FAQ - Herpes Labialis
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What are the odds of me getting genital herpes when my boyfriend has cold sores?

My boyfriend performed oral sex on me last night, and today he found he has 2 cold sores. I want to know what the odds are of me getting genital herpes or if it's even possible. He doesn't have genital herpes by the way.

There is no way to accurately give you the odds or chances of you contracting genital herpes from your boyfriend giving you oral sex. There are too many factors and variables. If your boyfriend did have cold sores when he gave you oral sex though, there is a chance you will contract genital herpes.

Herpes can be spread from the mouth to the genital area and vice versa through oral sex.

BOTH genital herpes and cold sores can be caused by either herpes simplex virus 1 or herpes simplex virus 2.

Using condoms and dental dams when you are having oral sex can HELP prevent the spread of herpes, but condoms/dental dams are not 100% effective. Abstinence is the only thing that is truly 100% effective.

If you are concerned you have contracted herpes you can always go to your doctor and get tested. Good luck to you!  (+ info)

What are signs that my herpes is healing?

I believe that I have herpes but today one area that was pretty bad yesterday isn't quite as red and sore than it was. The area is kind of hard, like when you have a cut and it heals into a scab. What are some signs that it could be healing?

Like it was mentioned above, genital herpes 1 and 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2) can be transmitted when you have no symptoms at all.

One study showed that 70% of all herpes transmissions appeared to occur from sexual contact when the person was asymptomatic (showed no symptoms)[1]. It is called asymptomatic viral shedding. This means you can tranmsit herpes ANYTIME, not just with outbreaks.

Condom use reduces transmission of genital HSV-2 from infected men to women by 50% and may reduce transmission from infected women to men to a smilar
degree[2] However, condom effectiveness is greatly limited by non-use and may also be limited because of the location of lesions and the risk of transmission from oral-genital sex.

Anyone with genital herpes......
(1 or 2, yes you can get type 1 as a genital infection....in some countries the main type of genital herpes infection has been found to be type 1, eg. Norway[3])
......should abstain from sex from the beginning of the 'prodromal' symptoms (a few minutes or several days before lesions appear you may experience localized burning, itching (most common), tingling, or a vague discomfort). From the onset of these symptoms until the lesions have COMPLETELY healed meaning your skin is completely clear.

I would suggest that you consider daily anti-viral therapy (valacyclovir, 500mg). It has been shown to reduce transmission to a susceptible heterosexual partner by 48%, and the effect of condoms and suppressive valacyclovir may be additive [4]. It reduces recurrent lesions, asymptomatic viral shedding, and transmission.  (+ info)

What is the difference between herpes simplex virus 1 and 2?

I have a fever blister and i have been getting them most of my life. Does it mean i have been infected with herpes?

Herpes simplex 1 and 2 are two different herpes viruses. Either virus is able to cause oral OR genital herpes.

Herpes is a skin infection and is localised, it is not carried in your blood. So when you catch it in that place, it stays in that place.

You have oral herpes. It DOES mean you have herpes (probably the virus hsv-1), but on your mouth, NOT your genitals.

Oral herpes is usually caught as a child, from a kiss from an infected adult.

If you have oral herpes on your mouth, your genitals will never be infectious, but you can give someone else genital herpes if you perform oral sex on them. The risk is highest when you have a fever blister, but it can also happen when you have no fever blister, so you should inform partners that you get them.  (+ info)

Herpes: Can an active herpes infection trigger an outbreak on some one already infect?

Hey guys quick question iv been put in a very confusing situation with my partner and i was just wondering if i could get an answer to shed some light on this.

Can an active herpes infection trigger an outbreak on some one already infect with the same type of herpes if you are both positive for hsv2?

No. What triggers herpes outbreaks is your own immune system. If your immune system is low, you will get an outbreak. It is not connected to being exposed to anyone else's herpes infection.

I and my boyfriend both have herpes type 1 - me genitally, him orally. We have frequently kissed while he has cold sores and have had intercourse while I have been having an outbreak, without it ever triggering an outbreak in the other. We both get outbreaks, but they are completely unconnected to each others. He gets his at one time, when he is a bit low or has a cold, and I get mine at another. We both experience frequent outbreaks - I get about 6 a year - but never at the same time or one straight after the other.

Mine are always triggered by not eating properly, fatugue or being ill with another virus such as a cold. As are his - he gets cold sores when he has a cold.  (+ info)

What happens if you have a herpes outbreak during pregnancy?

What happens if you have a herpes outbreak during your pregnany? I am 26 weeks pregnant and had an outbreak. I had my first outbreak a couple months before I became pregnant. Is there any risks in getting an outbreak during pregnancy? And is it ok to take valtrex? My doctor told me to take 3 grams a day. Just looking for other people's experience on this.
Yes, it was my dear husband who gave it to me, but he only has the oral kind, I have the *other* kind.

it is fine to have an outbreak during pregnancy as long as you dont have one within a month of giving birth. then its too risky to pass on to the baby. you say that you husband has oral herpes and you have the "other" kind. you really probably both have the same strain, but oral herpes can pass to the genitals through oral sex and genital can pass to oral. but really, the strains are different. you likely have the same strain that your husband has on his month, just in a different area. that is a good thing, it is a milder strain and your outbreaks will occur less often and come even less often and be more mild as time passes.  (+ info)

What does genital herpes and hpv have to do with each other?

Is HPV caused by herpes? or is HPV and advanced stage of gential herpes? If so, how long does it take to progress between the two?

Since you seem to be "confused" here is some information I found.
There are types of hpv that are not transmitted sexually, but they are different strands of hpv.
Hpv is an std, but there is a type of hpv that is not an std, but it is not the same. Below is your information.

Getting and transmitting hpv
can I get hpv from having warts on other parts of my body (hands, feet)?
No, you can't! The types of hpv that cause plantar's warts, warts on the hands, and warts on any other part of the body are not the same as the kinds that cause genital warts. Therefore, they are also not transmittable to the genitals. If you have genital warts, do not blame it on the fact that you had warts on other parts of your body in the past. This is a new kind of wart, and you got it sexually.

Can I get genital warts if someone who has a wart on their hand touches my genitals?
Because warts on the hands and feet are caused by different types of hpv than genital warts, this is highly improbable at best.

http://www.ehealthforum.com/health/topic8290.html  (+ info)

How to tell the difference between herpes and an ingrown hair?

Okay, I'm not quite sure if I have herpes or not, I've never done anything sexual, I've kissed one girl on the lips once. Never done anything else. And I recently started to shave my pubic hairs and after I started getting these red bumps were the hair grows. Please help, I'm so stressed out about this. I'm only fourteen and haven't done anything, could these just be ingrown hairs? And if it helps, I only have a few bumps.

It's definitely ingrown hairs. I promise you. I get those all the time. Next time, don't shave. Use a beard trimmer to trim the hair instead.  (+ info)

My boyfriend has Herpes Virus 1. How can I avoid catching it and can you give me info on the virus?

I just found out 2 days ago that my partner has Herpes Virus 1. He's supposedly going to get blisters I think around the mouth, not genital herpes. Can you give me some info on the virus and tell me how to avoid getting it?

HSV1 is typically the virus that causes oral herpes or cold sores on the mouth but it can affect the genitals too, if oral sex is given while there are any signs of a cold sore. Cold sores are very common to have 50-80 percent of the population has them on the mouth. If you had cold sores as a child then you have the same thing he does. Most of the time it's passed during child hood by being innocently kissed by some one that has cold sores. They are not often passed from genitals to mouth during oral sex, you can get cold sores with out ever having sex.
You should never have oral sex or sexual intercourse when he has any signs of an out break either orally or genitally. Your partner should also be willing to take antiviral medication regularly to help prevent out breaks, this can also help prevent him from passing it on while he doesn't have symptoms. He should get to know his symptoms and be honest with you and tell you if he feels an out break coming on so he can avoid kissing any any kid of sex.  (+ info)

How will the herpes virus affect my social life?

I'm a new 'owner' of herpes & i really feel depressed.Cold sores envelop my mouth from time to time.I still can't accept the fact that i'm the only one in my family to have it.

My question is,how do i prevent it from spreading to my loved ones? And by having herpes,does this mean i can't have any kind of contact with others? (touching,hugging,kissing,etc.)

Also,is there anything important i should know?What medicines are best in soothing a cold sore outbreak?

everyone gets cold sores.

no oral sex when you have one.
no sharing a glass with someone
no kissing anyone when you have a sore.

you can hug people, and you won't spread it by sitting on a toilet seat.

as long as you have no oral contact with someones genital area, then it won't turn into genital herpes.

talk to your doctor, and don't stress out. stress makes you break out. my husband gets them, and passed them onto me, just by kissing. he got some medicine from the doctor, and it really heals them quick. it's not a big deal.  (+ info)

What are the chances of contracting herpes from someone that is infected after having protected sex?

I had sex with a woman that I think is infected. I don't know if she had an outbreak or not--at least nothing too noticible. We used a condom but I hear that doesn't help much against herpes.

You need to make yourself more aware of what herpes is, and how it manifests. Attached is the link for the herpes definition in Wikipedia. They get quite specific on what to look for.


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