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I have something wrong with my blood?

I have both leukocytosis and lymphocytosis I have been seeing a hematologist for about 3 yrs and he really hasn't found much I wonder if I should get a second opinion, or if I should even be concerned. White Count is always between 11,000 and 14,000. Thanks.

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is this CBC normal for a 28 years old male?wbc:7700 PMN:65% LYMPH:30% OTHER:5% if is abnormal what causes are

if this CBC is abnormal e.x is shifting to rigth what causes are responsible for this problem? is there lymphocytosis?

its absolutely normal- however if you are syffering from some disease let ne know other tests can be advised  (+ info)

I recently had a blood test done & i would like to know what is the meaning of these results as my Dr is away?

Hi im Sara, im a dentist and these are my results....Leukocytes 3500, red cell count 4.89, lymphocytes 46.3% and 1621/cmm, MCV 78.3 fl, MCH 26.7 pg, MCHC 34.1 and segmented neutrophils 37.4% and 1309 cmm.
The lab left a comment...its as follows...hypochromia for age, leukopenia, absolute neutropenia, and relative lymphocytosis.
Hope to get a reply soon please..thank you all

Is there another Dr filling in for yours while your Dr is away? Most Drs have someone who fills in for them when they are away. If so, call and tell the receptionist you need to know what the results of your tests mean. If there is a nurse, she can tell you. If there is no nurse tell them you would like the Dr to call you to explain the results.  (+ info)

i need a Doctor who can analyze my Blood test Results PLEASE?


Ref . Range
Haemoglobin 13.1 g/dl 12.5-16.0
Haematocrit 37.1 % 37.0-47.0
Red Cell Count 4.44 mil/cmm 4.2-5.4
Red Cell Indices
MCV 83.6 fL 78.0-99.0
MCH 29.5 pg 27.0-31.0
MCHC 35.3 g/dl 32.0-36.0
RDW 12.6 % 11.6-14.0
Leucocytic Count 8,800 /cmm 4,000-10,500

Basophils 0.2 % 17.6 /cmm 0-199/cmm
Eosinophils 1.2 % 105.6 /cmm 0-499/cmm
Staff 4.0 % 352
Segmented 45.4 % 3995.2 /cmm 2,000-6,500/cmm
Lymphocytes 43.8 % 3854.4 /cmm 1,500-3,500/cmm
Monocytes 5.4 % 475.2 /cmm 300-1,000/cmm
Others _

Platelet Count 273,000 /cmm 140,000-440,000
Count is within normal limits for age and sex except for absolute lymphocytosis (all mature) . Platelets are normal.Follow up CBC is recommended.

Follow up CBC is recommended due to a slight lymphocytosis. You don't state your age but in any case if the lymphocytosis persists and clinical symptoms suggest then further testing might be indicated.

The results were interpreted by a pathologist already as you cite his comments including his blood smear evaluation of the lymphocytes being mature. Only doctors are allowed to make such comments involving interpretation and in making recommendations which in this case they suggested a repeat CBC.  (+ info)

medical mystery?

I started with thses symptoms about nine months ago: bloating, diarehea, fatigue, greasy pale stools and belly aches. Afetr going to my doctor and taking multiple stool tests and blood tests, he sent me to a gastroenterologist. That docor ordered a colonoscopy that came back normal except that a duodenum boipsy showed that I had lymphocytosis, which is a high number of white blood cells. He then ordered more tests and said that if they came back normal that HE WOULD JUST CALL IT IRRITABLE BOWL SYNDROME. It doesn't make sense cause now my little brother is showing the excact same symptoms, like I infected him with something. I think i have giardarsis and it makes sense cause it is hard to detect without specialized tests. I also lived in mexico for two years and that water is not very clean. Iv'e want to go tell that to my doctor but am afraid that I am a hypochondriac and that I should go with IBS. It's not fair and plus it is very probable that I have it. Please what should I do? Google Giardiarsis and see for your self.

It really doesn't sound like IBS, especially with pale greasy stools, and lymphocytosis. It does sound like giardia, you're right - which is actually a common GI infection, especially since you've been abroad. You're not being a hypochondriac. Ask to be tested, get your brother tested to. If the tests come back positive you can be treated with antimicrobials - its straightforward enough.  (+ info)

Do I really have Celiac Disease? I've been diagnosed with it, however, I have major doubts.?

Do I really have Celiacs Disease? Here are my test results.

Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibody by EIA: NEGATIVE
Immunoglobulin A (IGA): 226 (40 - 350 normal range)
Endomysial Antibody IgA (EMA): NEGATIVE

I was then given a colonoscopy/endoscopy. My results are as follows:

HISTORY: Diarrhea. Endoscopic impression: Normal examined duodenum. This was biopsied. The examination was otherwise normal. Please see EGD report.
1. Duodenum biopsies
Five soft tissue bits range from .3 to .4 cm.
Microscopic Diagnosis:
1. Duodenum, biopsy: Surface intraepithelial lymphocytosis with preserved villous architecture. Please see comment.
COMMENT: This patient has similar finding in the colon, suggesting that this is probably gluten sensitive enteropathy.

Indications: Clinically significant diarrhea of unexplained origin.
Endoscopic impression: Scattered apthous ulcers in the rectosigmoid colon. Inflammation vs. preparation artifact. Biopsies taken....
The terminal ileum is normal. This was biopsied. Please see colonoscopy report.

"talks of different tissue samples taken from right colon, left colon, terminal ileum and rectosigmoid"

1. Terminal ileum, biopsies: No significant abnormalities.
2-4. Colon, right, left and rectosigmoid, biopsies: Increased intraepithelial lymphocytes. Please see comment.
COMMENT: The colon biopsies show some but not all of the changes of lymphocytic colitis. this can be seen in resolving infectious colitis as well as in patients with Celiac Disease.

I was in the Peace Corps in Honduras. At the age of 29 I was having some major stomach problems. I am now 31, and all seems to be normal. (even with consumption of wheat) I sometimes get bloated, I sometimes have acid reflux and my stool has floated for about a year now. Please help. My insurance will not allow me a second opinion.
I had hamburgers for lunch and pizza for dinner last week and nothing happened.

Your negative transglutaminase and endomysial antibodies strongly suggest you do NOT have Celiac Disease (CD). However, these tests can occasionally be falsely negative.

The intraepithelial lymphocytosis is probably the reason they are going with the CD diagnosis. However, your lymphocystosis is NOT limited to the small intestine (as it usually is with CD).

Your scattered apthous ulcers, the lymphocytosis outside of the small intestine, and your history of time in Honduras make me very suspicious of an infectious colitis.

You definitely need to see an infectious medicine specialist ... even if you have to pay for it yourself - it is YOUR LIFE.

You can further test for CD by doing a 30 day trial of a totally gluten/gliadin free diet. If this clears your symptoms, then you probably have CD. If the diet doesn't resolve your symptoms, think infectious colitis.

Best wishes and good luck.

Note: I am not an expert in gastroenterology. I am a sufferer of undiagnosed Celiac Disease for most of my life (had to order the tests myself after every general medical doctor, internist, urologist, and gastroenterologist failed to make the diagnosis for 50 years!).  (+ info)

Swelling Around Left Rib?

I have been unwell but tests have come back negative although I have had raised CRP(C Reactive Protein)levels and some blood tests which showed low levels of lymphocytosis.Ive been told that I have a large amount of gallstones and that I have a 4.5cm cyst on my liver which is probably caused by the amount of gallstones I have.

Recently, I have a dull aching on my left hand side around my rib area and if I stand up and look down I can see that my left rib area seems swollen and sticks out a lot more than my right one.It never used to be like this.It is uncomfortable to lie on my left side as it feels like I am lying on a "lumpy" mattress! My bra also seems to rub on it. If I rub right the way across my chest, under my ribs I can feel little pea sized moveable lumps right across on both sides, but my GP says she doubts this is anything important.

Has anyone experienced anything like this as this is concerning me a little now and is quite uncomfortable at times? Thanks

Hi there!

I too cannot lie on my front for too long as my left ribs down at the bottom hurt terribly! I have alway had it but because i dont lie that way kinda forgot all about it until recently.

I get accupuncure for other things and that is when i noticed the pain in the ribs again! then are tender to touch and i too, have lots of little lumps under the skin.

I actually quieired one in my arm before and was told it was just fatty tissue, like a little nodule.
I know u can get these if uve got an inflamatory condition i.e Rhuematoid arthritis, so id err on the side of causion and get along to the Dr.

p.s. let me know wot he says about the rib ache? i keep forgettign to ask when im there and i only back for dr today! LOL

best of luck  (+ info)

blood report just scared me.please help?

i just got my blood report and it says that my WBC 8.0 ( 10^9/l)
RBC 5.02 (10^12/L), PLT 216 (10^9/L) etc etc... i have anemia from 1 year and iam continously taking my folic acid+iron tablets.

the problem is that the report ends by saying that:
WBCs: lymphocytosis
RBCs:mictocytic hupochromic. pokilocytosis.pencil cells
Plts: normal.

Please help me and tell me whats the problem in the above mentioned because what i have searched online is scary (leukemia) :S :S ...

white blood cells (WBCs) lymphocytosis just means you might have recently had a viral infection? this could increase it? and t's nothing to worry about

red blood cells (RBCs) myctocytic means (general) anemia but i assume from your question you already know that and also not a problem.

Hypochromic - also just anemia where red blood cells are paler than normal ... nothing to worry about

Pencil cells and prekeratocytes - this means you have an iron defeciancy anemia ... not leukemia!!

BASICALLY! you have anemia and nothing else is wrong, you can chill  (+ info)

I need a Doctor who can analyze my Blood test Results PLEASE?

Analyze as much as u want please
Here are my Results:

Ref . Range
Haemoglobin 13.1 g/dl 12.5-16.0
Haematocrit 37.1 % 37.0-47.0
Red Cell Count 4.44 mil/cmm 4.2-5.4
Red Cell Indices
MCV 83.6 fL 78.0-99.0
MCH 29.5 pg 27.0-31.0
MCHC 35.3 g/dl 32.0-36.0
RDW 12.6 % 11.6-14.0
Leucocytic Count 8,800 /cmm 4,000-10,500

Basophils 0.2 % 17.6 /cmm 0-199/cmm
Eosinophils 1.2 % 105.6 /cmm 0-499/cmm
Staff 4.0 % 352
Segmented 45.4 % 3995.2 /cmm 2,000-6,500/cmm
Lymphocytes 43.8 % 3854.4 /cmm 1,500-3,500/cmm
Monocytes 5.4 % 475.2 /cmm 300-1,000/cmm
Others _

Platelet Count 273,000 /cmm 140,000-440,000
Count is within normal limits for age and sex except for absolute lymphocytosis (all mature) . Platelets are normal.Follow up CBC is recommended.

Analyzing blood test results, particularly normal ones like this, is impossible to do without some background. Specificially, why did they draw the blood in the first place?

If the blood was drawn routinely (meaning not for a speicific problem) most MDs would call this normal and no further evaluation is required. Otherwise it depends on the problem.  (+ info)

Multiple small nodes in neck for 3 months... after mono?

I am 24yr old female and have had no health issues so far.I had fever and fatigue that lasted for a week (Oct 5 to12) I had painful and palpable lymph nodes on my neck and above clavicle.Ultrasound showed many small nodes on both sides of neck(Posterior Cervical).Doctor said it looked like reactive nodes. Chest xray clear, mantoux-ive.CBC showed increase in WBC (12600)& lymphocytosis.Liver was also inflamed(Slightly high SGOT &SGPT)..Hb 13 %.I also had infection of tonsilitis (Oct15) with white coating.Throat swab results were normal. ASO titre&CRP normal.ANother cbc on oct 17th which showed that WBC was still slightly high(All the others were normal). Doctor says it is mononucleosis and gave me vitamin tabs.I have been feeling great since then.Nodes in neck and one on clavicle have become small but are not completely gone.They are still there, pea sized. I have good appetite(put on 3 kgs) no fever. It is normal to still have palpable nodes or is it something more serious?

The first indications of leukemia often are nonspecific or vague. They may occur with other cancerous as well as noncancerous disorders. Although signs and symptoms vary for each type of leukemia, there are some general features. Broad symptoms of leukemia may include:

Malaise (vague feeling of bodily discomfort)
Abnormal bleeding
Excessive bruising
Reduced exercise tolerance
Weight loss
Bone or joint pain
Infection and fever
Abdominal pain or "fullness"
Enlarged spleen, lymph nodes, and liver
Please find you another doctor,watch for a rash on your feet and go back today , do not wait. A friend of mine just went through the same thing they also treated her for mono, please do not wait.  (+ info)

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