FAQ - Menorrhagia
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More than menorrhagia? Period bleeding that does not stop.?

My 13 year old daughter started her periods recently. They seemed quite normal for the first 3 months but then the bleeding just did not stop. After a few weeks, we went to the doctors, who prescribed tranexamic acid. That seemed to help for a few days but then the bleeding started again. The doctor has now prescribed the pill for her but after 2 weeks now, it is still having no effect on the bleeding.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this?

This could be related to a hormone imbalance or something like endometriosis (I started having symptoms of endometriosis when I was 16, and one of the symptoms of it-before I knew it was endometriosis-was heavy bleeding at the time of my period).

Ask your daughter's doctor to refer her to a gynecologist if they haven't already. Most gynecologists see patients starting as young as 12 and 13 years old. The gynecologist can try to help figure out what could be causing the problem.  (+ info)

could i have menorrhagia?

hi ive only had my period for about 2 years now, even though im young could i have menorrhagia. my period is on time, like i know when im going to have it each month, and it comes. the thing is it is so heavy! like i will use a super plus (heaviest absorbancy) and it will fill up in 2-3 hours and start leeking. my period lasts about 7-8 days and this happens 6-7 of the days. i dont use pads anymore because i would literally fill up an overnight heavy pad in 45 minutes. my period will be so heavy that alot of times when i cough i feel blood coming out. the lowest absorbancy tampon i can use during my period is super. i only get cramps the first day and it feels like a knife stabbing me, but i dont get them anyother days. could i have menorrhagia or somthing else, or is this nothing to worry about. lastly should i see a obgyn or my pediatrician. lastly could any one give me a little more info on menorrhagia, thanks. please dont be immature.

In young women and girls, for the first few years or so of menstruating, long lasting periods are common and normal.
If you're going through a thick pad or tampon every hour, then it is definitely menorrhagia.
I cannot diagnose you as having that but you are certainly flowing heavy.
Be sure to take an iron supplement to prevent anemia and fatigue. If women have heavy flows, iron is lost in the blood that is shed out of the uterus(uterine walls) and an iron supplement will be helpful. Eating leafy greens can help with this also.
The cramping is dysmennhorea, and that is spelled wrong lol.
That just means painful periods.
If you flow very heavily and have cramping, using a tampon may not be the best idea because it may block the flow of blood more and cause more painful contractions of the uterus-aka cramps.
It is better usually to avoid tampons in this case and let the flow run its course naturally, this has helped me, especially when passing clots, which is also usually normal.
I would see a doctor if this is preventing you from functioning in your daily activities or if it is worrisome to you.  (+ info)

Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding) ?

I started my period last year, and it stopped for about 5 months during the summer. It picked back up in late August, and after the first one, I have been having extremely heavy menstrual flows, so bad i must change a "super" less than an hour apart every day, and they last for maybe 3 or 4 days (i don't have the days right down to be exact) I get huge blood clots a, deep reds and sometimes near black (more like dark maroon) and it in ables me to do anything but stay at home during the four days. they come about 3 weeks apart, so i believe im becoming regular. At night i must change during the night every hour, keeping me up. Lately I've been getting mid-back cramps about the second day, hurting a lot. So this does affect my daily lifestyle. I have heard this could be symptoms of Menorrhagia... is this true (i am a virgin so no pregnancy ideas) I am still pretty young (a minor)
Is this something to worry about? what should i do? after a couple more periods will it get less heavy or am i stuck with this? because its a major hassle. would pregnancy pills help, or any other ideas... thank you for your time!!

I had this same problem around the age of 14 and ended up having to see a doctor because I was becoming anemic because of the amount of blood loss..My doctor placed me on brth control pills which shortened them and made them a lot lighter with little to no cramps. I suggest you make an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible.  (+ info)

Heavy, Irregular Period / Menorrhagia?

My Period has never regulated, for the 5 years I've been getting it. I've gone 5 months or so without getting it in the past. When I do get it, it's exreemely heavy (normal period should be about 2 and a half tablespoons.. and I'd say mine is 6 or more) I always have to use tampons and pads and change them reguarly. It usually lasts 2 or 3 days, sometimes less, very very rarely more. I have been known to pass out when I have my period and always suffer with fatigue.

Am I right in thinking I may have Menorrhagia syndrome? If so, how will a doctor test for it? or will they just prescribe me what I need. I think everyone understands what I mean that I want to avoid a pap-smear or vaginal exam at all costs. Perhaps I can just ask to be put onto the pill (is prescribed for women with Menorrhagia)?

Advice is appreciated. Thanks x
When I said "Tampons and Pads" I did infact mean together. And I use the most absorbant tampons avaliable to me. I usually have to go to the toilet atleast 2 times an hour to check if they need changing and more often than not they do.

It is kind-of nice having my period for a short amount of time, but it has it's toll. I basically don't leave the house because of the discomfort, it really is unpleasant.

Ofcourse if I need an exam I will have one, health comes first.. but I really don't want to take one unless it's neccessary, it's not something i'd volunteer for unless neccessary.

Honestly your bleeding does not sound like it's heavy!
Always having to use pads or tampons, and changing them regularly, is very much the norm.
There is a definition of too heavy, in regards to menstruation. It's when you repeatedly bleed through a maxi pad or super tampon within an hour. If you don't do that, then you probably do not have Menorrhagia syndrome.

It must be nice having such short periods!

Passing out and being tired may be a sign that you could be anemic.

If you want to be on the pill to help regulate your periods, you'll have to be examined. I have no idea why you'd want to avoid that at all costs. It's not pleasant but it's for your own good, and you'll need to have it done sooner or later. It's important that the doctor knows nothing is wrong with you before prescribing the pill... it's a potentially harmful medication if you have not been examined.  (+ info)

Does this sound like Menorrhagia?

I started my periods about 6 years ago and they have always been heavy and long. However, in the last 3 years or so I have noticed that they have got worse, and now I cannot actually remember the last time I had a period which lasted less than 8 days. For the first 3 days I need to use a super plus/super tampon and a pad together (and these will last for under 2 hours at a time) to control the bleeding and it may sound stupid but I'm not sure if this is normal or not. My periods are completely regular, it's just the heavy, long bleeding each and every month which bothers me. I have looked on the internet and it says that Menorrhagia is classified as losing 80ml of blood in a period but I have no idea how much blood I lose - it's just a lot! I have considered going to see the doctor to inquire but I don't want to be wasting her time and being 'just another person complaining about periods' if what I experience is quite normal. My friends have NEVER had a period as long as mine or as heavy so that makes me think that it might not be normal!! Does this sound like Menorrhagia to you? If I went to the doctor what sort of questions would she ask and how might it be treated? Anyone tried Tranexamic Acid for heavy periods? Thanks in advance!

To measure your blood flow, I suggest that instead of a tampon, you use a diva cup. They measure about an ounce of menstrual fluid.

The diva cup is not as good as it wants to be ... ie. it still leaks. But using that with a pad is less expensive than tampons, and you can actually measure how much you are menstruating.

Assuming you are not adopted, ask your mother or aunts about their cycles.

Not being a doctor, I can't give you much more advice than that.  (+ info)

u may have seen my other question...Menorrhagia?

u may have read about my heavy bleeding...i did some searchin online and was wondering if i could possibly have Menorrhagia...i dont fully understand it but i read the symptoms...wat do u thnk?

i have:
-real heavy bleeding that i've never had b4
-i have a cramp that hasnt gone away for an hour (its not horrible but it still uncomfortable)
-i have to change pads at least once an hour and they have still over flowed onto my underwear
-w/ overnight pads it had overflowed really bad last nite
blood clots (i think) bigger than golf balls
-if i sit then stand up it basically feels like im peeing i bleed so much (ugh...im gonna have to stand up here n a minute...gag)

is it Menorrhagia? im goin to the doctor either way as soon as my dad sets the appointment...help!

Menorrhagia is just a name for excessive menstrual bleeding, so yes, from your description you most likely have it.  (+ info)

Out of options for menorrhagia treatments?

I hope somebody can help me I am out of options. I suffer from Menorrhagia (prolonged or excessively heavy periods) and I am out of no surgical options. I am 29 and due to disability should not have kids I accepted that long ago that I would just not have any , I already had one marriage fall apart over that issue so I am not about to change my mind.
I have seen my gynecologist many times over the issue I wanted a hysterectomy that was flat out refused instead they wanted me to try one more chemical option as I had already been through others that were for many different reasons not acceptable. so I gave it one more go with this mirena iud and have found it too isn't acceptable due to side effects. so basically I am out of chemical options as I had already been through the pill and depo needles. I hope someone out there can offer me another solution or atleast away to get my gyno to take me seriously for the hysterectomy.
I am not sure another non chemical iud would work cause it isn't always the heaviness of my prroids that are the issue it is often the irregularity and the fact that they have lasted up to 8 months in the past.

Okay so the Marina coil was not for you have you tried a normal IUD (coil) where no chemicals are involved. Yes you will still have heavy bleeds for the first 3 to4 months but things should settle down afterwards. A hysterectomy is a major operation and I wholly agree with your Gynaecologist at 29 you are too young. Surgery should always be avoided unless absolutely neccesary.  (+ info)

Do you get REALLY fatigued the day before your period starts?

I get sooooooo tired the day before my period starts. No one else i know gets THAT tired. My period lasts for 4 days, so it's not menorrhagia , which could explain the tiredness..anyone with this problem too?

Yep. I get so tired that in most cases I know I will be starting my period soon, just because of my extreme fatigue.

God bless!  (+ info)

A question for anyone who has ever had uterine ablation for menorrhagia?

Hello -

I'm looking for information and insights from anyone who has had uterine ablation done for menorrhagia (irregular menstrual bleeding).

My doctor has suggested it as a means to put an end to my MISERABLE cycles and what he calls "mid-cycle bleeding" (which is his terminology for a full period every 10 days!).

I've done some research and know about the different methods; I've been referred to a gynecologist for a consult, but I was wondering if anyone has used it for treatment of anything other than excessively heavy bleeding.

Also, I'm wondering if a uterine puncture (from an IUD in 1996) would prevent me from being a candidate for this procedure. I don't have any polyps or uterine irregularities; just a miserable hormone cycle.

If you could let me know your experiences I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance ....

I am sorry about your problem. I am going to my GYN asap to be diagnosed and treated for menorrhagia and I am feeling your pain. I have no experiences with it but I do wish you luck. God Bless  (+ info)

what is the treatment for menorrhagia?

The search for a treatable cause of menorrhagia can be difficult and unrewarding. The causes of menorrhagia include many uterine abnormalities, such as cervicitis, leiomyomas, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. Therefore, endometrial biopsy is an important diagnostic procedure for many women with menorrhagia, particularly those who have persistent or recurrent problems or those who are in or near menopause.

Pregnancy complications, such as spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa and abruptio placentae, can all cause heavy bleeding, although bleeding is usually not cyclic when it is associated with pregnancy. Nevertheless, pregnancy should always be considered as a possible cause of abnormal uterine bleeding.

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, as well as other endocrine disorders, can sometimes cause menorrhagia. In addition, acquired or iatrogenic bleeding disorders, such as immune thrombocytopenia, can lead to menorrhagia. Anticoagulant use can also be a cause.

Most diagnoses are usually excluded, however, and the final diagnosis is likely to be dysfunctional uterine bleeding caused by anovulatory menstrual periods.  (+ info)

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