FAQ - Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic
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Does anyone know how I can improve the circulation in the lower half of my legs as I am wheelchair bound?

I have Leukodystrophy and have no physiotherapy as the hospital have said they are running out of funds for this. They have also told my mum to do this for me but the thing is my mum has a damaged back and also she is 61yrs old. I find it very tiring as my condition makes me this way.

try rubbing your legs, this will stimulate the blood circulation, especially in your calves.

Every now and then try to lift your legs up onto a small table or something so that your feet are level with your hips, this will also help because it means that gravity is not pulling all the blood down to your feet all of the time, so making it easier for the blood to pump around your body more efficiently as you are immobile.

Rubbing your legs will really help and also keeping them warm, so try and do this as often as you feel the need.

Take care!  (+ info)

Can anyone tell me of aa good neurological physiotherapist in sheffield?

I have Leukodystrophy and have been told by the hospital that I need neurological physiotherapy but they wont give it me as they say they are running out of funds. I am wheelchair bound and I cant walk at all but I wouldd like to get my legs as strong as I possibly can to help myself with transfers etc. If anyone can help please do, kindest regards Julie xx


I work at Hallamshire physiotherapy Clinic in Broomhill and are the largest provider of Neurological physiotherapists in Sheffield. Have a look our web site (www.hallamshirephysiotherapy.com) and ask a physiotherapist or a patient who has used our services. If you have any questions ring 0114 2671223 and we are happy to discuss your requirements.
Best wishes
Karen Hodgson  (+ info)

question about Leukodystrophy?

i believe this is the disease my fiance's father died from....my fiance thinks he could get it...is it hereditary...and if so...what are the chances of him being diagnosed with it...and is there anything we can do to prevent it...or anything at all??

there are MANY forms of leukodystrophy some are inherited traits and some aren't.. It depends on the type of ld your father in law had.  (+ info)

homeopaths, does genetic disorders can be cured?

my wife has x-linked disease. she has two sons that have leukodystrophy while daughters are all rite though they may be carriers.

can my wife be cured, can she have normal sons without any disease. plz help and suggest some medicines as well

well, a homeopath can't "cure" anything. but, even a ivy-league physician can't cure a genetic disorder. this is one of those things that just can't be fixed, unfortunately.
  (+ info)

can anyone suggest any way of getting some energy as i am so tired all the time?

I suffer from leukodystrophy and am wheelchair bound

not sure what that is, but how about multi-vitimin and iron tablets.

Im generally a tired person and found myself falling asleep in the day which is bad! so i started taking them on day 2 i noticed a lift in my attitude and mood.
Don't rely on them as the only vitimin to take, eat oranges and apples. A banana is full of potassium, a brilliant boost to keep you motivated and awake.
If all else fails, go to the doctors so they can check your blood levels.  (+ info)

help alternative medicine paractitioners,can genetic diseases be cured? ?

my wife has x-linked disease. she has two sons that have leukodystrophy while daughters are all rite though they may be carriers.

can my wife be cured, can she have normal sons without any disease. plz help and suggest some medicines as well

no ,  (+ info)

does anyone else have a child?

is there anyone out there who has a child with non specified leukodystrophy, i am in the uk and only come across a couple of families with the condition. it is a life limited condition but medical team cannot give a definate prognosis.

wow! I am so sorry to hear that. I haven't a child with this disease, but I wish you the best of everything for you and your family. And Merry Christmas too. :)  (+ info)

has anyone else in the uk?

has anyone else in the uk got a child, relative or friend who has non specified leukodystrophy. my daughter is nearlly 7 and it would be good to speak to others who know of this condition.my daughter has been tested for all known leukodystrophies and nothing can be found. there is little support in the uk for this condition so it is difficult to know what the future holds. love to hear from anyone who is going through what we are.

I'm sorry to hear of your daughter's illness, and can't say i've honestly ever heard of it before, but i looked it up on wikipedia, it has a lot of info on there, and several links to other good sites and foundations set up for this condition.
I wish you and your daughter well.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukodystrophy  (+ info)

can u help?

i have recently set up a group on msn for parents and carers of unspecified leukodystrophy, does anyone know how i can promote my group for other users. any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

You've already missed a golden opportunity. If you'd have placed a hyperlink in with your question, I'm sure that many people would have clicked on it.

Do as has already been suggested. Ask at doctor's surgeries if you can display a notice. How about some of the free advertising papers that abound? Contact your local hospital and ask them if they'd kindly display a poster there. (Mind you, they may be reluctant if they think that you're likely to be dispensing advice rather than being there to support each other.)

Best of luck.  (+ info)

Health Question?

What is the history or first case of metachromatic leucodystrophy

Try these;



http://www.neuro.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/15/3/289  (+ info)

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