FAQ - Marijuana Abuse
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Will I ever fully recover from my Marijuana abuse?

I only smoked twice two days apart and I noticed after the second time I became depressed. I also was experiencing a lot of anxiety and panic attacks which I never had before and my personality had dulled. I just didn't feel like the same person anymore. I was no longer witty and funny like I was before, I was now very quiet. I'm also irritable and easily aggravated. Its been about 4 days since I smoked and my cognitive abilities are better now but I still notice that my personality hasn't fully recovered and I tend to worry about if it ever will? Has anyone had a similar experience and does anyone know how much longer it will take for my full recovery?

You've only smoked twice?? Of course you'll "recover"! The ill effects you are feeling now are probably the result of some negative emotion (fear, guilt, etc.) that you have associated with your very brief marijuana use and not from the drug at all!  (+ info)

whats the difference between marijuana abuse and not abusing it?

because theres medical marijuana an thats not abused . but giv me ur ideas

my advice is.... ur an idiot....  (+ info)

What are these in the order of most abuse and death rates?

Out of all of these drugs, rank them from the most used to the least used. Than rank them by the highest death rates per person that uses them. (not like tobacco kills more people than marijuana well more people use tobacco). Here are the ones I want analyzed: Marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, the steroids athletes abuse to get strong, and heroin. Thanks for your help.

Sounds like a homework question....

I would guess mostly used as Mary J, coke, crack, heroin, then Steroids.

Death Rate I would guess heroin, crack, coke, MJ, then steroids.

Just my guesses.  (+ info)

Can marijuana abuse lead to seizures?

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whats the worst case scenario in a custody case when mother is enrolled in program for marijuana abuse clean.

ever since we went to court I have been clean .I have enrolled myself in a program and right now we have a temporary order of joint custody with legal rights to me and residential rights to the dad.everybody makes mistakes and i just wanted to know what the worse case scenario would be since i failed my first urine drug test.i have two more urine drug tests and a hair follicle coming up.I have been clean for three weeks.whats the worst they can do .will they abolish the court order and take custody from me?

They could take custody away from you forever. You could loose your rights as a parent. MY personal opnion...weed is not a drug but it is misused by many. Some people cant controll themselves while they are stoned. Some people can. I have known and seen people that smoke all day and they still take care of their families, hold down great jobs, and pay all their bills.

I know alot of people dont agree with what I said but I am a smoker and I have children (OMG!!!!!) and I have a wonderful job that pays me very well and I have taken care of myself and my children BYMYSELF for many many years and I pay all my bills and I am very successful in what I do. Dont give me crap for a habit that I can controll. I am also a homeowner and I own 2 cars that all of them are paid off with no help from anyone but myself.....thank you very much!  (+ info)

Can past hard drug abuse damage the ova (egg cells) in a woman and cause mental retardation or birth defects?

Can the already developed ova that are in a woman's body from birth be damaged from years of hard drug use, specifically opiate, marijuana and cocaine abuse? I am curious to know if the child of a former heroin addict is at risk of being born with any birth defects both physical and mental. The mother has been free from drugs for six years. I want to know if ova can be altered while dormant in the ovaries and lead to problems years later if the egg is fertilized. Thank you.

If she's free from drugs the baby should be fine....

The real danger is drug use within the pregnancy.  (+ info)

Do people that smoke marijuana also take speed?

I found that someone close to me smokes marijuana and I also found speed in their house, I also found little balloons tied up. What is that and is it possible to function with such abuse?
What are the simptoms?

all drugs are addictive. and yes people that smoke marijuana also do speed. they are different highs exactly, that is the point, making you feel different ways for different reasons. yes people can function, depends on how often they are using. if they are using, they may not function too well as time goes on, when they need it everyday. obvious signs are happy, red glazed eyes, slower reaction times for marijuana. speed - jumpy, doesnt want to sleep, pupils are either really large or really small cant remember.  (+ info)

I think smoking marijuana is very medicinal. What are your veiws?

Smoking marijuana is great for people suffering depression, people with cronic illnesses that cause pain, insomnia, lack of eating ect.
No one has EVER died from a marijuana overdose yet it is illegal. But still everyday people get alcohol poisoning, drink and drive and abuse alcohol. Yet it is legal.

Where is the justice for this harmless plant?

Marijuana changed my life. It just depends on who you are...I didn't want to go on with life and had no will to wake up in the mornings. Once I started smoking weed, everything changed. Call it a "stoner statement" but I just had a greater outlook on life and now I attempt to make each day great and i know there is a reason for life...it is DEFINITELY medicinal and i would want anyone to know my testimony  (+ info)

What are the effects of marijuana?

I know a person who smokes marijuana about 5 or more types a day. She has been doing this for about 25 years. She is really mean and depressed. She has 2 kids and I was wondering if this puts them at risk? She is mean to her kids and abuse might be taking place. So, What are the effects of marijuana?

-mood lift, euphoria
-relaxation, stress reduction
-creative, philosophical or deep thinking : ideas flow more easily
-increased appreciation of music. More aware of, deeper connection to music.
-increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)
-change in experience of muscle fatigue. Pleasant body feel. Increase in body/mind connection.
-pain relief (headaches, cramps)
-reduced nausea, increased appetite (used medically for this)
-boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or funny

-general change in consciousness (as with many psychoactives)
-increased appetite, snacky-ness
-slowness (slow driving, talking)
-change in vision such as sharpened colors or lights
-closed-eye visuals (somewhat uncommon)
-tiredness, sleepiness, lethargy
-stimulation, inability to sleep (less common)
-blood shot eyes (more common with certain varieties of cannabis and inexperienced users)
-mouth dryness, sticky-mouth (varies with strain)
-interrupts linear memory. Difficulty following a train of thought.
-cheek, jaw, facial tension / numbness (less commonly reported)
-racing thoughts (especially at high doses)
-increased emotional impact of music
-Time sense altered: cars seem like they are moving too fast, time dilation and compression are common at higher doses

-nausea, especially in combination with alcohol, some pharmaceuticals, or other psychoactives
-coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems
-difficulty with short term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006)
-racing heart, agitation, feeling tense
-mild to severe anxiety
-panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much)
-dizziness, confusion
-lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure)
-paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent
-possible psychological dependence on cannabis
-clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses
-can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders
-mild to moderate, non life-threatening withdrawal symptoms occur after daily use in some users. These may last for 1-6 weeks after cessation of use and can include anxiety, anhedonia (reduced experience of pleasure), headaches, general unease/discomfort, difficulty sleeping, and a desire to smoke pot. Severity of symptoms is related to frequency of use and individual sensitivity.
-slight loss of appetite
-finding non-stoned life a bit dull, increased boredom  (+ info)

Is marijuana bad/good to smoke in moderation?

I'm not a pothead, nor do I plan on becoming one. But I do like to get a couple hits every once in a while. You know, relieve stress, relax and just have a good time. But I also don't want to abuse it, so my rule is to never smoke twice in the same month. But my question to you is, is it bad/good to smoke marijuana in moderation? (meaning long periods of time apart)
How long would you consider moderation?

smoking marijuana, or anything for that matter, is definitely not "good" for you, but its definitely not "bad" for you either if you are only smoking once a month. smoking every once in a while to have a good time is totally fine, you will literally see no negative health effects.  (+ info)

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