FAQ - Infarction, Posterior Cerebral Artery
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What will happen in an artery in the leg is clogged up by fatty deposits?

If a coronary artery is clogged, then it leads to heart attack.
If an artery in the brain is clogged, then it leads to a stroke.

But how about in any other places other than these two? Is there any way we can find out whether there are any arteries in our bodies which are clogged up by fats? Any medical check ups etc?

Artherosclerosis in peripheral arteries (such as in the leg) lead to the medical entity known as Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD).

Gradual reduction in blood flow to the legs will lead to symptoms of intermittent claudication (pain that comes on when you walk a certain distance) due to lack of oxygen supply. More severe blockage may lead to pain at rest, accompanied by pallor of the leg when it is raised.

Sudden acute blockages (think 'heart attack' like) can lead to acute ischaemia - sudden severe pain, pallor, pulselessness - a medical emergency.

PVD is common. Know of any diabetics who have to have parts of their legs chopped of? PVD is definitely a contributing factor in these cases. Less severe cases can be managed with drugs or vascular surgery.

Medical check-ups involve examination of pulses & possibly conducting doppler ultrasound. CT angiograms are sometimes required for a more accurate assessment.  (+ info)

What artery in your neck is the most important?

Is there an artery in your neck that if you get cut across it you can bleed to death in a few minutes? And where is it located?

the carotid artery when severed will result in a very quick death. If you are considering cutting this to commit suicide i strongly recommend against it. People usually end up cutting their windpipe and they suffocate to death or drown on blood. If u get it wrong u will likely have damaged your voice box and be unable to talk for the rest of your life  (+ info)

What percent do you stent a Left anterior descending heart artery?

I have a 67% stenosis in my left anterior descending artery. My doctor says that he would not consider intervention until it reaches between 70% and 80%. He said that all of my other arteries are clear. He said he was afraid that he might block the artery permanently if stented at this point and that is too great a risk. Could it be that the blockage is from damage to the artery instead of a cholesterol problem. My cholesterol is 131 mgdl and my HDL is 29mgdl but in a good ratio.

The first line of intervention is usually medication. They will follow you closely with checkups and keep an eye on it through stress tests and if need be heart caths. If it gets worse they can do an angioplasty with a stent or just an angioplasty which is very similar to a heart cath but with ballooning the blockage to open up the artery. I have had both done and also a quadruple heart bypass and am doing just fine. I am still taking medication for lowering cholesterol and will most likely take it the rest of my life although my numbers have always been good with a good ratio too! Try not to worry and do what they tell you to do and you should be fine.  (+ info)

What is the difference between large and small artery disease?

My brother recently went in the hospital for heart problems. The physician told us from the dye test that he has two clogged arteries which they say is 80% accurate. The Dr. said he would feel better with more accuracy so he ordered a test for my brother that consists of a scope going up the large vein making an incision on his upper leg to put his heart on a monitor. Then the Dr. comes back to say that he was mistaken his arteries were not clogged instead he has small artery disease instead of larger.

Your brother had a Cardiac Catheterization, sounds like. This is a test used to look at the arteries in the heart to determine whether any are blocked. If your brother has small artery disease, that means that none of the big vessels (LAD, RCA, etc.) were blocked and that he most likely will not need an intervention (stents, PTCA, etc.) This is actually good news. Usually treated with a cholesterol reducing medicine like Lipitor, Zocor, etc. Good luck.  (+ info)

What is coronary artery disease or hypertension?

Why do people get hypertension and what is it.Also what is coronary artery disease ?

Artery is a plaque build-up in the arteries, causing the arteries to be less flexible and smaller inside than they would normally be. The arteries that bring blood back and forth to the heart have smaller openings in them than they normally would. When that happens, there is more pressure from the blood flowing through the arteries, so you can get high blood pressure from this. You can also get high blood pressure if your arteries are constricted from any other reason. Think of how water would flow through a hose. If you had a large hose with a large diameter, the water would flow gradually from the hose. If you put the same amount of water through a hose that is a lot smaller in diameter, the water would be under more pressure (you would see it spurting out faster and harder). Arteries that are larger in diameter make for lower blood pressure than arteries that have a smaller opening. If the doctor says it is O.K. try taking a multi-vitamin with high B vitamins in it, and then also eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables along with something in your diet that gives you some calcium. Ask your doctor what he thinks about it.  (+ info)

Where does blood go directly after it leaves the inferior (posterior) vena cava?

a. into the capillaries of the upper body
b. into the pulmonary artery
c. into the most powerful side of the heart
d. into the lungs
e. into the right atrium

  (+ info)

What percentage of Coronary artery disease patients are female?

I'm just wondering what the male to female ratio is among patients with Coronary artery disease is. If you could tell me where you got the information from I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.

After attaining the stage of menopause the percentage of CAD cases in males and females is almost equal. Before the menopause the incidence of the coronary artery disease (CAD) in females is very low due to the estrogen and other feminizing hormonal effect.  (+ info)

Can a person with cerebral palsy start to walk on their own if they pratice alot?

i have cerebral palsy. i think that i can walk if i pratice alot. the other day i went to store and walk with my walker. now my legs are score and i cant pratice now. how can i make my legs less sore?

In my experience, the only way a person with CP will learn to walk is to learn how to do it with minimal effort. When you use the right muscles, walking should be almost effortless.

Think about it...babies experiment by using different muscles and bending their bodies in different positions until they find the simplest way. We don't consciously think about breathing, we just do it. Walking should be easy, too.

PT is the best way for a person with CP to learn how to do these effortless movements. My son couldn't sit up, crawl, or walk for a long time; much longer than the average child. After 3 years of PT, (age 3 1/2) he took his first steps. Now he's 5 1/2 and walking, running, jumping, climbing etc. We continue PT visits once weekly and he also practices at home.

If you force walking before your body and brain learn the correct "tools" to master the movements correctly, I think you will be putting unecessary strain on your muscles and cause more pain for yourself.

Make an appt. with a good PT that specializes in people with CP. They are out there, and they are VERY good at what they do. Good luck!  (+ info)

What ingredient in foods causes the most artery clogging?

My wife had 3 heart artery stints put in because of clogged arteries. It is a shame that we have so much trouble getting to the bottom line as to what foods NOT to eat. Even by brand names.

A Heart healthy diet is low in fats... If it grows on a tree, in the ground, or on a bush you are generally safe to eat it. Lots of greens, whole grains, complex carbs{brown rice, wheat flour} are always better than the simple ones{white flour, sugar}. Stay very low on red meat and skip the butter whenever possible. Take your vitamins{one with extra omega 3}  (+ info)

What is the superficial femoral artery a branch of and where does it run?

I'm studying for my gross anatomy lab exam and can't seem to find this item on my list in Netter or The Clinical Atlas of Gross Anatomy. I need to know when and what this artery branches off of and where it goes.
I'm aware what the femoral artery and deep femoral artery are, but I'm trying to figure out about the Superficial Femoral Artery. It's presented in my list of terms like it's different than the Femoral Artery. Are they the same thing?

The femoral artery is a continuation of the external iliac artery, which comes from the abdominal aorta.

The external iliac artery becomes known as the femoral artery after it passes under the inguinal ligament. For a while at this location, (the femoral triangle), it is sometimes referred to as the common femoral, because it has not yet branched.

It usually gives off a branch known as the profunda femoris artery or the deep artery of the thigh, while continuing down the thigh medial to the femur. (The profunda femoris is even closer to the femur, and is more posterior).

The femoral artery goes through the adductor hiatus (a hole in the tendon of adductor magnus), into the posterior of the knee. Passing between the condyles of the femur, it becomes the popliteal artery of the popliteal fossa.  (+ info)

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