FAQ - Intracranial Hemorrhage, Traumatic
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Traumatic SAH: still feel dizzy some days after two months, is this normal?

Scans suggest that I have no permanent damage. After a month I did head exercises to disperse the calcium crystals left after the hemorrhage and they seemed to have done the trick but occasionally I wake feel dizzy, yesterday it lasted all day?
Sorry, question in the wrong section, haven't posted one for some time!

I just read the prognosis section in Wikipedia's explanation of SAH. It would appear that: "Of those who survive hospitalization, more than a quarter have significant restrictions in their lifestyle, and less than a fifth have no residual symptoms whatsoever."  (+ info)

If you were offered to remove a traumatic memory for good, would you do it?

Scientists have found a protein that erases traumatic memories in mice, if it was available (and safe) for humans would you try it? No other memories will be erased.

This is kind of a hard question for me...my doctor asked me to try hypnotics to try and let go of a few traumatic experiences in my life that I have had a hard time coping with sometimes. As much as I want to let them go they also make up who I am. Because of what I have gone through that has made me the strong person I am today...so I really don't know that I would do this either.

However, my son was sexually abused and tortured (lost all the skin of both his feet and left to lay in pain for 10 hours)when he was 15 months old, if I knew 100% that it would be safe for him to lose all memories of it, i would do it in a heartbeat.  (+ info)

How do i fix myself from post traumatic stress disorder?

if i mentally rehearsed the traumatic scene and took all the stress out on my punch bag all at once could it make me worst? because i tried that once and is was as if i could see and feel things again. it felt amazing, it was like i was normal again.. but after that happened i started drifting deeper into numbness until the point where i could not realize if i was alive or dead... i want to fix myself but i cant go and see anyone.. can you give me any tips that could help me recover by myself please?

thank you.

I'm going through the same thing. Everyone tells me to "just get over it" and it really annoys me. But maybe it IS that simple. Just get over it, even though the pain and memory is still there, just try to busy yourself and live life and move and live beyond your feelings.

I think it's good to honor your feelings and all that, but living too much in your feelings and having your life be affected by it is not a good way of honoring your feelings.  (+ info)

Can I have a brain hemorrhage and be alive still with no seizures?

Two years ago when I was swimming I hit my head hard and to this day I have pain in my sup occipital g and almost half of my brain. The only are not affected is the right side of my brain. The pains are so agonizing that I cry when I get one. I have painful headaches, change in vision, loss of cordination and balance which are some of the symptoms of a brain hemorrhage. But I don't have seizures so is it possible to have a brain hemorrhage and not have seizures?

The brain does not feel pain- pain only comes from structures around the brain.

It is possible that you are actually having seizures in your occipital region. A seizure in medical terminology does not automatically mean that you pass out and flail around, it means that you have uncontrolled electrical activity in your brain. Brain injury can definitely cause this kind of problem.

Also, it is possible that you have an unresolved subdural hematoma, or it is also possible that you have a migraine disorder. Bad muscular or nerve injury from the impact could also be at work. You definitely should go to a doctor about this since it is causing you so much trouble.  (+ info)

Does hypnosis work if you are trying to remember a traumatic childhood event?

I am trying to remember a traumatic event from my childhood. I have support from my entire family BUT they have very different and strong opinions as to what the outcome will be. Some feel that by remembering all the details I will only be causing myself more pain, yet others feel that by remembering EXACTLY what happened I can finally put an end to all the heartache and pain that I experience.

Has anyone had hypo-therapy? What was the outcome? Is there anything you would have done differntly? I would really appreciate any and all information and comments. Thanks!

yes it works my niece who is 27 had hypnotherapy for months and she recalled someone locking her in a closet when she was 1 yrs old ...was her mom (my sister) I remember it cause I was 7 and lived with them ..my sister denies her crazy abuse to this day .  (+ info)

what is it called when a person stops speaking after a traumatic event?

an acquaintance recently passed a ....errr.....very traumatic experience and since then she has started having panic attacks and doesn't speak verbally. I would like to know what this is called because her doctor keeps changing opinions.

Not speaking verbally isn't necessarily a symptom of PTSD but the panic like symptoms may be. I would be concerned about mood issues as well occurring with the PTSD and leading to the lack of verbal communication. Your acquaintance really needs to see a psychologist. All the best.  (+ info)

What if a pill could make your traumatic memories less so?

That is exactly the findings w/ the BP drug Propranonol. If you were the victim of a car crash, rape, or any other traumatic incident; it could make it seem as if it happened to someone else.

What are the ethical questions that should be raised if any?

Will this be impactful in a positive or negative way?

Propranonol is apparently a drug to block adrenaline with some tentative evidence it reduces memory associations (rather than blocks memories).

Have you ever read the two books by Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World" and "Brave new World revisited"? SOMA was the drug taken by the population of this ultra modern society (fictional in Brave New World but ours in the second revisited book) to make them all happy. The fact is we are about there with modern day SOMAS because everyone is asking for some kind of a pill in order to feel better. If it isn't a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor it is a tranquilizer. The drug propranonol is just another drug suggested for avoiding reality.

Reality isn't all that bad and the negative things about it like PTSD causing experiences are a part of it from which we recover and learn. The various SOMA like drugs we are using or hoping for and our dependence on them will be just a modern type of alcoholism I think.

I'm not a stoic and I know anesthetics are wonderful but if we become too dependent on these "drug crutches" we will have many new problems like the taking of drugs like cocaine and the drinking of alcohol causes. All these new drugs have serious side effects because they interfere with the natural way the body functions.

I think propranonol is not a desireable drug for "erasing memories".  (+ info)

Does intracranial pressure die down after awhile, or do they have to operate?

Does intracranial pressure die down after awhile, or do they have to operate?
It does not appear to be getting any worse or better after three weeks. Aged 55. Result of a head injury. England 2007 NHS.

generally they can give some medications but they may need to put in burr holes
it depends on what the pressure is resulting from-
if it is blood within there then they can evacuate it sometimes but other times they cant- sometimes it just has to resolve on its own (much like a bruise)  (+ info)

How do I deal with sever post traumatic stress disorder?

My husband just retired from the US Army and was diagnosed with sever post traumatic stress disorder. A lot of our soldiers are coming home with this. His mood swings are really, really bad. We have been married for ten years and I love him with all my heart so I won't leave him. I just need to know if anyone can give me some pointers on dealing with this or something that might have worked for them. It is not an easy thing to deal with.

This requires professional help. He needs to talk to a psychologist and begin therapy immediately or it can become worse. You may want to see one as well in order to understand his condition and to talk about the effects it is having on you. This condition is just as hard on loved ones as it is on the person effected. Please remember that he has been through a lot, and seen things most of us can not even imagine.. This is just his brains way of coping. Try not to take it personally. Rely on the support of your family and friends. It will take time but this can be treated successfully. Good luck.  (+ info)

Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide?

I'm writing a story. Can post traumatic stress disorder lead to suicide? And if so, what would one act like shortly before the suicide?
The cause of the PTSD for the character is seeing the love of his life brutally murdered in front of him.

There is evidence that traumatic events such as sexual abuse, combat trauma, rape, and domestic violence generally increase a person’s suicide risk. Multiple factors contribute to suicide risk in veterans.

Some of the most common factors are listed below:

male gender

alcohol abuse

family history of suicide

older age

poor social-environmental support (exemplified by

homelessness and unmarried status)

possession of firearms

the presence of medical and psychiatric conditions (including combat-related PTSD) associated with suicide  (+ info)

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