FAQ - Mental Disorders Diagnosed In Childhood
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Which childhood mental disorder interests you most?

I am interest in childhood mental health issues and mainly in the way children and adolescents understand the mind states of other people. What disorders do you find interesting?

  (+ info)

What do u believe Medical marijuana for mental disorders good or bad?

I have always known it to be that people with mental disorders tend to not get diagnosed when they are smoking pot because the pot hides there symptom because its a depressant of sorts. Now when the people get off pot because of various reasons. IE too expensive, get arrested etc. they get the signs of their disorders back. now why in the heck is it legal in CA? i can understand for people in cronic pain like terminal cancer and the such but for a mental disorder? please. what is your opinion?

There is no medical proof that it will help any mental disorder. Adding a drug that in itself can cause mental problems does not make sense.  (+ info)

Is it possible to suspect that you have a mental disorder without being diagnosed?

I am starting to notice some signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in myself. Is it possible to suspect that you have a mental disorder without it being diagnosed? Does it mean that something ISN'T a mental disorder if you suspect it? I guess what I mean is: Should this be a matter of true concern, or am I just weird?

I'm pretty sure you can diagnose yourself with a mental disorder. I have. But of course no one takes me seriously. lol. I guess you could be a hypochondriac... but that's also a mental disorder... and if you think you are a hypochondriac and you aren't... does that mean you really are? hahaha.

My Answer is yes. OCD is something you can usually spot pretty easily because it's things you actually do and not just things you may feel or think. I'd discuss it with someone and google it/ do some research.  (+ info)

Can nearly drowning lead to mental illnesses such as bi-polar disorder or other psychiatric disorders?

Can nearly drowning in early ages in life lead to psychiatric disorders diagnosed later in life?

It could of effected your brain, because when you drown you are not getting proper oxygen to the brain, but most likely not. Unless you have been exposed to almost drowning, passing out mulitple times in your life.  (+ info)

What mental disorder is most commonly self diagnosed with alcohol?

Some people are drawn to alcohol for natural reasons. Many are drawn to alcohol, almost naturally because it is medicinal to them. In cases people can both, think better and increase mental capabilities under the influence of alcohol. For example someone that has social anxiety can further succeed in social situations and feel more "normal" under the influence of alcohol, which can cause them to easily be drawn to it as an attempt to self diagnose. Many people legitimately feel they can function better under the influence of alcohol because of something it provides them. Something that achieves their brain's satisfaction in aiding a natural abnormality or disorder. But, what disorder or abnormality is most common in attempting to self diagnose by comsuming alcohol?

I believe the diagnoses for this would be "Alcoholism." People that drink to make themselves feel socially accepted, smarter or attractive, ususally have the disease called Alcoholism. "Normal"(non-problem drinkers) people do not need alcohol to feel the above.

For more information I would suggest going to Google and typing in Alcoholism to get more information.  (+ info)

Do mental health facilities hire people who have mental disorders?

Do mental health facilities hire a people that has been diagnosed with a mental disorder, was hospitalized once several years ago and is currently on meds. but doing well for several years?

Yes of course they do.

Firstly "mental disorders" is very vague and includes something like mild anxiety to severe schizophrenia.

Your medical records are private, an employer would not see them and they can't legally ask a bunch of questions about your health. Even if you take a medication (like a stimulant or benzodiazepine) that comes up positive on a drug test for employment the drug testing is almost always a third party and as long as you have a prescription your employer won't know what you take.

But what is most important (and for the most part you need to answer the questions for yourself) is how you are, what is your problem, what was the worst it was at, how long have you been stable, do you have a history of stopping your medications and having problems again, do you have any side effects that would prohibit you from working?

But if you are stable, you do a good job when working, I don't see why it would be a problem. People go threw bad times and a lot of people may spend a few days in a psychiatric hospital because something horrible happens and they just snap and freak out or shut down. I remember a friend in high school who simply fell apart after his father died and he was in a hospital for just a few days, he got stable, and he was and is fine. And things like depression are common and often people have a crisis but that is not normally representative of the person.

I'm in medical school doing my clerkship (residency) for psychiatry and I have been hospitalized a number of times for depression. Although in my case antidepressants made me more depressed and it was only when I took them that I needed a hospital. But I am very stable, I found the medications that would work and I still take them, but I am going to be practicing in psychiatry. If I have not had a problem (and I know a lot of people with psych problems in medical school) I doubt you will. If you became psychotic and killed a bunch of people that might be an issue but otherwise the only thing that really matters in NOW.  (+ info)

Can "mental retardation" be caused by emotional trauma in the early childhood years?

My cousin was diagnosed with mental retardation. I am not sure of all the details, but I was wondering if this could have been caused by certain emotional trauma that occurred when she was 7-9 years of age. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

There is a lot of science that says if a child is severly neglected and or abused at an early age it can cause retardation. Also a severe trauma at a young age can cause behavior that may mimic retardation due to the fact that it may cause the child withdrawl from people and not participate in school.

Good luck  (+ info)

Mental disorders?

what mental disorders existed in the 1940-1950's

All disorders were there. Do you mean ones they classified or made treatment for?

Here are some helpful links I read:


http://www.bipolarworld.net/Bipolar%20Disorder/History/history.html  (+ info)

At what point of diagnosed mental disorder do you get your voting rights taken away?

Schizophrenic, schitzoid, bi-polar..
Does being diagnosed as any of these get your voting rights taken away?
At what degree of disorder/incapacitation does one lose their right to vote?

Being diagnosed with a mental disorder does not mean you lose your voting rights, otherwise there would be not voters left.  (+ info)

How is someone tested and diagnosed with a mental disorder?

I think I have had a mental disorder all my life. I feel great for some periods and then I feel terrible for others and it's always been like this. I have wanted to be tested for quite awhile but I am a bit afraid of asking my doctor. When I did tell him all he did was prescribe me Effexor, which helped a bit but I went off of a year later b/c it made me feel spacey.
I'd really like to know what is actually wrong. Who do I go to?

There is guide called the DSM IV used to decide whether or not somebody suffers from a psychological disorder. However correct diagnosis is often tricky and it isn't rare for doctors to over diagnose. You say you feel great for some periods and terrible for others. This is something most people experience. If you find you are switching between feelings of euphoria and feelings of depression you may be suffering from a form of mania or manic depression. Is your low mood having a very dramatic impact on your everyday life? If not I wouldn't worry yourself over it, it can often be a matter of age. If your low mood is making your everyday life difficult it would be worth going to a mental health nurse or a counsellor.

Hope that helps, good luck!  (+ info)

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