FAQ - Menorrhagia
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endometrium size is 0.8cm during menorrhagia and due to excess bleeding whether D&C is necessary?

D & C can help,
u should have mentioned age, marital status, kids, ur ultra sound report
after this a correct opinion is possible  (+ info)

Does Anyone Have Any Home Remedies For Menorrhagia?!?

Hi I'm 15 And I'm Suffering From Menorrhagia (Prolonged And Heavy Periods) I Have Had My Period For The Past 12 Days. It Is Quite Heavy And Uses Up About 3 Tampons A Day. I Have Heard This Is Common In Pre-Adolescence But I Was Wondering If There Is Any Home Remedies I Can Do For This As I'm Going Out With My Boyfriend This Weekend. Thanks!
Jessie xo

Go see your gynecologist or family doctor.  (+ info)

Does Menorrhagia make you infertile?

I don't really care about anything else,give me anemia,I don't CARE.I just want kids someday.

I plan on having kids someday.Im not sure if I have this disease or not,but if so,will it make me infertile?

It depends of the cause. Menorrhagia is prolonged or heavy bleeding at regular intervals. See a doctor if it concerns you, bleeding that much isn't healthy either way.  (+ info)

Question for Women with menorrhagia and/or endometrosis.?

Also, I would appreciate any other input if you are a nurse or an OB or GYN or both. I have both conditions. And I have seen several doctors on this. I am considering having Endometrial Ablation. I don't really want a hysterectomy. And I don't really have any abnormalities or other issues that really warrant it. I have had all the blood work, pap smears and even a ultra sound. There are no other problems. I have been told by doctors and read some things that suggest that a lower altitude, warmer weather, and lower sea level will help this.
I have noticed when I travel down south, like Arizona or the bottom of Nevada or San Diego, that I have less problems. Just wondering if there is anything to this. We are considering moving down to Las Vegas because of it. I always feel better there and anywhere where its really hot or at least warmer.
Is this all in my head or is there something to this?
What other things can help to minimize symptoms, besides surgery and hormones? Natural!

Altitude can definitely affect it, that's why some people get nose bleeds in higher altitudes. The higher the altitude, the higher your blood pressure can go to regulate your body. The lower the altitude, things come back down. A friend of mine had ablation done and she is very happy with the results. Personally, I have both as well and have an appointment in the morning for final tests and to schedule my partial hysterectomy. I chose this method because ablation isn't a guarantee that you can't get pregnant, only that you won't carry. It also doesn't guarantee no bleeding. My friend had a period 3 months after having it done. I have been bleeding for almost 2 years almost non-stop and I'm over it. Hysterectomy is the best choice for me. Unfortunately, there are no natural remedies to cure this.  (+ info)

Menorrhagia, treatments, experiences etc?

Has anyone had experience with treating menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding)? What worked, what didn't? I know many recommend going on the pill, but the other side effects from that make that not an option.

Well, I had a endometrial ablation that work wonderfully. However that is NOT an option if you ever want to have children in the future. Other than that and the pill I really don't know of anything. Sorry.  (+ info)

Health problem menorrhagia?

I have menorrhagia for about 4 years now, and I haven't treated it at all.. I haven't even went to see gynecologist... I thought it was normal,and now I am too afraid to go to see him.. What do you think consequences could be?? :((

Hello Hasinta

Menorrhagia is a kind of condition in which there is an excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. The medical conditions, that would result from this problem is Iron deficiency anemia. Due to excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding there is already a loss of big amount of blood. Menorrhagia may deplete iron levels enough to increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia. And also you will experience sever pain. Heavy menstrual bleeding often is accompanied by menstrual cramps . Sometimes the cramps associated with menorrhagia are severe enough to require prescription medication or a surgical procedure.

Here's hoping this helps you on your way. If there is any more I can do just contact me.  (+ info)

What are the available medicine that could dissolve fibroids?

On May 1, 2006 my transvaginal scan result shows that i have thickened endometrium and multiple uterine fibroids such as Posterior subserosal - 2.8x3.2 cm, Fundal 3.8x2.5 cm, anterior subserosal 1.8x1.5 cm, posterior myometrial 2.1x1.9 cm. The endometrium is thickened & heterogeneous & measures 18 mm. Both ovaries are normal in size. There is no evidence of any adnexal mass lesion. There is no free fluid in the POD.

43 years old asian with a 19 yr old son (normal delivery). Working as an office administrator. No history of any problems in my reproduction system and neither have I suffered from menstrual problems. I have had D&C in Feb. 17 because of menorrhagia. Had my period in March 25 then suffered from heavy bleeding again.

Gyne advised hysterectomy but i would like to seek other alternative. I read about the medicine Vitalzym. Is is effective.Any side-effects? Any other medicine alternative that I could take. What are the side effects of hysterectomy?

http://www.webmd.com/content/article/3/1680_51246.htm  (+ info)

How long does it take for initial herpes to show up?

Three weeks ago I had sex with a guy who had herpes. A week later I ended up going to the hospital because I was experiencing some irregular vaginal bleeding. They took drew some blood and I had a pap smear. My doctor said that it was jus menorrhagia. I barley found out today that the guy had herpes. I don't have any cold sores or anything. And my vagina looks normal.

Get tested!

If you develop sores they should appear within a couple of weeks. When they appear, a doctor can take a swab and have it tested.

Even if you don't notice anything unusual, you should still get tested. Herpes is present in many people without symptoms (that's why it's so widely spread). If you have no symptoms, have a blood test done in about 3 months (it'll take a while for antibodies to show up in blood).

From what I've heard, you need to specifically request that the blood sample be screened for Herpes.

There's piles of info online about it. Check out WebMD, or do a search for "Herpes symptoms" if you want more info.

I hope you don't have it!! But you absolutely need to get tested.

Blue: Proper use of condoms *reduces* your chance of contracting an STD, it doesn't eliminate it. Even if the guy had used a condom, she could still contract an STD, especially one like herpes. Condoms are a must, but the only "safe" sex is no sex.  (+ info)

is the menorrhagia????

is this menorrhagia or just normal? i get my period very heavy for 7 days every time. i have to wear a super tampon and maxi pad and change it every to hours. at night i have to wear two or three maxi pads and sometimes i still leak through my sheets. I sometimes have clots and i have bad cramps with my period. i just started my first period 11 months ago.

not only is this menorrhagia, it is menorrhagia vera, the most virulent form. you must spend a fortune on pads.  (+ info)

is this menorrhagia?????

is this menorrhagia or just normal? i get my period very heavy for 7 days every time. i have to wear a super tampon and maxi pad and change it every to hours. at night i have to wear two or three maxi pads and sometimes i still leak through my sheets. I sometimes have clots and i have bad cramps with my period. i just started my first period 11 months ago.

Yes, this could be menorrhagia but I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say.  (+ info)

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