FAQ - Hypothalamic Neoplasms
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can i get DLA cos i got a malignant neoplasm of the pituitary gland?

also failed my HGV medical on these grounds aswell as something about my eye ?(begins with a 'D'),DOUBLE VISION as well
i am on steriods ,and tablets,but lost my job today cos DR wouldnt pass me on dvla medical ?

DLA is disabled living allowance is payable when you a an issue that affects your ability to lead a normal life and when you need assistance with day to day living issues.
Hard to get nowadays.

You will probably be able to get incapacity benefit with a malignant lesion of the pituitary gland and the best people to take you through your options are the benefits people at the Job Centre.
As a genuine claimant and having lost your job due to ill health they have to offer you a medical assessment to see what you can and cannot do. If you have double vision then your employment prospects are severely limited.

On Monday get yourself down the Job Centre and get the ball rolling as there are other benefits that may be better for you than DLA. The lower level of DLA is only about £14 a week. You will need more that that to live!  (+ info)

What type of doctor should I see?

My GYN thinks I have hypothalamic pituitary failure after a workup to determine why I stopped have periods. I believe I may have some thyroid involvement as well.

What type of doctor should I see to work up this problem? These glands are so important in maintaing 100's of normal bodily functions and they all work intimately together to create a find balance of chemicals and hormones. I would like to find a doctor that truly understands the complexity. I don't think my PCP or GYN are cut out for the task.

I would advise you to see an Endocrinologist.

The area of Endocrinology that you should be concerned with would be hormonal. An endocrinologist deals with disorders of the endocrine system, and these disorders usually have a great deal to do with hormones. I haven't looked at my endocrine system information (notes) in a long time, but I feel like I can answer your question properly.

Hypopituitarism can cover several different disorders, and a problem with the hypothalamus could also exaggerate a pituitary problem. The hypothalamus controls both parts of the pituitary gland, POSTERIOR PITUITARY (the PP) and the ANTERIOR PITUITARY (the AP) through the secretion of "releasing hormones". Diabetes Insipidus refers to a deficiency in the hormones coming from the PP. The term hypopituitarism usually refers to a deficiency in one (or more) of the hormones secreted by the AP. The AP secretes 6 different hormones, such as TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). Another two hormones are secreted, and I will mention these other two because of their relevance here in your situation, are LH (Lutenizing hormone, which effects the menstrual cycle) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone, which does a similar task like LH)
Many times endocrine problems are genetic. My thought would be for you to ask around your family to see if anyone went through a similar ordeal. You will more than likely need some type of brain imaging scan so the doctors can see.what is wrong. Good luck, and if they find anything out of the ordinary I hope you can be treated by simple means.

Doc Brown  (+ info)

I have stage 4 malignant testicular neoplasm with metastasized to lungs and abdomen I have palliative radiatio?

I have received palliative radiation and i do not know how much time I may have to live, was 15 when I was diagnosed and I'm now 17 y/o.!

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Which of the following are the two integrated parts of the autonomic nervous system?

Which of the following are the two integrated parts of the autonomic nervous system?
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
The central and the peripheral nervous systems
The afferent and efferent nervous systems
The thalamic and hypothalamic nervous systems

  (+ info)

I need help getting started with my soap notes for massge therapy?

The assignment is to create soap notes on a client (fake) that has 3 different pathologies going on. We are dealing with the integumentary system this week so each pathology has to be based on some type of skin infection. The 3 chosen are cellulitis, foot (plantar) warts, & malignant neoplasms basal cell carcinoma. having trouble starting please help!!!!

The S is what the patient tells you is wrong. For instance they may have itching or burning etc. The O is what you actually find wrong with them like they have bumps on their skin or the skin is warm to the touch to name a few. The A is the assessment. Here you put something like the patient is responding well to the previous treatments or they aren't responding as well as you'd hoped so you will reassess their treatment plan. The P is the plan, or what you actually did with the patient. This could include focusing the massage on the rhomboids or lats.  (+ info)

What are the common name for the breast cancer?

Breast cancer, familial
* Breast carcinoma
* Cancer of breast
* Malignant neoplasm of breast
* malignant tumour of breast
* Mammary cancer
these are the common names i've found online tell me if it is true.

Those are all common names. What really matters is the pathological description of the biopsy. Most breast carcinomas are adenocarcinomas. The general name is not the important thing. The specific characteristics of the malignant breast cancer cells are important - the receptors, the degree of differentiation, nodal status, primary tumor size, overall stage. Breast cancers - and all types of cancer - are complicated. The oncologist will probably try to explain these details for the individual case you are asking about. It can be difficult for a non medical specialist to understand it all.  (+ info)

A little help regarding Hypothalamic amenorrhea (exercise)...?

I'm 16 years old, 5'4, about 99 to 100 lbs, and i haven't had a period in over a year. I'm not annorexic or bulemic, in fact I view people with such disorders as a bit selfish as they focus so much on their own food and beauty rather than life. My issue seems to be this; I have a passion for karate and physical sport. I haven't attended a karate class in near a half year because we moved, but I still practice daily. In the morning, I do 80 squats, sit-ups, and light push-ups followed by a quick lats warm-up, then throughout the day I have about two more karate sessions involving different things from kata to kicking combinations. I tell myself ten minutes per workout, but will often end up doing 20 or even 40 minutes. With the mindset of my own personal coach, I count calories that I eat daily, 1800. (breakfast=400 lunch=500 snack=200 dinner=500 snack=200) I feel energetic and healthy, and I'm stronger than I've ever been, with far more stamina than my sisters. However I'm so sick of being told that I have bird-bones and my legs look like knobby sticks. I'm not hungry throughout the day and at times have to force down that last snack. Also, my mom is threatening me with taking me to get a palp-smear and put me on hormenes to get my periods back, and i really really do not want to loose my "proof of virginity" (sorry, being frank). Can anyone give me any advise? The last thing I want to give up is my activity level, as I feel it's one of the things that defines me.
Estrogen=fat. Yes I know, and I'm also aware of the link between mal-nutrition and osteoperosis. Don't get me wrong, I love a good grilled cheese sandwich and can consume and entire potato as part of a meal. As for the calorie amounts throughout the day, that's not me being obsessive; pre-structure=less math on my part. It's not the end of the world when I go off schedual.

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pilocytic astrocytomas in a hypothalamic region?

At age 19 i was diagnosed with Diabetes Insipidus and then at age 22 i was told i am not producing testosterone anymore and need to take the test. therapy. But at the same time i was told to have an MRI and was told to have an brain tumor. Finally i had surgery to remove it 7 years later 5/21/2007 at M.D. Anderson cancer center. I want to know if any one has gone through this. I have lot of questions of if they gone through to what i am going through. I am on several medications since the surgery and so if you can compare to this situation please let me know of your experience or contact me please.

I myself have not experienced this, but I am a caretaker for my father, who had his first bout with urinary bladder cancer in 1982 and finally had his bladder removed two years ago. Your question came up, and I was drawn to it because I have very close friends with diabetes and also with brain tumors. As I'm sure you were advised, your tumor is one of the few types that are entirely curable.

What strikes me most about your question is that I get the impression you were not offered counseling. Is that true? I think it would be hard to find people who have had a similar experience using this forum, because most people with pilocytic astrocytoma are children or adolescents. It seems to me that your doctors should have offered support, and encouraged you to seek out resources to put you in touch with fellow patients you can relate to.

I know of one website that offers information on support groups and will list it below.  (+ info)

what is a ovarian neoplasm and can it be that if you have had a hysterectomy?

If during your hysterectomy the ovaries were left intact, one or both, its very possible to have ovarian neoplasm. You can read more here:


If the cyst is benign than there is nothing to worry, if its not, there is a lot of info on the net, simply Google "ovarian neoplasm".  (+ info)

I was told that i may have a neoplasm cyst?

I was told that i may have a neoplasm cyst but my doc didnt really go into detail what that even means, can anyone tell me?

Neoplasm is the medical term for "new growth" (overgrowth of cells forming a cyst) Can be benign or malignant and they will probably do further testing to see.  (+ info)

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