FAQ - Intrakraniell emboli och trombos
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How does pregnancy increase the risk of pulmonary and other emboli?

How is pregnancy associated with an increased risk in pulmonary embolism? Does this explain the association between long term use of oral contraceptives and thrombosis, which could possibly lead to embolism?

Yes and no. The hormones that are increased in pregnancy and contained in the contraceptive Pill aren't the only risk factors for blot clots forming during pregnancy. What the Pill and pregnancy both have in common is that they both produce hormones that increase the bloods clotting ability. Oestrogen increases the risk of DVTs by increasing the production of certain chemicals necessary for the blood to clot. It also increases platelet numbers + stickiness of platelets, which increases clot formation (to prepare for blood loss during child birth). Progestogen in the Pill causes the blood vessels to relax and widen, allowing the blood to pool in the veins, increasing risk of clot formation.

Blood clots in pregnancy are generally the result of increased venous stasis- blood pooling in the lower deep veins. As I said above, balance of proteins of the coagulation + fibrinolytic systems also play a part. DVT can of course lead to a pulmonary embolism. Clots in pregnancy and from the Pill are generally always the results of clots that have formed in the deep veins of the legs, broken away and then embolised in the lungs.

Women who do have clots in pregnancy and whilst taking the contraceptive Pill, generally also have certain other risk factors such as protein C and S deficiency and most commonly Factor V Leiden mutation. Over all health of the woman also plays a part- obesity, poor diet/unhealthy lifestyle and a smoking history also increases the risk as does age.

During pregnancy the uterus also expands, putting pressure on the lower blood vessels which can restrict blood flow from the legs and pelvis back to the heart. Physiological structural changes during pregnancy are risk factors alone.  (+ info)

What is multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli thrombosis of the pelvic veins?

Please back up answer if possible

That's a VERY SEVERE AND POTENTIALLY FATAL condition. The pelvic veins are very near to the heart and there is very little in the way of obstructions. So any blood clots that form there will have no difficulty going to the heart, right atrium and ventricle and thence to the lungs. The danger is that a large enough clot can form a "saddle embolus" and COMPLETELY BLOCK the entrance to the heart. It is one of only a few causes of virtually instantaneous death!

Smaller clots can cause cough and chest pains, shortness of breath, and eventually lung scarring and reduced lung and cardiac function. The causes of clotting are many and include infections (in this case, pelvic infections), childbirth, trauma to the area (pelvic or hip fractures), dehydration, hypercoagulable diseases (your blood clots too readily) and cancer (ovarian or uterine) Usually, patients do not survive too long after the diagnosis is made. Medical attention is needed emergently, and usually only treatment at tertiary medical centers will be sufficient. (highly skilled, not your usual local hospital)

I hope I've conveyed how serious a condition a pelvic vein thrombus (clot) or embolus (a clot the breaks away and floats to the heart) can be. It is much more severe than a clot that forms in the legs.  (+ info)

What is a bonemarrow/fat emboli of the brain w/ severe acute bronchopneumonia?

My brother recentl passed away at 49 and this is what the coroner said caused his multiple organ failure leading to his death.

Sorry to hear that. A fat embolism usually occurs after a long bone fracture (usually the femur). When the bone breaks the marrow inside is released and it travels into the bloodstream where it can lodge in various organs including the lung and brain. This will cause respiratory failure and neurologic dysfunction. Unfortunately there aren't really any treatments for fat embolism. The patient is usually placed on a ventilator to support the lungs and other supportive therapies are used however there is no definitive treatment. Hope this was helpful.  (+ info)

How is the extraction of arterial emboli accomplished?

Arterial embolism requires prompt hospitalization for treatment. The goals of treatment are to control symptoms and to improve the interrupted blood flow to the affected area of the body. The underlying cause of the clot, if identified, should be treated to prevent further problems.

Medications include:

Thrombolytics (such as streptokinase)
Anticoagulants (such as warfarin or heparin)
Antiplatelet medications (such as aspirin, ticlopidine, and clopidogrel)
Painkillers given by IV

Some people may need surgery. Procedures include:

Thromboaspiration (clot aspiration)
Embolectomy (clot removal through a balloon catheter or through open surgery)
Angioplasty (dilatation of the artery with a balloon catheter) with or without implantation of a stent
Blood vessel bypass  (+ info)

Is the Mirena IUD safe for me If I have had a pulmonary emboli?

My doctor thought it would be okay.

Your Dr would know better then we would. I have it and I love it! I have a very light period..........when I used to have very heavy painful periods.  (+ info)

what if there is air in the syringe that I use for an injection of insulin? Can it form an emboli?

I accidentally injected a little air into my body while giving myself a shot. Should I worry?

the air from an insulin injection goes into the fatty tissue so there is no risk of injury although you dont want to make a habit out of it. an air emboli travels through the blood stream so you would have to inject the air directly into the vein.  (+ info)

What are the long-term side affects of a large Pulmonary Emboli? I am short of breath and chest pains.?

I have had a cat scan of my lungs, echocardiogram, chemical stress test, pulmonary function test. All tests have shown to be normal. I am unable to sing at church without getting short of breath, a headache and very tired. I get short of breath and pain if i try to walk at a normal pace for me or faster. I'm even getting tired sitting here and typing this question. Anyone with some insight to this would be greatly appreciated

They need to do an MRI if you are still having problems and the other tests are negative. Something is reducing your oxygen. Did they test your blood for coagulation? Generally, if PE is found, the patient is placed on heparin until the clot resolves or coumadin is started. The effects of PE depend on how long the clot stays in the lungs. The other thing they need to look for is problems with the heart. I would stay on top of the doctors until they find out what is wrong with you.  (+ info)

Anyone ever experience blood clots in their lungs after pregnancy ? AKA: Pulmonary Emboli?

I ended up in th hospital a few days after having my baby with blood clots in my lungs having to take lots of medications, blood tests, etc. Anyone ever experience this? Please share your experience.

Yes. I had a PE after surgery not birth related. PE's have a very high death rate. You and I are lucky along with all the others whose clot lodged in the lung and didn't make it to the brain. (annurism)
You will probably be on a 6 month standard coumadin therapy along with tests and more tests. Mostly to determine whether you are genetically prone to clotting. You may have just been sedentary after giving birth and that coupled with being overweight can bring on a PE. You are very fortunate to have good medical care.
My SIL gave birth to my neice while I was in the hospital with my PE. The young mother next to her that had just delivered a baby girl and had a 3 y/o at home, got up to potty and dropped dead on the floor from a PE. She had a c-section and clotted. It was no ones fault really. They can just happen so suddenly.
I wish you the best!  (+ info)

in what trimester of pregnancy can you get an emboli or DVT?

The risks for DVT and pulmonary emboli are increased throughout pregnancy and for sometime after the pregnancy as well.  (+ info)

Clinical question about thrombo emboli?

I am having difficulty with this clinical scenario problem, can someone please help me? Thank you very much

A 29-year-old new mother, who delivered her baby 3 days ago, is admitted to the hospital with chest pain and is diagnosed as having venous thrombosis with pulmonary emboli.

What factors would contribute to this woman's risk for development of thromboemboli?

the pregnancy itself. delivery complications. post partum complications. clots forming after delivery of da baby  (+ info)

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