FAQ - Hypothalamic Neoplasms
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How do you treat superior orbital fissure syndrome when the etiology is a neoplasm?

It's for school and I can't find the answer anywhere!

Superior orbital fissure syndrome consists of retro-orbital pain, paralysis of extra ocular muscles, impairment of first trigeminal branches and frequent involvement of the optic nerve.
One must treat the neoplasm. That depends on its type. A glioblastoma would be treated differently from a lymphoma for example.  (+ info)

Is thyroidectomy advisable if your FNAB states that 'follicular neoplasm cannot be totally ruled out'?

In Ultrasound results, there are no calsifications
presence of complex solid nodules
3.1 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm size of solid nodular

I would think it would be the smart choice. There's no point in risking possible malignant neoplasms in such a pertinant area. I'd also get a second opinion and set of tests.  (+ info)

Info on Neoplasms?

I'm researching Neoplasms, and I'm having difficulty finding the information I need. I'm leaning more Benign Neoplasms.
What I need is:

Outcomes or Effects

I know it sounds like I havn't done anything, but I'm trying really hard, and I can't seem to find anything, so I'd really appreciate it if you could at least give me a source with the information.

Thanks in advance.
I now have Treatment, and Cause. Thanks :)

Anymore help?
Still looking for Characteristics, Transmission, and Outcomes and Effects


http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/PTHL312abc/312a/05/Reader/reader05.pdf  (+ info)

What is Urologic Neoplasms?

Tumors or cancer of the urinary tract in both male and female.  (+ info)

In using the neoplasm table, what do you do when there is no code in cancer in situ?

When using the neoplasm table in the ICD-9-CM, how would one code cancer in situ of the temporal lobe?

You'll never find it there.
What you're probably looking for is under skin: Ca in situ of temple or similar.  (+ info)

I had an MRI done and the Dr. wrote down I have a "Neoplasm of occioital bone". What does that mean?

I searched the web and believe "occioital bone" may be a misspelling or abbreviation. Is this something to be worried about?
Thanks! The Doctor wasnt really that nice and seemed to be in a rush. Maybe I'll ask my primary care.

Most like it was occipital bone, which is at the back of your head. I did research on "neoplasm". It means a growth or a tumor, NOT synonomous with cancer. If it was anything to be concerned about, your doctor would have told you immediately. If you're still uneasy, ask him.  (+ info)

The genetic disorder, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms?

What happens when you have this genetic disorder and is there a cure?

please dont say something stupid like "It makes monkeys fly out your ass." or "Biatch! do your own homework!" or even an educated guess...I've seen it already, your wasting your time...if ya don't know, don't bother.

yeah...I dont have it..........I don't think I do anyway.....

  (+ info)

What agent inhibits the growth of neoplasm?

Please help me!

Spreedog is correct above, but I would also point out that your own immune system inhibits the growth of neoplasms all the time.  (+ info)

Difference between pancreatic neoplasm and cystic neoplasm?

Anyone who knows, I would greatly appreciate it.
I would like for those who are in the medical profession to answer this question, or someone with real knowledge. I'm not looking for insensitive answers, simply the facts.
I must add that this is specific to a low density mass in the pancreas, very small in size. No diagnostic tests have been done other than a CT that detected it.

pancreatic neoplasm occurs in the pancreas
cystic neoplasm can occur anywhere in the body.  (+ info)

How is heredity, malnutrition, neoplasm, and infection linked with heart disease?

Hereditary is proved to have links with your chances of getting heart disease. Fortunately there are measures which can be taken to stave the development of it. Good diet, exercise, weight maintainance, keeping cholesterol levels down (diet and drugs if need be).
Infection can cause damage to the structures of the heart eg Rheumatic fever can damage the valves, or inflammation of the muscle or layers of the heart.
As far as Im aware neoplasm isnt linked;  (+ info)

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