to contract genital herpes from your roommate. The only possible way is for her to sit on the toiled off-center and her sores would touch the seat and you immediately sit down in the exact spot which is very unlikely to happen! I actually got this from a Dr which said it would have to be within split seconds that you would sit on the toiled seat after her. It is so rare, that you should not be worried about contracting the genital herpes unless you have somekind of skin to skin or sexual contact with your roommate!
***Thanks**** Maybe I cleared up an issue!  (+ info)

How can herpes make you more susceptible of getting HIV?

This is for my knowledge because i do have herpes but i haven't seen an outbreak or probably noticed it and its an year I've been diagnosed with it. Now, i have had sex with a lot of women of unknown status and i don't know whether i have hsv1 in my genital area or hsv1 orally. So, Ive read that herpes makes a person more susceptible of getting HIV. How can this be possible through protected sex?

either if you have hsv-1 orally or genitally both can increase your chances of contracting HIV (if you have sexual contact with an infected HIV person)..

both cause open sores to appear on either your lips/mouth or genitals.. these open sores are like little cuts (openings) for the HIV virus to invade the body. Even with protection (condoms) the herpes virus can still spread regardless because condoms do not cover the genitals or all the sores that can appear.

hope ive helped =)

good luck!  (+ info)

How easily does having a cold sore pass on genital herpes to a partner?

I have a cold sore and i gave my boyfriend oral sex without letting the actual sore touch him. We then had unprotected sex. Will he get genital herpes from the fact that my saliva came in contact with his penis and will i in turn also develop the infection in my vagina as we had sex immediately afterwards? I freaked out after and made him have a shower, but didn't think of whether i was at risk at the time. Will this have prevented him from getting it? My bf has never had a cold sore and niehter of us have ever had genital herpes. I'm freaking out i don't want us to get herpes!

Yes, it's possible for you spread herpes to his genital area by giving him oral sex. And, yes, it's possible for you to become infected with the virus since you had unprotected sex with him afterwards.

Herpes is spread by DIRECT skin to skin contact. So, if you have him oral sex while you had a cold sore, it's possible he'll develop genital herpes.

And, if he does develop genital herpes from that, then it's possible for him to spread it to you during sex (protected or not - condoms are not 100% effective). You would then have cold sores and genital herpes.

Also, taking a shower won't prevent the virus from infecting him or you.

Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 causes both cold sores and genital herpes. Cold sores are usually caused by herpes simplex virus 1, while genital herpes are usually caused by herpes simplex virus 2.

I'd suggest you both wait and see if either of you develop an outbreak of genital herpes. If you don't see an outbreak then you might not have it. I'd also suggest you go and get tested in a few weeks. Herpes is usually diagnosed with a physical exam when the person is having an outbreak, but it can also be diagnosed with a blood test.

Good luck!  (+ info)

How does herpes affect the process of getting pregnant?

My fiance and I have decided that we may want to have children in the future. He has been diagnosed with genital herpes but I have avoided contracting the disease. What are the options for me to get pregnant without contracting herpes?

It does NOT affect your abilities when trying to get pregnant. Herpes doesn't mess around with the fertility, hormones, sperm or inside of the penis it's a contagious skin infection. If you don't have herpes he will have to be very careful not to ever have sex when he thinks he is getting or is has an out break in progress.
He should be taking antivirals, natural (ie Lysine) or medical (ie Valtrex) regularly. This will help to reduce his chances of him passing herpes to you, and he should get to know his symptoms so you can abstain from having sex.
If your hormone, fertility and uterus is normal and healthy then you may want to consider telling him to have his sperm levels checked out.  (+ info)

What happens when you get herpes in your eyes?

Is it easy to get herpes in the eyes if you have genital herpes? And if so what are the symptoms of herpes in the eyes?

Herpes in the eye (occular herpes) can cause blindness, especially if you are immuno compromised. If you have herpes (genital or oral- cold sores) and get a tingling around the eye, pain in the eye and sores see the dr urgently!  (+ info)

How do you know the difference between Genetal Herpes and Shingles?

I have both - both itchy and painful. I haven't had an outbreak for a VERY long time. I had shingles when I was 15 (a small patch on my stomach) and now it seems I might have them again. I have a small patch of liquid blisters on my very lower back (right hand side)... it accellerates faster than people say shingles does but the pain runs down my legs to my feet. This is uncommon with genetal herpes. I have heard of genetal herpes popping up around the thy and butt region. I'm a little confused. Can anyone help me out? Thank you!
Thanks for the answers guys :) I know shingles fairly well because it was very rare for me to have them in the first place. There isn't much a dr can do but give you pain medication. Thanks again.

Ok, first of all in anyway u need to se a doctor and he will tell you for sure.
But just to give you some information. Hepres And Varicella Zoster are very closely retated virus, they are forme the Herpes viridae family.
Shingles are the Varicella virus (yes the pox) that remain in ur nerves. They generally can be diagnosed because they run through dermatomes, that is the path the nerves show trough the skin. Theres a dermatome that goes fromm the butt to the foot., so it can be it. Genital herpes only appear in a small area and doesnt have the burning pain shingles have. You MUST pay attention o this and have it checked. Shingles are not tnormal in people as young as you and much more uncomon twice! un less they have another disease that can debilitate their imune system. Please go have a check up to make sure u dont have anoother problem.  (+ info)

How many ways can genital herpes be spread?

I am 25 and have genital herpes. I live with others in my household and am worried that they may contract the disease by using the same toilet facility. Is there any other way to get it other than sexual contact? How long does the virus live on surfaces like a toilet seat or things other than genitalia? Should I be worried about my family and housemates getting it from me, even though we do not have sexual contact? If possible please state your source and if you are from a medical background. Please be serious, I really need help and answers. Thanks!

Both herpes simplex virus-1 and virus-2 may be transmitted through sex, or by kissing or touching any affected area. A condom can prevent herpes transmission during vaginal or anal sex, but oral contact with genitals or open sores anywhere can spread the disease. Washing hands can also minimize transmission.
Please note that if herpes simplex virus is spread to the eyes, it is highly dangerous. Virus STDs can not be cured. During pregnancy, girls with active herpes infection have to undergo ceasarian operation to avoid herpetic infection to the child.  (+ info)

How can I get my hair like the girl in the Herpes commerical?

You know the one I'm talking about she has genital herpes and she's holding a cup of coffee on her deck. It's like soft waves and very pretty, but how would I ask for it? If you seen the commercial it's for a medication used for Herpes breakouts, kinda gross but very good-looking models for some reason (how sad the guys have herpes).
I do not want to get herpes I mean the hair on my head not my pubic hair.

Do you want their herpes as well?  (+ info)

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