FAQ - Leukoencefalopati, progressiv multifokal
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Severe loss of appetite, nausea, chills?

For the past one week n a half or so, i have had a loss of appetite (progressiv actually) its not until recently that i kept feeling nausea. the loss of appetite actually begin when i had sinuses infection (last wk) , had fever for about 4 days straight went to the doc, got medication. am still on antibiotics. medication ends today.

i lost bout 2kg so far cause of the infection (in jus 5 days). not eating well i guess . im beginning to feel very worried about my loss of appetite cause past few days been rrly terrible. i dont even have the urge to eat and neither do i feel hungry. i just have alot of liquid gushin around in my tummy. and i cant seem to finish anything that i eat. either that or i feel nausea.

before the infection came about i was not like this at all! i use to be able to eat alot. and i love food like hell. but now its like. i dont even feel like looking at food.

any explanation as to why this is happenin?? thanksss :(

You are just sick sweetie and still in the recovery mode, get lots of rest and gradually start on small sips and small bites of bland food and fluids, in another week if it still persists, see the doc again
Take care and Good luck  (+ info)

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