FAQ - Lacerations
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How to stop yourself from bleeding to death if you sever an artery?

Let's imagine we are in some sort of terrible accident. We cut open a main artery in the body, lets consider any of them are a possibility. How would you stop yourself from bleeding to death? What is the best way that could be accomplished with regular clothes and no special items near. Could someone with knowledge please cover all the main arteries in the body? and the difference between stab wound treatment and lacerations. Thank you.

First, why the blazes are you asking this sort of question? Are you a critical care student or what? There are many arteries in the human body: the arcuate, axillary, brachial, brachiocephalic, carotid, central, coronary, dorsal pedis, facial, femoral, hepatic, iliac, intercostal, interlobular, maxillary, occipital, ovarian, pulmonary, radial, renal, spermatic, splenic, subclavian, suprarenal, testicular, thoracic. ulnar, umbilical, and vertebral.

If you didn't have any medical equipment, you would use a 4 inch wide strip of clothing and a stick of some sort. You would wrap it about 2 inches from the amputation site and use the stick to twist the tourniquet tighter until blood flow is stopped. You would tie the stick down and ensure that it does not loosen. This procedure is done only around amputation sites, not for arteries in the trunk, for example.

A laceration is when there is a jagged tear in one or more layers of the skin. This is treated by cleansing the wound and direct pressure. Sometimes, we will administer a nerve block. In some cases, we may need a suture kit.

A stab wound is harder to deal with. We may not be sure what internal organs were damaged without closer inspection. Direct pressure should be applied to the wound. Keep the wound clear of debris. ER physicians will handle x-rays and any complications such as internal organ damage or if there is still shards of the penetrating object. The patient must be monitored every 5 minutes.

This is all the detail I will go into. If you are a nursing student, medical student, or EMT student, please see your course instructor. This overview is not meant to serve as a replacement for professional medical care.  (+ info)

What is the outlook for an accident victim bleeding from the ears?

I was one of the first on the scene of an accident last night. A pick up pulled out in front of a tractor trailer. Impact was on the front drivers side. The driver was breathing but unresponsive and had quite a bit of blood coming from his ear. I assume that is probably a skull fracture. Not much for lacerations. Not sure of his other injuries. What would be his outlook from what I have said?

Blood and/or cerebrospinal fluid coming from the ears indicates a brain injury and/or skull fracture, but there is no way to estimate the severity of this. Traumatic brain injuries are still a very mysterious thing.  (+ info)

How do you deal with depression and sadness?

The lacerations in the head is tearing me apart. At times I can't stay focus because of memories and thoughts disrupting my concentration. How do you handle stress, depression, sadness, anger, etc?
Medication is not always the answer to depression or any other negative feeling. I only feel depressed at certain times. I wouldn't want to drug myself just for a period of time.

You are correct that medication is not always the best answer to depression nor is it necessarily the answer to any other problems.
But there is a natural approach to depression disorder, like increasing your intake on vitamins and minerals, and some therapy to deal with the emotional intake.
I have left a link for you to look at on mens health world.net about depression disorder and if you scroll down to the bottom you will see the article on "Natural Approach to Depression".  (+ info)

Why is a cast put on a deep laceration on the flexor tendon?

My girlfriend recently cut her leg in the achilles tendon area. When we went to the ER the doctor used 10 staples and put the ankle in a splint and referred us to an orthopedic specialist who cut the splint off and bit the leg in a cast. Why did they do this?

And is there anything we can do to relieve the pain of the staples?

The tendon will tear apart if you move the ankle. It's a thick fibrous band and in order for it to heal it needs to be kept from moving. It takes six to eight weeks for tendons to heal and in that time period motion will re-rupture the tendon. Think of it as a thick rubber band which allows you to move your foot down. If the foot unexpectedly goes up the rubber band will snap and it's another operation to re-sew the tendon back together again.  (+ info)

Would a arm laceration qualify me for disability?

I had one artery in my wrist severed, all of the tendons and nerves. I have pain in my wrist now and also limited movement in my hand. I am 20 years old and it effects my ability to work. I want to know if I would qualify for social security disability?

Not even close... At your age, even if you could not move that hand at all or that hand was amputated, you would not qualify, there are jobs you would be able to perform.  (+ info)

How to stop high heeled shoes from hurting my feet?

I have this adorable pair of strappy high-heeled shoes, but whenever i wear them i get these red cuts/lacerations on my feet. How can I prevent this from happening?

Not all shoes will work with everyone's feet. They might just be the wrong fit for you.

If you are just starting to wear heels, it is kind of like riding a bike, you start with the training wheels (little heels), once you get used to those get a little bit higher, and so on.  (+ info)

How do I get used to having a scar on my face?

I was in a car accident on Jan. 16th, and had facial lacerations that required stitches. Now I have a scar on my face next to my left eye. It is not really big, but it is noticeable.
I have always been kind of vain about my appearance (yes, I admit it), and this scar is driving me crazy.

How do I get used to having a scar on my face?

I'm sorry about your accident. Just be grateful that you were not seriously hurt. The scar is a part of you now, so you just have to accept that. It will be there forever. I'm sure you look fine, anyways! I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's no use to miss your "old face" because your scar isn't going anywhere. It's a part of your face now, and you CAN be beautiful with it there.

Good luck! And remember, confidence is the best type of beauty. If you wear your scar without insecurity, it will not stand out to anyone else. I doubt that it does, we just tend to emphasize our own faults at times.  (+ info)

How long is it gonna take me to recover from a severed patella tendon?

I cut my leg wide open at work on July 5th with a machete.(Me,Land surveyor) Severed patella tendon, and muscle lacerations just above the knee. I have been in an immobilizer for a month almost, and haven't bent my leg since the accident. I go back to the doc for a checkup and maybe start physical therapy next Thursday. What's my forecast?

I'd say it will take quite some time to be back where you were before, and you may always have some vulnerability in your knee area.

You've been in an immobilizer for a month, so that will cause muscle atrophy itself that will take a good PT program to reverse. Then, you will slowly have to build up the severed tendon as well.

I'd say 6-8 months to be close to normal (that's just my uneducated guess though). But if you overdo it and hurt it by thinking you're more capable than you are, you'll have to start the recovery process all over again.

So best to go slow and steady than take any chances.

Hope you heal well.  (+ info)

How do I lessen the appearance of surgical scars?

I had gotten into an accident and sustained some lacerations to my face. I know one is a hypertrophic scar as it's red and slightly raised, but around my left eye, the stitches have dissolved and left little white bumps around my eye. They look like blisters or little pimples. Is this a type of scarring and if so how do I get rid of them?

mederma  (+ info)

Strange tingling in my middle and ring finger right hand right before i get off work?

It's very bizzare but it actually intensifies when i watch the clock and lessens when i force my attention elsewhere. I do have two Scars on this finger where some pretty bad lacerations took place years ago (dog bite and sheet metal) so nerve damage is possible. It has been like this for about six months.

  (+ info)

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