FAQ - Macular Degeneration
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Do you know how to ward off macular degeneration?

My eye doctor says Centrum Silver will keep it at bay.



American Macular Degeneration Foundation
- Lutein

Macular Degeneration International :
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
Macular Degeneration :

My 90 yo father called all his children to warn us that we were genetically disposed to get macular degeneration, as he'd just been diagnosed with it. Not so, I said. It is caused by an imbalance, a deficiency. Soon after, he began taking a balanced supplement with a high dose of lutein, & his sight had already begun to improve when he went for his next eye exam...
When choosing a supplement, read the label carefully.
Stay away from fillers, & phosphates...

(One time my spouse bought a bottle of MSM capsules at Walmart for me... When I opened one & tried to dissolve the MSM in water, it was water resistent! It was worthless. I suspect that it had aluminum in it to keep it from caking, but why, when it was encapsulated? Don't trust cheapies. Ask advice, ask for the purest ones to pick from. Or, start including foods that contain a good amount of lutien regularly in your diet! (;)

Nutritious Foods Within Your Reach
- Malnutrition--How Wide Spread?
- How to Improve Your Diet

You might also look into ways to improve your digestion...  (+ info)

How can you tell if you have macular degeneration? Do you honestly bleed out of your retina?

there are 2 kinds, wet and dry

Wet macular degeneration
This type occurs when new vessels form to improve the blood supply to oxygen-deprived retinal tissue. However, the new vessels are very delicate and break easily, causing bleeding and damage to surrounding tissue.  (+ info)

Is a Parking pass available for people participating in Macular Degeneration study under Dr. Peter Kertes?

this study will require my presence for regular injections for a period of 100 weeks.

You could probably ask the doctor's office if there is one available.  (+ info)

Can chronic alcoholism cause macular degeneration in children?

  (+ info)

What are somethings that help reverse and/or stop macular degeneration?

I have this great book written by Robert Abel Jr., MD which combines the best of alternative and conventional methods to treat cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, macular degeneration & diabetes-related vision loss.
Dr. Abel says to improve your digestion and increase the Omega-3 essential fatty acids in your diet.
This book is much too thorough for me to list everything it has to say about macular degeneration. It mentions the risk factors and how a diagnosis is made. It talks about conventional therapy, surgical treatments & experimental surgical treatments as well as experimental drug treatments. It also talks about prevention and natural therapy.

He says to
"Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, essential fatty acids (including DHA from fish, fish oil capsules, or Neuromins™ DHA microalgae capsules, and omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources like flaxseed oil or from supplements). Recognize that a diet that's good for your heart will also protect your macula. Eat spinach often(5 times a week, if possible), fish 2 or 3 times a week (preferably fatty fish) [I assume he means from the ocean], increase the fiber in your diet, don't allow your fat intake to exceed 30% of your diet, avoid supermarket oils (like corn and other vegetable oils), which may be rancid and contain preservatives and transfatty acids. Decrease caffeine consumption. Stop smoking. have one large glass of red wine in the evening if tolerated and recommended by your doctor. Elininate unnecessary medications. High blood pressure medications deplete essential minerals & water-soluble vitamins, and may actually accelerate macular degeneration. - from pages 175 & 176 of the book

Since he mentions minerals I can't help but think that trace elements might also be a good idea. [Concentrace is one that we take in our house.]

There are 7 reviews posted for this book on Amazon presently and for $4.50 there is also presently a used copy for sale. All of the reviews give the book 5 stars. http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Care-Revolution-Prevent-Problems/dp/0758206224/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1226634047&sr=1-1
According to http://stanford.wellsphere.com/wellmix360/zinc-iodine
Macular degeneration benefits
If you have age-related macular degeneration, a regimen of antioxidants (A and E) and zinc can help prevent progression.

Also at http://www.ithyroid.com/get_the_raiu_test.htm it says
I looked into this situation and found sufficient information to make me believe that the radioactive iodine might go to the macula and cause damage there. I found a study in which patients with macular degeneration were given iodine (non-radioactive) and this resulted in a significant improvement in their vision, especially their color vision. This indicates that macular degeneration may involve an iodine deficiency. [My thoughts: you should google "Iodoral" an/or "lugol's solution" and or "signs of iodine deficiency". My wife an I are presently taking 50mg per day of this safe form of iodine/Iodoral." http://www.quackcenter.com/iodoralquestions.html

From http://www.vrp.com/newsletter.aspx?newsdate=8-1-2007 is this:
The latest research, however, shows that 1,25-dihyroxy Vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to a surprising number of other health conditions such as depression, back pain, cancer, both insulin resistance and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, impaired immunity and macular degeneration.
If ound this at http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=862183
Conditions for which DMSO is used include cataracts, injuries of all types, scleroderma, lupus, myasthenia gravis, cancer, infections, helps soften scar tissue, burns, heart attacks, herpes, gum disease, corns, calluses, bunions, heel spurs, gout, pink eye, interstitial cystitis, radiation injury or protection, mental retardation, learning disabilities, pain conditions, diabetes, neuropathy, varicose veins, skin ulcers and wounds, glaucoma, macular degeneration, asthma, breast pain and mastitis, dementia, and soft tissue calcifications.  (+ info)

Is the new treatment for wet age related macular degeneration lucentis licensed in Uk.?

Is the new treatment for wet age related macular degeneration "lucentis" licensed in Uk or not yet. If yes what is the price

Sorry, I do not have an answer to your question but below is a link which you may find useful:


This is the website for the British National Formulary and on it you will find details about all medications licensed for use in the UK and also the price. This is the book that nurses use in hospitals when they need to find out anything.

You may also find this site useful:


One here you will find guidelines and procedures used by health professionals on a variety of treatments and conditions.

I hope this helps, best wishes, Mel.  (+ info)

what is a good website to learn about Macular Degeneration?

I need it for my project wich is due tommorow

google ,  (+ info)

What is the best treatment for macular degeneration?

Laser Photocoagulation and Photodynamic therapy.

though there is no cure for it.  (+ info)

question about macular degeneration and vitamin d3 deficiency?

I was wondering if since i have this deficiency i could have macular degeneration even if i just recently had my eyes checked for everything 2 times, PS: I am 14

If their was a problem with your eyes they would of told you.  (+ info)

What are some early signs of Macular Degeneration?

i see this blurry shadow'd dot (floater) around the middle of my vision constantly. I've only noticed it the past year. But im only 20 and went to the eye doctors and they see no signs of anything. I actually had cancer in my other eye when i was 2 years old, (retnoblastoma)-sp? ....so i only have one eye i can see out of. well thanks

MD usually manifests at older age around 45-60 majority of cases ,u are very young and the odds are in your favour it isnt md ,it can be an allegry conjunctivits with occasional blurriness when it compresses the cornea(the papillae and follicles most likely ) it will resol;ve by itself ,usually any conjunctival or eyelid allergies or infections blur the cornea sometimes ,it sounds u dont have any retinal or intraocualr pathology ,hope helpful  (+ info)

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