FAQ - Larva migrans
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What do you think of the name Larva for a babby girl?

It means "lovely companion" in my culture.

Isn't it hilarious how some people on here still think these questions are serious? Even better when they don't get the joke and say the name is beautiful, haha.  (+ info)

Did the Japanese start eating hachinoko (bee larvae) because of food shortages in World War II?

Quite a specific question here, but I'd heard about bee larvae before and having made the above assumption, I started writing a story involving it. While it's not fundamental that everything be historically accurate, I would still like to make sure it's at least conceivable.

this is all I could find about it

Hachinoko became popular years ago when country people, deprived of fish and meats, turned to other wildlife in search of protein. The larvae are cooked in soy sauce and sugar and taste mildly sweet with a crumbly texture. These days, it is mainly a nostalgia item at parties. It makes a grand entrance in the festivities, and the older folks grin with expectation. The actual task of eating hachinoko, however, is not nearly so exciting.  (+ info)

What can happen if you swim in mosquito larvae infested water?

My 9 year old daughter and 5 year old daughter were in the pool for a few minutes and we didn't notice they didn't notice the larvae. I made them take a bath we didn't see any on them or in the water...but I am scared now and I can't find any info online.

If you had them shower, everything should be alright. Mosquito larvae don't live in skin. They may have some mosquito bites, but don't worry about it they'll be fine.  (+ info)

How do I get rid of flea eggs and larvae off a human head?

What do i use? Will the ocean water and chlorine in the pool killl it?

Go to the pharmacy, they have some that can help you.
It is probably lice not flees
good luck  (+ info)

migrans everyday all day, causes?

my friend has been getting horrible migrans everyday for the past month she went to the doctor and they said it could be her thyroid, she had test done and they said it looks fine, what else could be causing her these migrans? she says she feels hot and cold off and on all day as well...

Migraines can be caused by stress. Allergies can trigger a migraine and being around loud smells like perfumes, certain flowers, loud noises can also give you this horrible headache. I have never heard of a thyroid making your head hurt. The thyroid causes other symptoms like fatigue along with a list of other symptoms. I did have thyroid cancer. I am better now BUT..... I get these headaches and it is hereditary. My grandmother had them also She may want to get meds for them that only the doctor can prescribe. Try to stay stress free and keep track of things that you do and soon as you feel one coming on you will know what triggered it. I hope this gives you a little info so that you can try to help her.  (+ info)

What are the dangers of water with mosquito larvae in it?

Say a "friend" decided to siphon water off of a neighbor's terribly installed inflatable pool, with the intent of emptying the pool. The pool of water had swimming larvae in it, from mosquitoes, etc. During the siphoning process, a mouthful of water was gathered and spit out.

This got me thinking - what kind of dangers would be in this situation? Or, if, really, more water were drank by a child nearby?

  (+ info)

what are the Symptoms of eating undercooked deer meat?

i ate undercooked deer meat and i got 2 really bad migrans and was wondering if it was b/c of that?

undercooked "deer" meat - probably the same as undercooked cheap meat. ha ha ha  (+ info)

Has anyone found a live larvae in Nestle Good Start formula?

My daughter recently opened a large can of powder Good Start with 20% more in the can. After feeding the baby 3 times, she found a worm on the edge of her scoop. She called Nestle and they sent her some free coupons. They wanted her to send the can back to them but she has kept it. Does anyone have any advise on what she should do? Thanks!

I believe that's probably a Indian meal moth. They are known to show up in factories and peoples food cabinets. They like grains and powders like flour. I believe legally they are allowed so many bugs in inspections of factories. I mean it's bound to happen sometime if something is made in large amounts like that.  (+ info)

What are those little gold moths in my kitchen pantry?

They get into my dry beans,rice,pasta's,corn meal and box dinners.I Don't want to keep everything in the freezer.How can I keep rid of them.They make spider like threads and have little larva.

We used to call them mealy bugs, but it's a type of moth that come into your home in infected flour, grains, bird seed etc. You need to throw away all your opened flour, cornmeal etc. Clean out your cabinets and spray them, then keep flour etc in air tight containers.  (+ info)

What will happen if someone accidently drinks water containing mosquito larvae?

The water was bottled for 2-3 days but suddenly after drinking it my friend realized it had mosquito larvae. what can be done as a corrective measure at this stage. Please answer quickly,

Your stomach acid will kill the larvae  (+ info)

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