FAQ - Lymphangioma, Cystic
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What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?

I know that it affects the lungs, but what is cystic fibrosis exactly?

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How do you get rid of cystic acne scars?

I recently got cystic acne and am now left with pinkish scars on my head.

How can i get rid of them? I dont wear makeup to work as i am trying to clear my skin but it still botyhers me that i went from having lovely clear skin to now having scars on my forehead from the lumps.

A cheap way would be prefered. How much is it from a dermatologist?

Acne Marks or Scars

Here is a simple tip that you can use to reduce your acne scars and pigmentation.

The Oil Cleansing Method
What you will need:
Warm Water
Cold Water
Clean Towels
Castor Oil
Olive Oil

The first thing you need to do is to wash your face gently to remove excess dirt and oils from the surface.

You will then need to warm a clean towel in warm water and apply it to your face for 3 minutes. Do the same thing with the cold water but this time for one minute.

Carry out both the warm water and cold water procedure about 3 times but always finish with cold and then pat dry with another clean towel.

Next mix a small amount of castor oil with a small amount of olive oil. A 50/50 ratio will do just fine. Apply the mixture to your skin and let it stay there for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pat dry with a clean towel and you are good to go.  (+ info)

What are some good websites to study or look up on cystic fibrosis?

My uncle passed June 8, 2010. He had cystic fibrosis. I want to see all about it and know the details. He lived to be 34.

http://www.webmd.com/video/adult-cystic-fibrosis  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of a cystic bladder?

What does a cystic bladder mean and what are the symptoms?

i cant really help you on this topic...however i know who can(:

http://www.webmd.com i find it helpful..



i recommend mayoclinic first...  (+ info)

What should I do if my 4 year old has symptoms of cystic fibrosis?

My 4 year old son has had breathing problems and been hospitalized twice for croup, pneumonia once and constantly has a deep cough. His father is a carrier for cystic fibrosis and im not. Should he be tested? His half brother has been diagnosed with CF.

Assuming you are certain about not being a carrier, and have been test for it. Then there is absolutely zero chance of him having cystic fibrosis.

Every person has two copies of a gene, one inherited from each parent. If a person has one normal CF gene and one abnormal CF gene, then that person is a carrier of CF. Having only one abnormal copy of the CF gene is not enough to cause the disease, so a CF carrier will not have any symptoms.

If both parents are carriers of an abnormal CF gene, then there is a chance that each parent will pass the abnormal gene on to there child. Having two copies of the abnormal CF gene results in CF.  (+ info)

What to do if you feel a cystic type zit coming?

I can't see it AT ALL, but I can feel it, and I know it's going to be huge and hurt like a mother, but what can I do about it? Is there anything I can put on it to stop it from surfacing? I hate cystic type zits and I don't want this to surface! It's located right on the side of my nose, where a piercing would go.

What to do:

The first thing to keep in mind is what you should not do. Never try to force a deep cyst to the surface of your skin prematurely. Trying to force cysts to burst is one of the major causes of acne scars, and will often leave your face looking much worse than it did before.

There are some things that you can still do to help. Strong acne creams with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide will help speed the healing process by killing the bacteria that forms in the cyst. Anti-inflammatory treatments such as Neosporin can also help by taking some of the red out of the inflamed region. After this, it simply takes patience and the discipline not to pick at your skin. Your cysts will eventually be broken down by the body, and this usually takes less time than healing from the inflammation caused by forcing them out.


Cystic acne happens below the surface of your skin and has very little to do with personal hygene. Creams and cleansers will not help much at all in preventing it. You need to target your oil glands in order to counter those hormonal shifts. Start with a daily multivitamin to make sure you’re getting the minimum of essential nutrients that your body needs to metabolize oil, and then consider other supplements.

Zinc is an important mineral in regulating the activity of your oil glands, as well as being a powerful antioxidant. Taking an extra 30-50 mg per day of Zinc has helped many acne sufferers. Vitamin B5 is also a key ingredient in fighting excess oil. There are many online resources about vitamn B5 acne treatment. B5 is necessary in order to produce Coenzyme-A, which in turn is needed for the metabolism of skin oil. Supplementing with 5-10 grams of vitamin B5 (less if time-released) has helped many acne sufferers get their skin under control by enhancing oil metabolism. Since cystic acne is caused by excessive oil production, this may be exactly what you need.

If nothing else works for you, see a dermatologist, as you may need a prescription treatment such as Accutane (a vitamin A derivative that directly lowers your production of skin oil). However, this should only be a last resort, as the side-effects from prescription acne treatments can sometimes be more serious than the acne itself.

I would also drink lots of water to flush out bacteria under your skin to prevent other types of acne as well. People don't realize what wonders drinking water can do for your skin.  (+ info)

Is it good to use hot tubs and steam rooms when you have Cystic Fibrosis?

I'm 15 and I joined a health club that has a hot tub, steam rooms and saunas and I have Cystic Fibrosis. Are these things good to use or not with my condition and for how long at a time?

I'm not really sure but you'll have to be careful in a public place if your immune system is down because people will be spreading minor infections that might be hard for people with CF to fight .
I would think that it might relax your system but i'm just guessing , you should ask your doctor just to be sure .
I hope this helps and good luck :)  (+ info)

How do you get rid of a cystic pimple or prevent them?

I have suffered from acne since I was 12 and it's gotten a lot better, but I still get some bad pimples frequently. My face will be clear for a few days then I will get a big cystic pimple on my cheek or chin area. They are so painful and hard to get rid of. They seem to stay longer also and leave big scars. How can I treat/prevent these?

•Here are just a few tips to help with your quest to beat acne:

1. Clean your skin regularly with a good cleanser to keep your pores clear and avoid oil and dirt clogging them.
2. Do not squeeze your pimples, by squeezing them you can spread the bacteria over other parts of your skin causing more pimples.
3. Eat a good balanced diet, a healthy diet will go a long way to keeping your skin clear.
4. Drink lots of water which will hydrate your skin and flush out the impurities.
5. Sometimes stress can't be avoided, but you can make some changes so that you deal with stress more effectively.

These are just a few tips that can be followed quite easily and will really go a long way in your battle with your acne.

A healthy lifestyle is the key ingredient to healthy skin!
if u want more info goto http://acne-scars.we.bs/ also check the good skin clinic over there .. thanks for using yahoo answers..  (+ info)

Is a cystic fibrosis screening test required when you are having an IUI procedure done with donor sperm?

The fertility clinic I am going to requires I do a cystic fibrosis screening test before being having an IUI procedure with donor sperm. I do not want this screening, and do not think I should be required to take it. It also costs $150 and takes 4 weeks to get the results. Does anyone know if this is truly a requirement? I am having trouble finding any information online. Thanks!

You should be able to have this screening done at your OB office and have it covered by insurance. I have cf in my family so the screening (blood was taken, that's it) happened when I was 5 weeks pregnant. My insurance covered it and luckily I wasn't a carrier. But I know two people who were screened and who did not think they were carriers, but they were. There's a high prevalence among Caucasians. So it's not a bad idea to have it done if you are white. Good luck.  (+ info)

How much does a lung transplant help with cystic fibrosis?

A couple of days ago, a guy I knew back in my hometown got a double lung transplant. He has cystic fibrosis. I know removiing the lungs takes away the bacteria but does it get rid of the disease?

nope it gets rid of the lung problem but doesn't cure the person, cystic fibrosis does not only affect the lungs but the pancreas as well...it inhibits the pancreas' abiltiy to secrete enzymes need for digestion which causes poor growth, fatty diarrhea and deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins.

cystic fibrosis is a multi system disease  (+ info)

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