FAQ - Hydrops Fetalis
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What are the long term effects of hydrops fetalis?

I have a son that is four about to turn five. While I was pregnat he was diagnosed with non immune hydrops. I am thankfull he survived as only about 25% of these babies live. The problem I am running in to now is no one knows what the long term effects could be. He appears physicaly healthy but I know there is some thing wrong with him mentally. I keep running in to road blocks in trying to get some help for him.
so far every one has posed good answers but nothing I do not already know. I have done tons of reasearch and come up empty handed. And just to let all of you know he did not reach his bench marks like he should have.

I did a quick web search and did not find anything about long term prognosis, which surprised me. It's not like this is a "new" disease, so there must be long term data available on patients. You might do a search on Medscape.com or some of the the other medical search engines to see if there are any peer reviewed articles you can read.  (+ info)

we are both beta -T minor, our baby resulted as hydrops fetalis. is it because we are both minors?help?

My husband and i are both thalassemia minors and the baby resulted as hydrops fetalis which is more likely to happen in alpha thalassemia. How did it possibly happen ? we are planning for another pregnancy/baby. Will it happen again? please inlighten us.

Hi there, I have beta thalassemia Minor/trait.

I'm not a doctor or anything, but (if i have my facts right) then i do know that if you BOTH have the minor, you defnitely need to see a specialist/your doctor before planning a pregnacy..

Did nobody ever tell you that if you BOTH have the minor/trait, then your baby can/potentially develop serious blood disorders? I'm pretty sure this is the case, because they gave me a big speech about 'if i ever have children' when i was diagnosed. (I was only 15 or so at the time, so i dont remember everything they said)

Please go to your doctor and get the right information, it's something youo can't afford to be unsure about.

Take care and i wish you all the best of luck

below is a link to a good forum to join and ask any questions you may have:


Hope this helps :)  (+ info)

why does hydrops fetalis cause preeclampsia?

i can't find any article on the web nor can i find anything in my books..
i would really appreciate answers to this question..

It is called Mirror syndrome. The reason why there is a link between hydrops fetalis and preeclampsia is not fully known, but likely has something to do with the enlargement of the placenta and changes pressure and blood flow that often accompany hydrops fetalis.  (+ info)

can you deliver a baby that has hydrops fetalis?

my cousin is 18 weeks pregnant and was told today that her baby have fetal hydrop i would like to know what are the chances of the baby make it threw this...can use some input this is her first pregnacy (boy)

Fetal Hydrops: Note the increased fluid (black) in the fetal abdomen. The bladder (bld) is completely immersed in fluid. The bowel is also floating in fluid.

Fetal hydrops is a severe birth defect, that is, in most cases, lethal for the developing fetus. The term "hydrops" simply refers to abnormal fluid collections in at least two "spaces" in the fetus. This may mean skin edema, cystic hygroma, pericardial effusion, pleural effusions, abdominal ascites, or polyhydramnios. Hydrops can be diagnosed at any age, but most commonly presents by 14-18 weeks.

Hydrops is not a diagnosis in itself, but it is a sign of another disease process at work. Hundreds of entities have been noted to cause fetal hydops. Some of the most common etiologies are:

• Chromosomal abnormalities.
• Rh isoimmunization or incompatibility.
• Viral infections, such as parvovirus infection.
• Cardiac defects and arrhythmias.
• Fetal bleeding, and subsequent anemia.
• Blood disorders that may cause severe fetal anemia, for instance fetal alpha thalassemia.
• Rare metabolic disorders.

The prognosis for hydrops is very poor. The rate of fetal demise is very high, and neonatal survival in the NICU is the exception. The prognosis is directly related to the underlying etiology. Some etiologies such as cardiac arrhythmias or treatable forms of anemia (such as fetal parvovirus B19 infection) can have fetal survival. This requires proper diagnosis, and in utero therapy.  (+ info)

Prognosis for hydrops fetalis?

My wife is 31 wks pregant and baby was diagnosed with hydrops fetalis based on isolated severe ascites, polyhydroamnios, and a trace left pleural effusion. All tests are normal, and it is now classified as non-immune, non-anemic, non-cardiac hydrops. any idea's on prognosis? they can't give a straight answer other than poor

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my baby was born 6 weeks early with hydrops fetalis and was in the nicu for 6 weeks i just wanted to see what?

are babies supposted to be doing at the age of 10 weeks i am just so unfamilar because its almost like he is a new newborn to me because have not had him home for too long

he basically is a newborn since he was born six weeks early the six weeks in the nicu are like the rest of the pregnancy outside the womb  (+ info)

My baby has hydrops fetalis, does anyone know anything else that they can tell me about it?

I am 4 months pregnant and my baby has turners syndrome which caused the hydrops fetalis.
I'm so scared and I can't understand why my baby had to get this.

The hydrops fetalis is fluid which my baby has it around the heart and the lungs also. The said the lump on the babies neck is 14 centimeters and I can't have the baby vaginally, I'm ok with that but my baby doesn't seem to have a chance to live. I'm only 19 and I have so many friends who have done the worse drugs and there babies are healthy, and I've always taken care of myself. I know about the chromosomes and whatever, but soe anyone know what the doctors can do for my baby possibly??
Or has anyone whose reading this been through what im going through?

A very good friend of mine had a baby with hydrops. The baby wasn't diagnosed until 32 weeks.

Here is the information I have read:

-The earlier the baby gets it in pregnancy, the worse it is.

-It very rarely goes away.

-It is very rarely treatable.

-If it is treatable the baby has a better chance.

-The mortality rate is very high.

I am so sorry you are going through this, but I will not sugar coat it for you. My friend's baby didn't make it. She lived for 2 days and then passed away.

My advice would be to listen to the doctors and do everything they tell you, ask lots of questions, do some research online, find on online support group and try to get support from family and friends.

This is nothing that you did, and its not something that could have been prevented. Turner's syndrome is chromosomal, so it isn't your fault.

I hope things turn out ok for you, good luck.  (+ info)

Could being hit in the stomach during pregnancy cause fetal Hydrops?

I lost my son in 2000 after a fight with my brother, he hit me in the stomach 3 times, after I told him I was pregnant. This is very serious to me, and I would apprieciate no puns.

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How can erythroblastosis fetalis be prevented?

Plain and simple please!

red blood cells are usually grouped A B or O. they are also termed Rhesus positive or negative. If the mother is rhesus negative and the baby (and therefore the father) is rhesus positive, the mothers immune system will sensitise to these 'foreign' type of blood cells. THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM IN THE FIRST CHILD. However, when there is a second child who is rhesus positive, the immune system will have the antibodies (ie the ammunition) to fight off what it senses as something that shouldnt be there.

Rh incompatibility can be treated with RhoGAM at certain times during pregnancy. Just get you and your partners blood types tested early in pregnancy.  (+ info)

When can erythroblastosis fetalis not possibly happen in the child of an Rh negative mother?

I have RH Negative blood and my husband is RH Positive. My pregnancy was normal and my son is healthy. (He did have a touch of jaundice but the dr's did not feel it was from the RH factor.)

Keep in mind that first-born infants are often not affected -- unless the mother has had previous miscarriages or abortions, which could have sensitized her system because it takes time for the mother to develop antibodies against the fetal blood. However, second children who are also Rh-positive may be harmed.

You will need a shot of RhoGam at 28 weeks and after delivery if your baby is RH Positive to prevent this sensitization. (I had a miscarriage before my son was born and was given the shot at that time.) Getting these shots will prevent your body from building the antibodies that attack the fetus and can potentially save any future pregnancies that you have. RH incompatibility problems are extremely rare if you are given the shots. This is the norm for dr's to give this treatment unless you refuse it. I have put a link at the bottom about the risk factors of RhoGam. (I feel the benefits far out weigh the risks and would never refuse the shot.) There is always the possibility that your child will be RH Negative and then you have absolutely nothing to worry about anyway.

Best of luck to you.
*You may want to add a detail to your question stating that erythroblastosis fetalis is commonly known as the "RH Negative Factor" or incompatibility. You may get more answers that way. Again, all my best to you.  (+ info)

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