FAQ - Lupus erythematosus, kutan
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What is the difference between Lupus affecting the nervous system and MS?

What symptoms are different for each? How are they different and how are they the same? How common is it to have Lupus (SLE) and a neurological disorder such as MS?

Both lupus and multiple sclerosis are autoimmune disease in which the immune system goes haywire and attacks healthy parts of the self.

In multiple sclerosis, the immune system destroys the myelin sheath or fatty covering of the nerves. This can result in loss of transmission of signals.

In lupus, neurological symptoms can include things like seizures and neuropathy, or nerve pain. The mechanism by which lupus causes these things is not the same as in MS.  (+ info)

What are the chances of a person undergoing chemotherapy for lupus getting a girl pregnant?

I'm aware that the lupus chemodrug Cyclophosphamide is known for killing your sperm count and ruining sperm motility, at least temporarily.

How good are your chances of concieving a child? If they're pretty low... anyone have an idea how long it takes to recover your counts?

I spoke with my doctor about this, but he says that since Lupus is a disease that affects far more women than men, it's hard for him to say with any assurance.

there are other therapies which will help more with this problem and the only reason you are being recommended that route is because of profit
look into what edgar cayce said on lupus
spiritual healing and reiki can help too
not to mention
bob beck protocol
raymond rife machine may help too
google search them all  (+ info)

Can lupus be sexually transmitted, also if I have sex with a girl with lupus, what can happen to her?

Can lupus be sexually transmitted, also if I have sex with a girl with lupus, what can happen to her? In terms of complications, or would that depend on what type she has?

Lupus is not a contagious disease. It is a disease that can affect any major organ (i.e. lungs, heart) If your girlfriend has lupus should would be advised by her doctor on what to do. My brother has had lupus for years. In remission now.  (+ info)

I have Lupus and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on helping dry skin?

I have been living with Lupus for about a year now and have episodes where my face gets very dry, flaky and sometimes itchy (butterfly rash). The skin around my eyes and my eyelids get very dry. The skin turns a deep shade red/purple and sometimes is painful to the touch. I also get dry patches on my forehead and chin. Does anyone have non prescription remedies to make my episodes subside easier?

This is something that you really must talk with
your doctor about. Its important that he or she
know this. It may be a side effect of medication
you are now taking. And furthermore, before you self
medicate, you need to find out it it will interact in a
negative way with your current medications.  (+ info)

Is it possible to have lupus even though non of your family has lupus?

I have tested positive for lupus, and I have many lupus symptoms. My doctors believe I may have lupus, but I have not been officially diagnosed with lupus. All of my family members are very healthy. No one in my family has any illnesses. No one in my family has ever had any type of autoimmune disease. I am the first and only person. Is this possible and how could this be?

More often than not people who are diagnosed with Lupus do not have anyone in their family with Lupus. My wife is one example of this. Her family is very healthy yet she has severe organ involved SLE.

Researchers believe that both genetics and environmental factors cause Lupus. The important part now isn't to worry about where you got it from but rather to focus on how to keep yourself healthy. Make sure you get to know your doctors and have an open line of communication with them. Lupus is a very treatable disease but if it gets out of control it can be very difficult to recover from.

If you have any questions you can post them here, but I would definately go to the Lupus Foundation of America at Lupus.org and learn more about your disease.  (+ info)

What is a good diet regimen for a lupus patient to follow? What foods should be avoided?

I would like to know what foods to stay away from and what foods may help people diagnosed with autoimmune diseases. What is a good diet regimen for this diagnosis? Are there any foods that are harmful or that should be totally avoided by lupus patients?

Lupus patients should avoid alfalfa sprouts. They stimulate the immune system, just the opposite of what we need.

Outside of that, here are some basic guidelines that work for me.

1. Eat lots, and I mean lots, of fresh fruits and vegetables
2. Limit or eliminate animal fat. We have a high rate of premature atherosclerosis. A healthy heart diet is essential.
3. Limit processed foods
4. Eat plenty of fiber (#1 will accomplish that)
5. Get regular mild to moderat exercise-it improves immune function, lubricates joints and elevates mood. Ask your rheumy what would be good for you.
6. Do not take echinacea or goldenseal. They also stimulate immune system.
7. Some lupus patients find wheat gluten to be inflammatory, but many of us have no problem with it.
8. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, don't put it in your mouth.
9. Fish oil is anti-inflammatory. You can eat cold water fish like salmon to get that. A small amount of nuts is good, too.
10. Make sure you get plenty of calcium. Our meds make us prone to osteoporosis. Exercise helps with that, too.  (+ info)

Does anyone have discoid lupus and is pregnant?What are your symptoms? How do you deal with them?

I am about 9 weeks pregnant and I cannot take my medication to help prevent the rash. Every day about 2 hours after I wake up I get a flare up on my hands, arms, legs, ankels, neck and chest and they seeming to get worse. Is this normal? I can't get into my dermatologist for 2 weeks and none of my other doctors will touch the lupus issue. HELP!

Call the dermatologist back and be very firm about getting in earlier. If they gatekeepers still refuse, ask to have the doctor call you that day. If that does not work, call your rheumatologist.

Personally, I would look for another dermatologist ASAP. Lupus patients need to be able to see their doctors within a reasonable time when there is a problem Two weeks is not reasonable. It is most likely the receptionist who is the obstacle. Asking the doctor to call you should by pass him or her. Don't bother telling her your whole story. You can also fax the doctor explaining your symptoms clearly and asking him or her to call you ASAP. You can also call after hours and get the doctor's service and leave a message with them if you think your other approaches are not getting through to the doctor.

You might also call your ob/gyn and ask if over the counter cortison cream is permissible during pregnancy. Throughout your pregnancy the doctors who treat your lupus and your obstretician should be working hand in hand. You will be the one who has to make that happen.  (+ info)

Can having lupus affecting your blood affect results back from hep C?

My platlet count is low because of lupus. When I acquired hep C because of a blood transfusion, my results came back as chronic hep C. One thing the blood tests showed was low platlet count. Could the lupus affect the results?

The results may change, but Dr. House says it's not lupus  (+ info)

Is it hard to diagnose Lupus in a teen with no positive labs?

There's a strong family history and symptoms (including butterfly rash) that have lasted almost 4 months. Rheumy says he ruled out Lupus.

The problem with lupus is that it can 'hide' in blood tests and 10% of the blood tests can come back negative even though the person does have lupus. You need to see a rheumatologist that specifically specialises in lupus and they should look at all the symptoms you have as well as blood test results. We often test a patient again when they have more severe symptoms as the lupus may show up in blood tests at that time. For example when my lupus is fairly quiet my blood tests can come back as negative but when it is active the blood tests show lupus.

It may be that you don't have lupus but with your family history and the butterfly rash, which is much more rare than people think, I would be getting a second opinion.

We have a lupus nurse online that you may wish to ask questions of, she has over 20 years experience and her own daughter has lupus: http://www.lupus.org.uk/onlinenurse.htm

Any day now (probably this week) we will have a brand new lupus information documentary on our website (www.lupus.org.uk) that is free to view, perhaps you could watch that and see if you have the symptoms being described, if you do please pursue another opinion.

Hope that helps.  (+ info)

What are my chances of inheriting lupus form my mom?

My mom only has the skin lupus, and not the kind that infects internal structures. I am also male (which I understand lessens your risk?). My father has no autoimmune diseases. I do have a few autoimmune disease however, which include hypothyroidism, and a small area of psoriasis on my leg.

Are there other autoimmune disease I should be concerned about down the road? I'm turning 24 in a few months, and again I am also male.

Although anyone can get lupus, most estimates show that 9 out of 10 people who contract lupus are women. With it also being 3 times more likely to be found in African American women than white women  (+ info)

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