FAQ - Marijuana Abuse
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I have to do a health poster on drugs and I chose marijuana?

My poster has to include what type of drug it is (depressants hallucinogensm stimulants.), howit is taken ( eg. pill, liquid, inhaled, injected, absorbed) how the drug harms the brain and body (short term and long term efftects) curret statistics surround use/abuse (affecting teens) interesting information. I need help answering those questions.... and please include links if possible. What else should i include on my poster?

Ever heard of :


I forget what it stands for exactly but it was a program detailing what you seek where police officers and others made presentations at schools to desseminate information on narcotics and drugs. If you are shy about contacting police then the school or board of education ought to have a plethora of information.

While you are at it find out why the program did not work !  (+ info)

Can alcohol abuse be proved medically?

Im asking how can a doctor prove his patient has a history of alcohol abuse?

Let's say an alcoholic applies for health care and denies previous alcohol abuse. Does he need prove that he's not getting his drink on?

Or an alcoholic tries to obtain a medical marijuana card. Does the patient or doctor need medical prove that he's a drunk?

They can do blood tests and there's other tell-tale signs of alcohol abuse visible to the naked eye.

They can absolutely tell, and they don't do liver transplants for alcoholics.  (+ info)

I might have a blood test for a body check in just 4 days and i did marijuana today?

help guys, i need to know what happens if i test positive for substance abuse in either my urine or blood test. Anyway i can get rid of it in a measly 4 days?
Umm, its a docter testing doing body check on my body growth. its done yearly so. they might not check for blood, or they might....

It takes 2 weeks to clear on it's own
If you can take it the night before drink an 8oz glass of vinager the night before. The next day pee at least twice before you go. WARNING this works only approx. 95% of the time.  (+ info)

Marijuana abuse/addiction consequences?

hey im a 15 year old male, ive been smoking marijuana heavily everyday for about 5 months now and I have definitely grown an addiction/dependency. I don't feel any unhealthier but i have lost lots of motivation and effort to do things i use to like(cinemas, beach, sports etc) seems like all i want to do is just chill out and have a smoke.
My question is if i keep this trend up what are the consequences and is it worth it?
don't copy paste shit off random websites, rl experiences would be grand,

  (+ info)

i think i had marijuana abuse please i need help!?

ok well the day before yesterday(wensday)i smoked something..well that whole day i had not eaten almost anything..and the day before i had just recoverd from a stomach flu and im not experienced at all with smoking weed...and around 4 after school i smoked about half a joint of marijuana and my friend who was more experienced and had already eaten smoked the other..and the friday before i had smoked half a joint of the very same stuff and well it didnt hit me as hard...this time the stuff hit me real hard like i came home an it was still there but it was after 3 hours.....and i tried to sleep but i hardly could so the next day i was feeling a bit better...and welltoday which is friday im still feeling the high...but not as much well it way less but its been like 48hrs...and it hasnt gone away and i went to the dr. yesterday and he tod me that i had just marijuna in my system and that by drinking water and stuff that in time it will go away..but well i am 15 and sorta still growing..
im still growning so did it hit me hard cause of me being weak because of the flu and the having not eaten?
or was the stomach flu withdrawl feom what i was smoking that previous friday? and well i sometimes wonder if im in a dream and i panic...what should i do to make this go away faster...apart from drinking water and giving it time please i need help! : [
and i will never do this again it was the stupidest thing ive ever done!
umm i did tell my parents the took me to the hospital......
but umm they are so mad at me!!!!
and well what do i do i still feel out of it sorta..

Sounds like there may have been something in the pot, which is highly possible. At this point, you are not high though. It sounds like you are panicked about the entire incident. Tell yourself it's over and it just gets better hour by hour. You can't and won't feel worse by each passing minute. You will only feel better. Soon you will forget what you felt like at all. But remember the panic and fear and don't mess with drugs again.  (+ info)

Emergency room for marijuana abuse?

hello last night we were at a small party with couple of my friends. someone served us brownies that i felt tasted weird but my friends enjoyed it so we all ate them. after a while my friend started feeling really bad and sick. so we decided to take her somewhere to eat just to make her feel better. on our way to the restaurant my friend and I couldn't stop laughing. then everything turned pale and yellow and we started panicking . we were really scared of what was going on with us so we went to the ER . there they ran blood test on us and gave us some medicine. we stayed there from like 12 till 5 in the morning. and the doctors told us that in the brownies we had there was a strong type of marijuana and shroom . my whole life I have had weed once. I don't do drug and I drink on family occasions only. and this is a terrible thing to happen to anyone.

anyways my main question is how much is the ER going to cost us? how much is it for addmision, seeing a doctor, and blood testing?

thank you
I have health insurance. but is the addmision fee part of it?
I live in Colorado if that helps. I don't really wanna open a case cause the person who gave us the brownies was one of my friends . she didn't really say there was anything till later and she said that she just wanted to have good times. knowing that we don't do drugs cause its just stupid, she didn't tell us

.Nobody can tell you that, because we don't know where you live, the hospital you went to, what specific tests were done, etc. If you do not have insurance the bill will likely be several hundred dollars minimum. You might consider pressing charges against whomever fed you illegal drugs unknown to you, as it could have ended up much worse. Had you consumed the substances willingly and knowingly, then it would be on you...if your story is true and you had no idea what you were eating, then you have a legal case should you chose to pursue it (although proving it might be tough).  (+ info)

Would legalization of marijuana lead to more or less drug abuse?

Currently our jails and court systems are clogged with people who were arrested for possession of marijuana. The benefits to the court system, tax revenue and freeing up law enforcement to pursue those who deal in truly dangerous drugs would seem obvious,but would legalization end up leading to more or less use of other drugs?.

Buying anything other than medical marijuana often means being in contact with someone who sells other drugs which are many times more harmful. On the other hand, people who hang out with other pot smokers also come into contact with other drugs and most drug addicts started out with that first puff of marijuana.

What do you think?
EDIT- Andrew, I am sure you could find no end of tobacco growers who would agree with you about taxes.

Insofar as addictive, people can become psychologically addicted to just about anything - such as sex for example. I have known lots of folks who liked to constantly get high who fiended pretty bad when they ran out of pot.

At any rate, my question is not intended to be a referendum about the merits of marijuana or taxation of it, but rather about whether or not legalization might lead to more or less drug abuse - and perhaps help take more harmful drugs off the street.
EDIT - So far most people seem to be misunderstanding the question. I am not looking for justifications for marijuana, but rather if it were legal would it lead to more or less drug abuse and/or use of other drugs or less.

FYI - I promise you that in my lifetime I have smoked more pot than anyone posting on this board who is less than 25 years old. I was after all a child of the late 60's and 70's. Woodstock, Cream, Jimi Hendrix. Rolling Stones Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Stevie Ray Vaughn (actually smoked a doobie with him once) etc. Got the concert ticket stubs and loss of hearing to prove it. So far be it from ME to be a hypoctrite and condemn pot smoking. Though I would like to think I am a bit wiser than back when I was young and immortal and knew it all. I may well condemn other drugs but that is a different issue.

Now, hopefully people will answer what I am asking. I think it is an important question - and I'll give my own thoughts when this is over.

Bad call Stoner. I have never reported anyone for advocating or advising about marijuana. I have reported people who advocate illegal and other harmful drugs that might ruin their lives, as you have done in the past (and THAT is why you were suspended). Those are decidedly NOT alternative medicine and should not be welcome here.

I think it would lead to lower abuse of other illegal drugs.

Marijuana is the most common illegal drug. If its legalized, it will no longer be illegal.

It will be produced by legit companies who are on the up and up and available at stores - people wont be forced to search out drug dealers to get marijuana. As a marijuana user, I think this is the best point of legalizing it. I use marijuana, but its not possible for me to grow my own. I have a group of friends who are mostly good people, but I do know they are involved in some other things that are illegal. I dont participate with them, or anything like that. But even though they are good people, I feel uncomfortable going to people I know are involved in other illegal activities.

That point in and of itself, leads to people being exposed to a lower amount of other illegal drugs.

I am hoping that with the legalization, it will loose the automatic association with other illegal drugs. I mean, tobacco is a drug, but would you ever say people who smoke cigs are more likely to be around illegal drugs? No, not today. But wouldnt they be if tobacco were suddenly made illegal? If it were illegal, wouldnt it be sold by drug dealers right beside cocaine and meth?  (+ info)

Is daily use of marijuana for reacational purposes actually drug abuse?

I have a family member that started in high school. He is now 31 and still parties and drinks and gets drunk alot. As far as I know he still does marijuana on a daily basis when alone and with friends. I think they call it a pothead?
-Is this normal?
-Would this cause verbal outbursts and angry/ defensive behavior?
-Would this be the root of 'labelling people and making belittling jokes' that seem still rather high school (may it stopped emotional maturity and growth?)
-Would this be perhaps why he is aggressive by nature?

I am just wondering if this is drug misuse or would stunt maturity?

i don't want to sound like I am judging, but i have run into many conflicts with this family member who handles it by intimidation. Just trying to understand the situation better.
not violent. I didn't say physically violent

-It's not normal to use pot into your thirties on a regular basis.
-Pot generally doesn't cause angry outbursts. Whatever drives him towards pot may also contribute to the anger.
-his immaturity is why he hasn't woken up to the fact that he's a pot head, not the other way around.

He sounds like a real douche.  (+ info)

Isn't precription med abuse more dangerous than marijuana?

So is it just me or does it seem like this to anyone else? I played around with everything in HS and almost had a serious, serious problem because of a random allergic reaction to chemical in a painkiller not prescribed for me I didn't even tell anyone about it because I was scared to get in trouble and have had a minor problem before when I took a strong dose of an ADHD/ADD medication called Vyvanse. I didn't even take very much compared to some kids. Also i smoked my fair share of weed. I never once had a problem with weed that didn't originate in my own head (paranoia) and it is all but impossible to overdose on marijuana. The only real trouble is with the law. Now dont take this post wrong im no pothead trying to preaqch about the reform of marijuana laws im just asking for some more educated opinions and wondering how you guys feel?
Yeah no worries Its not like im tokin up often i just don't understand why i see so many marijuana commercials and adds on a daily basis when theres much more efficient ways to fuck yourself up seriously or die. and they even come in cute little capsules.

Yes, abuse of prescription drugs can be extremely dangerous whereas marijuana is believed to be one of the less harmful substances. There are a number of things about the abuse of prescription drugs that make them much more dangerous than marijuana or MDMA (ecstasy).

Firstly, any medication that's not prescribed to you by a doctor could cause a serious allergic reaction, as you've experienced. Furthermore, painkillers and medications like Vyvanse (Ritalin and some atypical anti-psychotic meds that are commonly abused are more prone to this) can cause serious damage to the dopamine receptors in your brain when crushed up and snorted. Since a drug like Ritalin is a dopamine antagonist, it's meant to stimulate the dopamine receptors when ingested. If the drug is taken in too large a dosage, or snorted, it can permanently damage the receptors by overstimulating them. This is the same way an MDMA overdose works, too much serotonin is created in the brain causing damage to the serotonin receptors which can induce chronic depression.

Perhaps the biggest issue with painkiller abuse is that many of them are opioids, this makes them highly addictive. Normally, abuse of a drug like Oxycontin wouldn't be too big of a health issue if a consistent dosage is taken (let's say 15-30mg). Liver rot may occur with elongated use, but otherwise it doesn't carry too big of a health risk. The problem begins when an addiction forms and the body begins to build a tolerance to the particular opioid. It is easy to overdose on painkillers and most painkillers react extremely badly with other drugs (Michael Jackson is a tragic example of this). When addiction forms, larger doses need to be taken due to the build up of a tolerance. This may also lead to experimentation with polydrug use to enhance the experience as it becomes less and less intense. Eventually, a fatal or near fatal dose may be administered.

Opioid addiction is difficult to break, as well. Withdrawals from opium-derived painkillers can be very serious. In addition to drug cravings, acute physical symptoms such as heart attacks and muscular spasms have been reported. One painkiller, Tramadol (a synthetic opioid, there's no actual opium-base to it), is even known to cause seizures!

Painkillers are much worse than marijuana in nearly every aspect, but they're still largely safer than drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines. Never snort any kind of medication, especially painkillers, this may cause serious damage to your brain.  (+ info)

Has anyone had a SERIOUS substance abuse problem and if so what were the effects and/or how did you deal with?

I had a serious problem with drug addiction when I was 17- 21. It went everywhere from alcohol abuse to marijuana to heroin even crack. I am 26 now. Since then I have quit everything except occasional but controlled amounts of alcohol and cigarettes. I am also on medication for some sort of chemical imbalance and just want to hear if there are any similar experiences to this type of reaction and if so, how did you get your life back on the "normal" track, so to speak?

Im 38 male, used from ages 17-26 and I stared on weed and ended up on a long road down to hell on crank. my close friends that made it out of the whole speed scene ended up like I did, with dep. anxity. and other mental inbalance's. Im not a doctor but there is a reason people tell us will is not good to use that stuff, did we listen? Im trully damged for the rest of my life because I used that stuff pretty bad. Some how it really does burn out your serintonein(sp) sensors and your stuck this way. I now only use my meds, coffee amd my smokes. good luck!  (+ info)

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