FAQ - Limb Deformities, Congenital
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What are some common baby deformities and their causes?

I'm aware that many babies nowadays are being born without thumbs, especially if an older sibling was killed in a freak accident.

What are some other baby deformities that you've encountered?

-Occult Consultant

Gril Babby not fittin on riet. Legs danglin inna coles.  (+ info)

What is Congenital diverticulum of the bladder?

My 3yr old daughter has been diagnosed with some type of mass pushing on her bladder. Doctors are not sure what it is. I was just wondering what congenital diverticulum of the bladder is.

They are pouches in the bladder wall that a person is born with (congenital) or later acquires. A congenital bladder diverticulum represents an area of weakness in the bladder wall through which some of the lining of the bladder is forced out. (A small balloon squeezed in a fist will create a diverticular-like effect between the fingers.) Bladder diverticula may be multiple and they often occur at the entrance of the upper urinary system into the bladder (ureterovesical junction). Acquired diverticula are usually related to bladder obstruction, most commonly as a result of benign prostatic hyperplasia  (+ info)

Is Congenital Heart Disease a disease that is associated with aging?

I am doing a project about Congenital Heart Disease for my sophmore Health Academy Focus.....
I need to know if Congenital Heart Disease is associated with aging.....If possilbe can you also give me links on places where I can find more information on the topic.
thank you

Congenital means it was present at birth. It is not associated with aging, although it may be undetected until adulthood, depending on its severity.  (+ info)

Who is the best Congenital Cataract Surgeon in the world - to treat a newborn?

We are blessed with a beautiful baby this week. She is diagnosed with Congenital Cataract and advised to get it removed as soon as possible. We want to give her the best possible treatment. It would be great if I could be advised on - Which are the best Pediatric Eye hospitals in the world? Who are the most experienced surgeons in this field.

This one seems to stand out...http://www.edow.com/about/our-doctors/ I hope yourr little baby recovers fast.  (+ info)

What are the chances of one parent having congenital heart disease of passing it onto their children?


My husband was born with congenital heart disease (tetralogy of fallot), he is however an otherwise healthy 25 year old with no history of heart disease in his family background. I am a fit and healthy 24 year old with no background of heart disease in my family. I would like to know what are the statistics/chances that our children would end up being born with congenital heart disease?

50%  (+ info)

How are arteries repaired in the case of a severed limb or finger?

I am interested in knowing how blood supply is restored to a limb or other extremity that has been severed from the body. I am most interested in the techniques used to 'suture' the veins themselves back together. Thanks in advance.

It's done with very fine sutures under magnification. Depending on how the body part was removed, the damaged part of the artery may have to be replaced with vein or plastic.  (+ info)

How could a knife wound in a fight cause amputation of a limb by surgeons?

Say someone was in a bar fight, the other person pulled a knife and stabbed him several times. Where would they have to stab, and/or what kind of complications could arise that would make the doctor suggest amputation of a limb?

Surgeons don't remove limbs for no reason. There has to be death of tissue beyond repair to cause this. If dead tissue is allowed to remain, gangrene will set in and then you have the serious potential of death instead of just loss of a limb. Mary is right. It must be circulatory system related.  (+ info)

Is there any long-term effects to early treated Congenital Hypothyroidism?

I have had Congenital Hypothyroidism all of my life, i was diagnosed at 2 days old. I have been taking Levothyroxine since i was 2 days old also. I am now 16, but I am curious if there are any long term effects of living with it. For some reason I have never really looked into my disease that much.

Possible long term problems appear to be in the areas of memory, attention and visual spacial problems but as yours has been treated since day 2, you may not experience any of these.  (+ info)

Can Relapse of braces cause jaw deformities during puberty?

Can Relapse of braces cause jaw deformities for a kid( during puberty) that has worn them half way thru but then took them off himself and refuses to wear them again?

what yer goin on about sister?  (+ info)

Is this possible with a person having a congenital heart disease?

I'm not sure if this is medically proven or correct coz i just invented this. For example, a person is born with congenital heart disease, and his heart is weak ever since. But he is an athlete. He plays basketball since he was a child. And being an athlete helps him survive, because basketball is a sport and sport is a form of exercise, right? And exercise is good for the heart. So he survived BECAUSE of playing basketball? Can that possibly happen?

Children and adults with congenital heart defects can tolerate varying levels of exercise. Generally, exercise restrictions are based on the severity and type of heart defect.
People with mild heart defects usually can participate in any type of sport or exercise. Those who have moderate or severe defects or who have had surgery require careful evaluation by a health professional before starting an exercise or sports program. Often a stress test EKG (a type of electrocardiogram) is done to determine the effect of exercise on the heart. Many children have this test by the time they start school and become involved with physical education classes and other activities.http://www.revolutionhealth.com/conditions/heart/congenital-heart-disease/live-with/exercise  (+ info)

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