FAQ - Marijuana Abuse
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Marijuana proponents: Is it ethically ok to abuse to medicinal marijuana for recreational use?

I know many potheads. They're all for legalization of recreational marijuana. Many of them have weed cards for non-existent ailments so they can get weed from dispensaries. Doesn't this make a mockery of the of the professional medical community? Or does the ends justify the means in getting blazed?

It's totally fine! Marijuana should be completely legal. The fact that people have to jump through hoops to legally get marijuana is a joke. Long live bud.  (+ info)

Are there any facts which support the length of time it takes to develop schizophrenia after marijuana abuse?

Hello, my is question is are there any facts which suggest that there is a determined length of time between the onset of schizophrenia after smoking marijuana/taking lsd other hallucinogens etc. For example if someone who has a family history of schizophrenia smokes marijuana every day for 3 months could they suffer onset within a predetermined length of time or a possible 4 years etc?

You WON'T necessarily get schizophrenia if you smoke weed or do acid. If you are going to get schizophrenia, it doesn't matter what drugs you do, it will eventually show up. The drugs can trigger an episode, which makes the symptoms show themselves, but it doesn't create schizophrenia. What could happen is you could have the symptoms of psychosis or schizophrenia after doing too much lsd- but that is psychosis, usually doctors won't diagnose it as schizophrenia if they know that it's drug induced. And some people never have that problem, after smoking weed every day for a year. Some people can take lsd fairly often and be fine.

But, that's all beside the point, because permanent drug induced psychosis is often just as bad as schizophrenia, so it should be avoided. Trust me, schizophrenia SUCKS.  (+ info)

how much alcohol or marijuana abuse does it take to see signs of brain damage?

this is directed more to the college aged, how much alcohol (binge drinking, heavy drinking) and marijuana usage would it take for a student to lose his ability to store and retain information (create new pathways)

this is tough. for some they lose no brain ability. your brain is use it or lose it. if you sit in front of the TV stoned you lose brain abilities because your brain has to work harder while high. the same can apply to drinking. depends on what you do while intoxicated. in college i went through a heavy drinking and smoking faze and didn't lose my ability to retain info. there probably is no exact answer to this question. my suggestion just take it easy. moderation is the key.  (+ info)

What do you consider worse Marijuana Abuse or Alcohol Abuse?

Explain why?

Both potheads and drunks are pretty much the same. Both have health problems, lungs or liver. Both spend their lives in the figurative "gutter". Both are unable to hold a decent job, let alone an intelligent conversation. They both make you slow and stupid if you abuse them. I think Marijuana is bad mainly because it is illegal. It forces you to deal with dealers, and possibly involve you in worse things. Alcohol can can make you violent, so it's a toss up.

*Some of these people who talk about pot being organic and natural. Pfft. So is poison ivy. So is black widow venom. Give me a freaking break.

This is about abuse, not recreational use. Recreation use is fine for both, and neither should be illegal.  (+ info)

Can marijuana abuse cause or aggravate depression?

So I smoke everyday now because all my friends do and that's pretty much all they do. It was fun at first, but I'm finding out that I may be sufferring from depression and I'm pretty sure that all this weed smoking may be the culprit. Thanks!

THC does lock into the endocannabinoid receptors in your brain, which are part of the system in your brain that makes you feel happy. You might be suffering from depression because your brain "isn't used" to feeling really happy so often, and isn't sure "how to deal with it".

Marijuana is actually used medicinally to treat depression, and it doesn't usually cause depression in users. So your depression might be situational, or caused by something else.

The easiest way to know is to not use marijuana for at least couple weeks, and see how you feel.  (+ info)

Do you think its a good idea to legalize marijuana for medical purpose given the potential of abuse from teens

Some people have argued that marijuana has medical purpose to treat conditions such as pain, anorexia, and migraine but given the potential for abuse by youth and the possibility of MJ being a gateway drug, should it be legalized at all?

Marijuana DOES have medicinal purposes. My Mom hasn't had any complications from her liver disease from it, my Dad uses it for help with his glaucoma and my boyfriend and I both use it to help us with our chronic migraines. We don't smoke it just to feel good, but to help us because we have health problems that only marijuana can treat. That is just a stupid rumor: it is not a gateway drug. My Mom has been smoking it for 30 years and never had the temptation to use ANY other kind of drug. My Dad, boyfriend and I haven't done any other kinds of drugs either. It's a scientific fact that tetrahydracannibonol, (THC) the resin crystals on the leaf base and buds at the peak of blooming that gets you high when smoked, really does have medicinal purposes. I don't think it should be legalized to the general public, but only made available to those who need it for their ailments, like the laws already in California and Oregon. And I have never in all my life have ever heard a story about any REAL person that died because of marijuana, and neither has my Dad, and he was a teenager in the 60's. My Mom grew up in the 70's. My boyfriend may be 20, and I'm only 17, but I am positive that I will never try another drug, and so is my boyfriend.  (+ info)

Will my personality ever fully recover from marijuana abuse?

I was abusing marijuana for a period of about 6 months very heavily and I noticed after the six months that I became extremely depressed to point of feeling suicidal. I also was experiencing a lot of anxiety and panic attacks which I never had before and my personality had dulled. I just didn't feel like the same person anymore. I was no longer witty and funny like I was before, I was now very quiet and had a hard time thinking. My mind felt blank everyday. Its been about 4 months that I am now sober and my cognitive abilities are better now but I still notice that my memory isn't as great and my personality hasn't fully recovered and I tend to worry about if it ever will? I have already seeked medical help but the doctor's have had very limited knowledge in the subject of marijuana and were not very helpful. Has anyone had a similiar experience and does anyone know how much longer it will take for my full recovery?
I also notice that I am having social problems that I never had before.

I don't think you need to worry it will take time,When I was young I smoked alot of it,it will all come back to you your just worrying about it to much.Try not thinking about it. Trust me you will be fine. Congrats on being clean.  (+ info)

Alcohol abuse vs. marijuana abuse. What do studies show to be more dangerous and why?

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im 19 and i look like i already need a facelift from years of marijuana and alcohol abuse.?

I am not fat or anything but will my face look less tired and saggy now that i cut down and am planning to stop using both alcohol and weed.

It will take time, but yes your face will start looking better. You need to start taking a good quality vitamin immediately, because your body has lost a great deal of nutrients from smoking and drinking. I recommend a GNC vitamin called "Multi Gel" which can be purchased at www.gnc.com or drugstore.com it's very inexpensive and works very quickly.

Be sure you avoid junk food, fried food, high fat food and increase your use of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and good quality proteins.

If you have any further questions please let me know,
Billie77  (+ info)

Does heavy marijuana abuse kind of change your perception/alter your way of seeing the world after time?

It seems to me like it does after so long, until you take a day or two off of it and everything goes back to normal. Is it just me?

You've answered your own question. Because you are right.  (+ info)

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