FAQ - Herpes Labialis
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How big is the chance of herpes infection?

This will sound really stupid but I never really cared about stds besides hiv and it was just recently I found out that so many people have herpes, or at least in usa, here in europe, not so many I guess.

Well Ive been having sex with different girls just for one night, and am planning to... What are the chances this disease is transmitted? I will obviously notice if the person has an outbreak, or not? What can I do to prevent getting this virus from girls? Is there something together with a condom?

You may already have it. Most people who have herpes have symptoms that are so mild that they don't realize they are infected - even though they can spread the virus to others.

Herpes can be transmitted even when no symptoms are present. And you may not notice her symptoms, even if she has them. Heck, she may not notice her symptoms. Condoms do not do much to protect against the virus.

In committed couples, where they were very careful to never have sex during an outbreak, the likelihood of transmission was small. But that is not your situation. You really aren't in a position to strategize with these women about protecting yourself. It is also unlikely that they will trust you not to reject them, and probably don't feel much loyalty to keeping you healthy. This is the nature of one-night stands, I'm afraid.

I'd say that your chances are quite high that you will contract herpes - if you haven't already.

The biggest hassle about herpes is that you have a moral obligation to then tell future partners that they are at risk. I "catted around" quite a bit until I caught herpes. After that, I was sort of stuck. I was not inconsiderate enough to sleep with men without telling them about the risk. But I knew that no one would want to have a one-night stand with someone who had herpes. I chose to start dating monogamously. I suspect that many others simply choose to put their partners at risk.

I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer for you. You'll either need to accept the risk, or you'll need to start getting intimate enough with these women to have an honest conversation with them about STDs.

And I would go and get a complete STD panel done - which usually doesnt' include herpes unless you ask.

For more information on genital herpes, as well as HPV (which is also difficult to avoid), I recommend the website below. It's easy to read, and quite reliable.

Good luck.  (+ info)

What is the best treatment for herpes and how effective is it?

What impact does herpes have in a new relationship? I asked earlier about timing of telling someone when dating but I need more information such as treatment and outcome. Can it not be passed on or is this rare?

Valtrate is the medicine that is prescribed this helps if used in small dose daily keep outbreaks at bay.
When outbreak occurs via weeping blisters then Valtrate is doubled this shortens length and severity of outbreak.
They are after all only small cold sores in clusters, so other than the psychological trauma of knowing that anytime you are rundown or traumatised in any way outbreaks do often occur.
You can pass on the virus even when not active by shedding miniscule particles.
Condoms are mandantory to restrict infection during sexual contact but still not foolproof.
It can't be stressed enough to abstain from sexual contact whilst suffering outbreak as most infectious during this time.
If your partner is fully aware of this and thinks enough of you then it shouldn't be an issue.
Honesty is the only policy as whilst 1 in 5 Americans carry disease some do not even know they carry it.
It might seem a stigma to carry but as said that it can be managed, life is still the same,it's not a death sentence...  (+ info)

How long does it take to detect vaginal herpes?

I have had through out the years vaginal lesions. I didn't think they were vaginal warts because there was not a wart bump, but more like a open sore. I as the doctor a year ago if I could have herpes and she said I had to come in when I had an outbreak. Now I am pregnant and my doctor says I have herpes and will need cream to put on during the birth so my child wont get it. I have a son 5 years ago and the doctor never said anything about herpes to me then. Is the blood test for herpes a new test? Would it have been detected 5 years ago if I had it then?

You have to have a blood test done during an OUTBREAK, because the antibodies are in your system, trying to fight off the herpes virus. That is the only time it will show up in a test. If you didn't know you had herpes 5 years ago, then your doctor would not have known. Like I said, unless you told the doctor, or there was an outbreak (something for your doctor to see and TEST), then he would not have known. As for your current pregnancy, you need to be put on Valtrex (yes, it is safe), because if you have an outbreak and then have a vaginal birth, the baby will be exposed with potentially life threatening consequences. If you have an outbreak despite Valtrex when it is time to deliver your baby, your doctor will need to perform a c-section, NOT administer a "cream". This is serious business and it concerns me that your doctor is talking about creams and not putting you on medication.  (+ info)

How can it be known if a child has caught herpes through child birth?

A friend of mine has found out that she has genital herpes . She deliver all her children through vaginal birth, oldest child being 16 and youngest 4 . How would she know if her children have genital herpes.

Plenty of people have herpes without ever knowing it. Sometimes there aren't any symptoms. If they have ever gotten cold sores, that's a sign of herpes. A mother could pass herpes on to her child even if she wasn't having an outbreak. i think it's called asymptomatic shedding or something, but it's not likely especially if her doctors put her on medication just before she gave birth. But she should have her kids get a blood test just to make sure so they don't accidentally infect anyone else.  (+ info)

Can you get herpes if you share a drink with someone who has kissed someone with herpes?

I shared a drink with someone who has kissed someone with herpes. Except I do not know what kind of herpes they have. What would happen to me if they had either oral or the other herpes?

From the information you provided I went to the website below, www.herpes.com. Reading through the website it states you can only acquire herpes through direct contact. It doesn't say that you can acquire it through sharing a drink. You would need to make skin to skin contact with the infected person. You can always go to your private doctor or the emergency room to be tested just for reassurance. You can read through the website for signs and symptoms. I went to several other websites with information about herpes and their information was consistent with that of the website I gave you, good luck!  (+ info)

How can you tell the difference between herpes and a kanker sore?

I have a couple of bumps in my mouth that look really weird... I really hope its not herpes... but I usually dont get kanker sores...

Yes most of the time you can.
Oral herpes usually causes painful sores that have some itching, burning and or tingling symptoms. They also don't typically (but can) happen on the inside of the mouth. Oral herpes is caused by a virus.
Canker sores are raised white masses of lesions that commonly occur on the soft parts on the inside of the mouth. They are relatively symptomless a side from some minor itching before they break out. Canker sores I believe are caused by bacteria in the mouth.
Canker sores and oral ehrpes are not related to each other.  (+ info)

What's the difference between genital herpes and a cyst?

Does herpes usually come in packs of sores? Because I think if you have a bartholin's gland cyst it's usually just one large sore near the vaginal opening... but I'm not sure. What are all the differences?

herpes comes in clusters of blisters....a bartholin cyst is inder the skin and normally does not erupt into a sore  (+ info)

Can you get herpes from kissing someone who has herpes from eating something expired?

A friend of mine got herpes from kissing his girlfriend who had a herpes from eating something expired.And it turned into a viral infection after ,and he got a fever.
My question is if it's possible that a herpes from eating something expired to be trasmited to another person and to turn into a viral infection.

Herpes can not be transmitted by eating something that is expired.  (+ info)

How harmful to the body is the herpes virus?

My friend recently confessed she has herpes and it's shocked me because she has a perfectly normal social life and looks totally heathly. She says she has breakouts and didn't know she had it. I'm confused about the virus, I know it stays in the body for life but is it harmful? Does it simply stay in the body dorment apart from these breakouts or does it damage organs and tissue slowly over time?

Hi dear ,
There are currently eight known types of Human Herpesvirus:
Herpes simplex type I

Herpes simplex type II

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV/HHV-3)

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV/HHV-4)

Cytomegalovirus (CMV/HHV-5)

Human herpesvirus type 6 (HBLV/HHV-6)

Human herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7)

Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8
Herpes simplex virus types I and II (HHV1 & 2)
Primary infection occurs through a break in the mucus membranes of the mouth or throat, via the eye or genitals or directly via minor abrasions in the skin. Because of the universal distribution of the virus, most individuals are infected by 1-2 years of age; initial infection is usually asymptomatic, although there may be minor local vesicular lesions. Local multiplication is followed by viraemia and systemic infection; and subsequent life-long latent infection with periodic reactivation.

Systemic infection, eg fever, sore throat, and lymphadenopathy may pass unnoticed. If immunocompromised it may be life-threatening with fever, lymphadenopathy, pneumonitis, and hepatitis.
Gingivostomatitis: Ulcers filled with yellow slough appear in the mouth.
Herpetic whitlow: A breach in the skin allows the virus to enter the finger, causing a vesicle to form. Often affects childrens' nurses.
Traumatic herpes (herpes gladiatorum): Vesicles develop at any site where HSV is ground into the skin by brute force.
Eczema herpeticum: HSV infection of eczematous skin; usually children.
Herpes simplex meningitis: This is uncommon and usually self-limiting (typically HSV II in women during a primary attack) - see meningitis.
Genital herpes: Usually HSV type 2 See genital herpes simplex
HSV keratitis: Corneal dendritic ulcers. Avoid steroids.
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Usually HSV type1. Spreads centripetally, eg from cranial nerve ganglia, to frontal and temporal lobes. Suspect if fever, fits, headaches, odd behaviour, dysphasia, hemiparesis, or coma or subacute brainstem encephalitis, meningitis, or myelitis; see HSV Encephalitis

feel free to ask  (+ info)

What are the odds of contracting genital herpes from your partner?

My new girlfriend recently discovered she had genital herpes but has never had an outbreak. she found out after we had unprotected sex only once. i want to know the odds that i could have gotten it before i go and get tested. and what symptoms are easiest to see since some symptoms are present in most STIs.

Its a lot easier for a girl to get an STD from a guy then it is for a guy to get it from a girl. It has to do with the length of your Urethra. You should defiantly get tested, as you can easily become a carrier of the disease without ever showing symptoms.

I hate to tell you this, but you should both get checked from HPV. The human Papallion Virus. I did not spell it right, but a LOT of chases of Genital warts are caused by this virus, and if left untreated, it can do a lot more damage to her then just warts.  (+ info)

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