FAQ - Leishmaniasis, visceral
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If I'm trying to lose visceral fat, are there any foods in particular I should be avoiding?

I've pretty much cut out most wheat and have hugely cut down on all those delicious pastries, cookies, take outs etc. and I get exercise. but I'm building muscle underneath my fat which is pointless. I'm 70kilos....most of that seems to be located on my stomach though :)

I know I can't spot reduce, but what foods should I watch out for that really add to the visceral fat?


Chef Boyardee and high-fat dairy.Cut down on refined carbs and saturated fat to keep your metabolism and appetite in check.  (+ info)

is there any good effective way to reduce Visceral-fat?

Diet and regular exercise are the keys to reduce visceral fat. Of late liposuction is being used quite frequently for those who do not benefit from diet restrictions and exercises or those who wont want to follow it. Bariatric surgery is a long shot thereafter.  (+ info)

Any suggestions for burning visceral fat around the belly area, especially adrenal body type?

Cardio, cardio, cardio, cardio. As simple as that.  (+ info)

If you have low cholesterol and low blood pressure does that indicate low levels of visceral fat?

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pleurisy  (+ info)

What is % of subcutaneous and visceral fat in body if overweight? Lose at equal rate or ?


Men: 20%-25% body fat (depending on age)
Women: 30%-35% body fat (depending on age)

HTH : )  (+ info)

How to eliminate visceral fat.?

I have been struggling with stubborn fat around my belly. What is the best way to get rid of it without using chemicals?

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Why leishmaniasis is transmitted by sand flies bite? Why not by other mosquitoes?

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i recently went to houndourous and got 63 san fly bites what are the chances i will contract leishmaniasis?

the chances are still not very high, the majority of flies do not carry the leishmaniasis pathogenic infectious diseases causing bacterium, and getting bitten from only 63 does not raise your chances very much, if you are having no symptoms yet, there is most likely a 2.39% chance that you have contracted this disease.  (+ info)

What is the cure for leishmaniasis?

Is it cureable, how do you find a compentent physician

From wiki:
There are two common therapies containing antimony (known as pentavalent antimonials), meglumine antimoniate (Glucantim®) and sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam®). It is not completely understood how these drugs act against the parasite; they may disrupt its energy production or trypanothione metabolism. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, the parasite has become resistant to antimony and for visceral or mucocutaneous leishmaniasis,[2] but the level of resistance varies according to species.[3] Amphotericin is now the treatment of choice[4]; failure of AmBisome® to treat visceral leishmaniasis (Leishmania donovani) has been reported in Sudan,[5] but this failure may be related to host factors such as co-infection with HIV or tuberculosis rather than parasite resistance.

Miltefosine (Impavido®), is a new drug for visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. The cure rate of miltefosine in phase III clinical trials is 95%; Studies in Ethiopia show that is also effective in Africa. In HIV immunosuppressed people who are coinfected with leishmaniasis it has shown that even in resistant cases 2/3 of the people responded to this new treatment. Clinical trials in Colombia showed a high efficacy for cutaneous leishmaniasis. In mucocutaneous cases caused by L.brasiliensis it has shown to be more effective than other drugs. Miltefosine received approval by the Indian regulatory authorities in 2002 and in Germany in 2004. In 2005 it received the first approval for cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia. Miltefosine is also currently being investigated as treatment for mucocutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L. braziliensis in Colombia,[2] and preliminary results are very promising. It is now registered in many countries and is the first orally administered breakthrough therapy for visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis.[6](More, et al, 2003). In October 2006 it received orphan drug status from the US Food and Drug administration. The drug is generally better tolerated than other drugs. Main side effects are gastrointetinal disturbance in the 1-2 days of treatment which does not affect the efficacy. Because it is available as an oral formulation, the expense and inconvenience of hospitalisation is avoided, which makes it an attractive alternative.

More info here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leishmaniasis#Treatment  (+ info)

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