FAQ - Klinefelters syndrom
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What is good medicine for irritial bowel syndrom?

I am only 21 and I have ibs whenever I am in social settings, even if I did not eat much. I am scared to go in long car rides with others or sit through a long class.
My symptons are more mild, like bloating.

Go to a doctor. There are too many causes of IBS, most of them are serious, considering your age. It is important to get checked out, and checked out early.  (+ info)

What causes the shock syndrom thing that happens when u leave in a tampon for to long?

i was woried i had it but then i didnt, so now i am curious, what causes it?
like why would anything happen just because of a peice of cloth in your vagina?
it sounds so stupid, lol

Good question!

TSS is caused by a common bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus. Researchers still are unsure as to the actual cause of TSS but many have a theory.

The high absorbency tampon causes excessive vaginal moisture absorption, thus drying out the surrounding vaginal tissues. The thought is that these high absorbency tampons stick the inside of the vaginal wall and when removed, pulls small layers of tissue (skin).

This is why it is important to use the least absorbent tampon as possible and change tampons often - at LEAST every 4-6 hours.

Take care.  (+ info)

can reyes syndrom occur during the chicken pox or only after?

Yeah but what if you take asprin during will it develope after the chicken box is over or during?

  (+ info)

What are the latent symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrom?

I have a child in my class whose parents are deceased and I suspect that he suffers from FAS, however, I have no clear way of knowing. ny suggestions?

Growth deficiency: The child may be shorter, skinnier, or both than his/her classmates.

Facial features: Typically, those with FAS have a flat philtrum (the groove between the upper lip and nose), a thin upper lip, and decreased eye width.

CNS damage: In the classroom you should see impaired communication skills, learning disabilities, and other general signs of mental retardation.

The best way to know if the child has FAS, however, is to confirm that the mother was in fact drinking during the pregnancy.  (+ info)

What are my odds of getting toxic shock syndrom?

Today I realized I had in two tampons at the same time without knowing. One had been in for about 3 hours, and the other somewhere between 9 and 13. I'm only 14, and couldn't tell my mom right now because she's sitting next to my dad and that'd be too awkward. Please help!

Pull your mom away by saying I have to talk to you. Try really hard not to do that again . Never leave those in longer than 8 hours . Keep an eye on how you are feeling. Ask your mom to . Say hey mom I have something for you to look at and then when she isn't next to your dad say what really happened .  (+ info)

Is it possible for a woman with endometriosis and antiphospholipid syndrom to get pregnent?

She was diagnosed with endo after a problem birth with her first child and in 2005 with A.P.S. The doctors remove her spleen due to an antibody piggybacking on her platelets. The spleen was confusing the antibody as a foreign infection, and the spleen destroyed the fb and the platelets also. Her platelet level has returned to normal and her abilities to clot cuts has returned. Now she want to get pregnent again but, we are worried about the latter problems..... Can anyone assist with an answer or a direction to the right place?

I had 5 healthy babies with endometriosis. The other I was reading and it said it had a lot of people who lose the babies, still born babies, and list of other problems if she was even able to carry the baby. I listed a few sites I looked at. I hope it helps  (+ info)

Can I get toxic shcok Syndrom by wearing a tampon over nitght?

I am so scaird to where a tampon for tonight over.I think i will get toxic shock syndrome from wearing it over night.My pierod is really hevey right now and it is my second tay of my pierod and it is really heavy.One more question how do i control mood swings.Please Answer.

TSS does not happen to everybody. I wear tampons at night and rarely don't have one in for the 5 days of my period. I have yet to have a problem with it, but somtimes do feel pain in my abdomen and then take the tampon out. It really just varies from person to person. Try leaving a tampon in for an extended period of time when you are NOT sleeping and see what happens. At the first onset of slight pain take it out, but you could be good to go. As far as mood swings go, if you are talking about during your period....a really good birth control pill can help to ease that. Other than that, I would see an OBGYN and get "real doctor" information from them. Hope this was helpful! (BTW this is Paul B's wife....he wanted me to make sure and say that:))  (+ info)

What can a person do with a moderate case of sjogrens syndrom to keep her skin from looking dried out?

This is reply to maisie, I am 45 years old, have been diagnoised a little over 2 years ago. Im on the generic of evoax (sp)

You do not say how old you are, nor why you have been diagnosed with sjogren's syndrome or whether or not you are on meds for this aliment.
I myself have this, and have had it since I was a teenager, I am now in my 50's. I have mixed connective tissue illness, which includes systemic lupus
I have used all types of things during the course of this situation and I can finally say to you that I have found 2 products which work really well for me. I am sure there are many other products that are out there but these are the 2 that I have decided to stick with.
As far as a prescription---Ammonium Lactate Lotion, 12% works great during the Cleveland cold weathers. LOL
Kiss My Face-Obsessively natural "Olive & Aloe, this is an ultra Moisturizer Hydratant for sensitive skin-I use this every day and it is wonderful.
As you know you should be drinking a lot of water and eating good fruit & veg.
Good luck to you,  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrom?

I am tired all the time. I can sleep at anytime for as long as you will let me. I am even tired when I have had 10 hours of sleep! I heard about chronic fatigue syndrome but I dont know if thats what it is.
I am a 24 year old female without children.

Tiredness i should imagine.  (+ info)

How can using tampons make you get toxic shock syndrom?

I just started using tampons, but i don't understand how it can make you get TSS.

Your vagina lubricates itself constantly. By putting in a tampon your body is unable to discharge properly that can cause TSS in only an hour or two. It is false that it only happens if left in too long. It is because of your body adjusting that your not supposed to use them for your first year of menstruation.  (+ info)

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