FAQ - Maxillary Sinusitis
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Is there an over the counter medicine for sinusitis?

I do not have a doctor so I cannot get a prescription for Augmentin or anything like it. I want to know if anybody knows of an alternative to treat sinusitis without a prescription.

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How is acute sinusitis treated homely?

What are the signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis?How is acute sinusitis treated homely? Is any doctor give online consultations?

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I have Sinusitis, is this causing the bad taste in my mouth?

I have recently discovered that i have Sinusitis, and throught the day yesterday and today ive had a horrible taste in my mouth, is this because of the Nasal spray i have been given or is it just a part of the Sinusitis? Also, how long roughly does Sinusitis last for, im currently on 2 paracetomal 4 times a day and also the nasal spray.

ChelseaBoy01 - Yes, sinusitis can cause a bad taste in your mouth (and really bad breath). Sinusitis usually means you have a sinus infection, which with medication can usually clear up in about 3-10 days. However, for some people (like me) sinusitis is a lifetime condition due to allergies.

To get rid of the bad taste in your mouth, in addition to using the nasal spray get yourself a NETI POT (available in most large drug stores or health food stores for $10-20, or on-line or on EBay) and first thing every morning and before bed rinse your nasal passages out with warm salted (non-iodonized) water. After rinsing out your nasal passages, also gargle with warm salted (non-iodonized) water.

If you are experiencing bad breath as a result of the sinusitis suck on zinc cold tablets (like ColdEaze). The zinc kills the bacteria that cause the bad breath.

Good luck  (+ info)

When can cat scratch or bite lead rapidly to a spreading infection including sinusitis and lymphadenopathy?

My friend was recently bitten and scratched by his cat, and noticed almost immediate swelling. Within less than a week he developed lymph node swelling, sinusitis, and a considerable deal of pain. He is being treated with Clindamycin. How does this happen, and what sorts of bacteria are most likely to cause such a rapidly spreading infection?

You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://treatments.notlong.com/?q=sumycin&qid=20090606223706AAXCpqS  (+ info)

If I have a bacterial infection in my sinus cavity is it always sinusitis?

I went to see the doctor last week for terrible migraines and dizziness. He said it was a bacterial infection in my sinus cavities caused by a cold I never got over.

When I tried to Google, or search 'bacterial infection' all that came up was sinusitis. My doctor didn't mention it was sinusitis though.

Does a bacterial infection in the sinus cavity necessarily make it sinusitis?

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinus cavities. This can be caused by infections or allergies. I suppose it would be possible to get an infection but not have inflammation, though it is unlikely.

Sinusitis in the absence of infection is often treated with cortisone nose sprays, though a simple saline nose spray is often just as effective.

Bacterial infections of the sinuses can be pretty serious and I assume your doctor has put you on antibiotics or sulfa drugs. Be sure to take the whole course proscribed for you and see your doctor again if you're not 100% over it when your medication runs out.  (+ info)

What teeth are the smallest and weakest in the maxillary arch?

A. The maxillary central incisors C. The maxillary cuspids
B. The maxillary lateral incisors D. The maxillary first premolars

B. The maxillary lateral incisors.  (+ info)

I need remedies for sinusitis and candida albicans?

I need various resources and information on possible remedies and natural killers of the horrible conditions of sinusitis and candida albicans. Has anyone heard of something called strepto pep? Anything, any information that is partaining to holistic, homeopathic, natural, etc......... healing for these two conditions.

Candida overgrowth is rare but can be triggered by depletion of intestinal flora, usually after overuse of antibiotics. You would want to repopulate the flora by taking probiotics. Probiotics are in foods like honey and sour yogurt, you can also get them in capsules. It's also important to lay off white sugar when you do this because sugar feeds the candida.

Sinusitis is helped by ascorbic acid(aka vitamin c) aromatherapy with eucalyptus, peppermint etc. Neti pots/sinus washes are excellent for sinusitis.  (+ info)

Can anyone suggest a tried and sure home remedy for sinusitis ?

How can one know whether the problem is sinusitis or an allergy ?

When you eat certain foods like chocolate. and your nose plugs up in about 15 or 20 minutes. Then unplugs in a couple of hours it is probably an allergy. Or spring pollen may show the same symptoms.
But if you are plugged up for several hours like at night when you try to sleep then it is sinusitis.
Sinusitis is almost always caused by a fungus. So you need to treat this with either a natural or prescribed anti fungus medication. NOT an antibacterial This does not help a fungus in-spite of the MDs.
Natural help: a good sinus cleans with Colidal silver. Oil of oregano capsules, Garlic, raw. Olive leaf extract. or Oreganol P73 can be baught at any health store,  (+ info)

Solution for chronic sinusitis sufferer moving to cold country?

I am a chronic sinusitis sufferer who stayed in a warm country , but have the intention to study aboard in a cold country. I am afraid my sinus will worsen during the stay there. What are the things i can do to lessen my condition? What do sinusitis sufferers in cold country do to quicken recovery? Is Warm Moisture Humidifier a good thing in the room?

You might be better off, too. Cold air holds less humidity and particulates than warm air. I always get better in dryer cooler air.

It just depends on what is causing the irritation and inflammation. Warm humid air contributes to dust mite activity, which is a very common allergy/irritant indoors.

A good cortisone prescription, like fluonase or nasocort usually helps, although it can take a few days to start working and must be continued daily.  (+ info)

What type of doctor do I go to for sinusitis?

I had 4 sinus infections in October, November, & December. Each time I went to an internal medicine doctor. I was given penicillin for the infection and took antihistamine tablets.The infections went away, but my sinuses were still bad. In January, I went to an allergist to make sure I wasn't allergic to something. I had an allergy test on my back and on my arm. I'm not allergic to anything. I had a cat scan on my head. The allergist showed me on my xray that the sinus cavities behind my nose are 3/4 filled with fluid. She said I have sinusitis. I was given a prescription & nasil spray. Three weeks later, I went to the allergist for a follow up and my sinuses were still bad. She gave me a second nasil spray & told me if it doesn't work, come back again for a follow up. She said that maybe I should see an ear nose and throat doctor. Is that the type of doctor I should see next? Should I go back to the allergist for a follow up? What type of doctor should I go to for sinusitis?

See an ENT (Ear Nose & Throat) specialist  (+ info)

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