FAQ - Hysteria
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Hysteria - How you know one is with hysteria or hysteria patient and how you describe and explain ?

Hysteria or histrionic is an emotional reaction, usually fear, with behavioral features that is usually an overreaction to an event or an idea. The overraction can be either catatonia or a loud verbal harangue. Usually, when you look into it further, the person has allowed their imagination run wild over something without trying to research it further and really understand the situation. Although histrionics can be a symptom of other forms of mental illness, or even just one's personality, it is associated with a particular form of personality disorder.
You can also have mass hysteria, which is a form of mental contagion in which a fear spreads from one individual quickly to a large group of people. Many of the above features hold - people's fear grows larger usually out of lack of knowledge and an inability to really study a problem; it is easy to just have fear and escape, but it does not solve the problem.  (+ info)

How do paramedics treat shock? and how do they treat Hysteria?

People who go into shock after an accident. Or maybe the victum witnesses something awful.

When a person is in shock (hypoperfusion) the most important and basic thing that we do is place the person in the trendelenburg(sp) position, which is where the person lies flat on their back with their legs elevated moderately. This increases tissue perfusion by forcing the blood back into the thoracic area, thus decreasing the workload of the heart. The vessels dilate when a person is in shock, so it makes it difficult for blood to be pumped adequately throughout the body. Secondary to this is we administer medium flow oxygen by non-rebreather mask.

hysteria is a tricky one, because there is often nothing medically wrong with the person. We do our best to calm the person down by talking to them in a comforting and reassuring tone of voice, and we encourage them to breathe. In certain cases the person may be hyperventilating or having trouble breathing because of a panic attack. In extreme cases we administer oxygen either by nasal cannula or non-rebreather mask depending on the situation.

hope this helps.  (+ info)

What do you make of the fight and hysteria at the NYC modelling audition?

This looks really out of control:
1) http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2009/03/14/2009-03-14_chaos_breaks_out_at_americas_next_top_mo.html

2) http://news-briefs.ew.com/2009/03/top-model-audit.html?iid=top25-'America's+Next+Top+Model'+auditions+lead+to+arrests+in+New+York

too bad there was not a large mud pit nearby  (+ info)

Do you have to undergo a hysterectomy if you are suffering form hysteria?

The words come from the same root. It was thought (because Freud and his compatriots were sexist) that the condition of hysteria had something to do with the uterus.  (+ info)

How is the spread of Tuberculosis in the 19th Century comparable to the AIDS Hysteria of the 80s and 90s?

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what is the difference between epilepsy and hysteria?

but it seems that the symptoms have something in common: you can watch in hysterical fits spasms and uncontrolled body movements just like in epilepsy

Big difference.

Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures.These seizures are transient signs and/or symptoms of abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.

Hysteria describes a state of mind, one of unmanageable fear or emotional excesses. The fear is often caused by multiple events in one's past that involved some sort of severe conflict; the fear can be centered on a body part or most commonly on an imagined problem with that body part. People who are "hysterical" often lose self-control due to the overwhelming fear.  (+ info)

Swine flu now in Vic Australia. Are you worried or think it's just hysteria?

I'm not too concerned. A flu is a flu. Not that I want the flu.

I think its just hysteria. I'm pretty much in the same situation as you. It's pretty much surrounding the place I live. But the regular flu has killed more people than the swine flu, so you don't need to worry about it.  (+ info)

Boots No 7, the craze is over; from mass hysteria half a year ago noone has heard of it now, what caused this?

Was it found to be ineffective?

Because there was a report in the papers that it was scientifically proved to be the only one that worked. So everyone went crazy and went and bought some.  (+ info)

What is hysteria in terms of mental health?

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Where can i buy the Kitson Black Hysteria Boots.?

They are black boots with pink hearts & stars & say Kitson. I can't find them anywhere! Anyone selling them??
They are not at Kaboodle. Kaboodle tells you to go to kitson & kitson is sold out of them.

There--> www.kaboodle.com  (+ info)

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