FAQ - Marijuana Abuse
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Where can I find statistics on drug abuse in the united kingdom?

Where can I find statistics on drug abuse in the united kingdom?
I've been searching for a little while, but not found anything (google, live, yahoo search). And, it doesn't have to be the united kingdom, international is fine too. It'd like it to be on drugs like: LSD, Ecstasy, cannabis (marijuana) and substances like that. Please help if you know where to find them :).

u should go to formal place in your country usu asuch info is secret  (+ info)

Anyone think marijuana is worse than alcohol?

I am completely serious when I ask this. I do not see how anyone could argue that marijuana is worse, possibly other than being illegal. Alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, drunken brawls and spousal abuse, hangovers and dehydration. Marijuana has some of the same negative effects on the lungs as smoking cigs, but on average people smoke much much less marijuana smoke than tobacco. So I am interested in some opinions from people on both sides of this issue.
By the way I am not advocating smoke weed, I don't smoke or drink anymore but I just find it crazy they don't start selling the stuff so they can tax the hell out of it and put a huge dent in the drug cartels.

here I was, all ready to argue with you, only to discover that you think along the same lines as me.

I would add, however, that there are adverse affects to using marijuana, which you really haven't mentioned. It does depress your motivation and alter your thinking patterns, disrupting concentration, so it isn't a totally impact free substance. But it isn't any worse on the social or personal level to the effects of alcohol, as far as I have seen or experienced.

I personally feel that the prohibition on marijuana and the legal punishments for users are not commensurate with its effects. Further, its prohibition has led to the development and sustaining of some serious criminal activity (in the sale and distribution, primarily controlled by some pretty nasty criminal organizations) that would be considerably reduced by making the substance on par with alcohol in legal terms.  (+ info)

How easy is it to get medical marijuana?

If your gona tell me that i'm trying to abuse the program don't even bother because i'm not trying to take medicine away from any sick people i'm trying to escape unjust persecution from the G-damn government!
I am thinking of transferring to a school in vermont or rhode island next year.... I know these states have medical marijuana programs, does anyone know how easy it is to get medical marijuana in these states. Like could i just go into a doctors office and tell the doctor im having the symptoms of migrains or something like that and i'll get a card?

Businesses can't discriminate for employment if you use medical marijuana. Abuse of the system is not advised though, it's people like you that make lawmakers cautious of medical marijuana laws.  (+ info)

What is the best way to deal with a teenager that has substance abuse problems. Any advice?

My friends son is 17 he is abusing substances like marijuana, I can see it, he gets moody and irrational. Any advice mature answers only. He gets abusive to his mum they have tried an intervention officer to try and talk to him, but can't make him see or listen or do anything. He is becoming unbearable for them to live with.

1)Create a supportive and stable home environment for the adolescent child. Studies show that children are much more likely to have a substance abuse problem if there is divorce or violence in their home life.

2)Talk to her children and make them feel comfortable enough to confide in you. Open lines of communication are essential in helping to prevent substance abuse because the abuse most likely is the result of another issue in your child's life. If the child feels he can talk to you, it may alleviate some of the pressure in his life.

3)Be a parent first and a friend second. Too many times parents want to be friends with their children and create a permissive environment that lacks proper boundaries. Therefore, a parent must make rules and stick to them even if the adolescent does not like the rules.

If you suspect a substance problem in your adolescent child, consult a counselor to get help.Good luck and God Bless you two always...  (+ info)

sugar/fats/oil abuse worse than Marijuana?

If somone had never heard of either Cannabis or Sugar/fats/oils before in their life, and I showed them a highly accurate and detailed report of both substances how many people do you think would say bad food is way worse for you than cannabis??

I think the numbers would be overwhelmingly in favor of cannabis being better for you... Please keep in mind though the diffrence between abuse and use.

Let me clear up some Stuff as well. Sugar less addictive than weed? thats hard to belive, less than 1% of cannabis users develope a physical or mental addiction to Marijuana. While i don't have statistics for sugar i can allmost garentee more kids/adults these days are addictied to sugar far more than they are to weed.

I am a person who has done MDMA(Ecstasy) meth, weed, coke, lsd, shrooms, dmt, alcohol, tabbaco, and i can honestly say giving up bad foods was the 1 thing i cannot do. And not im not obese or eat a TON its just i need them, its serously the only thing ive een addicted too.
Cannabis has worse effects over time? That’s debatable... diabetes, obesity, rotting teeth, gastrointestinal cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, low levels of physical activity all sound serous to me...

While cannabis has about 2-4X more cancer causing components than Cigarettes, studies show long term abuse of cannabis is unlikely to cause cancer of the lungs or upper airways. They suspect that tobacco only causes cancer because of the radioactive soil and nicotine. Also I might add an average marijuana smoker only needs 2-5 “hits” to get high while a cigarette smoker may smoke a Pack(!) a day and 1 cigarette alone will be more smoke than a marijuana smokes in 1 day.

I’m not saying cannabis is healthy I’m just saying sugar can and most likely is worse than cannabis if abused even If the marijuana smoker is an extremely heavy user.
and yes about 50% of america abuses it allready

Far more people die from the effects of obesity and poor diet than have ever died from marijuana.

You can find charts of the causes of death at http://www.drugwarfacts.org Obesity kills more people than all the illegal drugs combined -- and it isn't even close.  (+ info)

Substance Abuse Study - can you refer me to the actual study that generated the finding mentioned below?

A study on substance abuse made this finding , "teenagers who say they've learned a lot about the risks of drugs from their parents are much less likely to try marijuana than those who say they learned nothing from them." Would you be able to guide me to such a study with this finding?

I have a few studies that would support this assertion. Now, be mindful that quotes such as the one you listed are rarely a direct quote from one study, because news and advocacy groups often bend the words both to make them easy to understand and help their cause. But these studies do support the assertion..
http://www.springerlink.com/content/w317272v67630m62/  (+ info)

Victim of marijuana abuse and lung cancer research?

At school today we watched a sad and moving video about marijuana abuse and something about lung cancer. In the video there was a man and he had used marijuana much as a young adult back in the hippie age and was then battling lung cancer as a result. He had serious facial damage, doctors had to remove much of neck tissue and muscle, and his speech was slurred because of distorted neck and mouth. However he was not grotesque and actually somewhat handsome and lifted weights, the story was very depressing. At the end I think the movie said he had lost his battle with cancer. I wanted to know his name or the name of the video because I wanted to do some research on this man and his moving, life-changing experiences.

His testimony was very powerful and I think all young people suffering with drug/smoking abuse or not should watch that video.

I would be interested in knowing what video you watched. While smoking anything is not healthy, there are no conclusive links from marijuana to cancer. Exposure to enough smoke of any kind will lead to copd, but there isnt a connection as of yet to cancer. Many people even think (and there is some non conclusive evidence) that marijuana has anti cancer properties.

Be careful with what you are socialized to believe about marijauna in school. While it is NOT without risk, its NOT as bad as you are being socialized to believe.

While you are researching that video, research some of the real facts about marijuana, You will be amazed.

Something to think about... Do you know why marijuana was criminalized in the first place? You should look it up.  (+ info)

How does drug abuse problem of the 60's compare to today?

In the 60's LSD, and marijuana were widely used. How does that compare with today? What are the problem drugs today?

Now heroine and crystal meth are widely used and highly addictive, while the other illegal drugs are used as well. Ecstasy is the big party drug. Also, prescription pills are highly abused, and they aren't considered illicit drugs.  (+ info)

Sugar/fats/oil abuse worse than Marijuana?

If somone had never heard of either Cannabis or Sugar/fats/oils before in their life, and I showed them a highly accurate and detailed report of both substances how many people do you think would say bad food is way worse for you than cannabis??

I think the numbers would be overwhelmingly in favor of cannabis being better for you... Please keep in mind though the diffrence between abuse and use.

Let me clear up some Stuff as well. Sugar less addictive than weed? thats hard to belive, less than 1% of cannabis users develope a physical or mental addiction to Marijuana. While i don't have statistics for sugar i can allmost garentee more kids/adults these days are addictied to sugar far more than they are to weed.

I am a person who has done MDMA(Ecstasy) meth, weed, coke, lsd, shrooms, dmt, alcohol, tabbaco, and i can honestly say giving up bad foods was the 1 thing i cannot do. And not im not obese or eat a TON its just i need them, its serously the only thing ive een addicted too.
Cannabis has worse effects over time? That’s debatable... diabetes, obesity, rotting teeth, gastrointestinal cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, low levels of physical activity all sound serous to me...

While cannabis has about 2-4X more cancer causing components than Cigarettes, studies show long term abuse of cannabis is unlikely to cause cancer of the lungs or upper airways. They suspect that tobacco only causes cancer because of the radioactive soil and nicotine. Also I might add an average marijuana smoker only needs 2-5 “hits” to get high while a cigarette smoker may smoke a Pack(!) a day and 1 cigarette alone will be more smoke than a marijuana smokes in 1 day.

I’m not saying cannabis is healthy I’m just saying sugar can and most likely is worse than cannabis if abused even If the marijuana smoker is an extremely heavy user.

and yes about 50% of america abuses it allready
tenn gal, i was refuring to bad foods.

drshorty, your living in a dream world not everyone is going to do what is healthy for them. and yes pot is bad, but everything is bad if you have too much of it. i would say pot is less distructive on the body then a lot of things. i have smoked pot for almost 10 years and it is a lot less addicting then other things, i can go months without it. now double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds, i at least have to have twice a month. fat is addicting too.  (+ info)

Manic depression and marijuana abuse?

I'm 15 years old and recently my dad has been diagnosed with cancer. He has been given about 6 months to live and I have been feeling very depressed ever since the news. I never remember feeling too depressed before now but I have made a self diagnosis that I'm a manic depression. I go through very violent mood swings - curled up in a ball crying, then i'll confide in a loved one and I feel happy and in a good mood.

in my day to day life I will often feel tired and drowsy. some days I feel good, some normal, some very stressful. I have turned to Marijuana as a way to cope and get away from it all, it works great but I'm feeling like it's an addiction. My dad also has always had to deal with depression like myself, and from what I've noticed he has similar symptoms to me. Although I haven't talked to him about it, I think he may be a manic depression as well. so my question is a) do you think im just deeply depressed or am I a manic depression? and b) what are the effects of marijuana abuse and manic depression?
Also one little thing that goes wrong can start me on a downward spiral of feeling like shit.

Dear Iron, I'm sorry to hear about your father, nothing anyone can say can express the grief you must be feeling.

I was/am a retired nurse. When training we learned about the 5 stages of grief:- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and final acceptance. A famous psychologist did a study of how people react to grief and came up with these 5 stages that we all go through whenn facing grief, for whatever reason. Here is a link if you want to know more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Stages_of_Grief#Stages

Grief is normal in such a sittuation and it is healthy. You may not even realise that this is what you are experiencing, part of you may be denying what is happening in your life.

No I don't think you are manic depressive. Please don't diagnose yourself. Mental health as well as physical health is very, very complicated, which is why it takes so long for Dr's to train to diagnose and treat these conditions. You may need to see a grief councellor. There are people, usually MacMillan Nurses or Marie Curie Nurses in Britain, who help terminally ill patients and there families cope with both the practical and emotional sides of this type of sittuation. If you are in America or else where you can probably access a grief councellor through your GP. You may need a mild anti-depresent to help you cope with the next 6 months. Sorry to be a downer but this may only be the beginning of your grief. When your father dies it may hit even harder. Don't feel embarrased to go to your own Dr and discuss it with them. They are well used to seeing family's who have extreme difficulty coping with a dying relative or the aftermath. So, there is professional help out there, because what yo are experiencing is very common. Good Luck and God Bless  (+ info)

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