FAQ - Migraine With Aura
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Migraine with aura question?

Is light and sound sensitivity considered ?
Is nausea aura or symptom?
Also, pain in the eye especially when reading or watching TV?
sorry, is light and sound sensitivity considered aura or symptom?

As an ex-migraine sufferer myself, I spent a lot of my time in bed with a headache, unable to function in a normal fashion. I knew they were coming - just a fealing of unease at first then a bright light in my eye the start of the 'aura' or flashing zig zag lines in my vision. I often used to ask myself 'had I just looked at the sun or another bright light - No! it was another migraine. I couldn't see and I felt sick - for a couple of days later my brain couldn't find words I wanted to say - Everyone gets slightly different symptoms - usually migraine headache occurs on one or both sides of the head. The pain is typically pulsating or throbbing in nature. Nausea, with or without vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and sound often accompany migraines. Migraines are made worse by activity, bright lights and bright noises. In most cases, migraine attacks are occasional, or sometimes as often as once or twice a week, but not usually daily.
I used to take Migraleve but then tried Imigran - trouble was this left me feeling as though I had done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Then I found I cure that worked for me - never had another - take a look at causeofmigraines.com  (+ info)

Can you please help me figure out what caused my migraine?

I have a history of migraines that have always been very tracable to a severe yeast allergy. I don't eat yeast anymore, and every time I do, I get a migraine. I have the type with an aura, and my symptoms progress reliably through: blind spots and tunnel vision, numbing of the right hand and arm, right lips and cheek and sometimes tongue. The headache itself doesn't usually set in until about 4 hours after the start of all this. I have always taken Imitrex with success before the headache sets in.

Yesterday I had a migraine I cannot explain. I had eaten out for dinner the night before: steak tips and onions, garlic mashed potatos and steamed veggies. I ate the same thing as leftovers for lunch yesterday (no breakfast, just water and one ghirardelli square). About ten or fifteen minutes into eating lunch, the migraine started up with the vision spots.
If it isn't weird enough that there was no yeast, the migraine behaved differently. It progressed through the vision problems WAY faster than usual (with me having about 35 degrees of vision by the time I got to the pharmacy).

Which brings me to another point. My doctor had recently given me a new Rx for Zomig saying that it worked better and had fewer side effects (though I love how Imitrex works, I've never been a fan of the strangulation feeling).

So a coworker took me to the pharmacy to fill the scrip and I took one immediately. Rode with her back to work and closed myself up in a dark office. Then it got really weird.

I couldn't put together sentences. I couldn't think of regular words like blast, bumper, modern, temporary... I said "five" instead of "temporary" and "repaired" instead of "blast" (as in "I'm having a repaired with this").

My boyfriend says I had the weirdest phone conversation he's ever heard anywhere.

I didn't get the numbness, no loss of coordi-
no loss of coordination, just this awful headache which set in within an hour of the aura.

And the meds DID have the SAME or WORSE side effects and very slow to help the migraine. 20 hours later now and I still have the very bad headache.

I believe it had to be something in the leftovers that was the trigger because the migraine started fifteen minutes after I started eating that. I had the one tiny chocolate square at 8am (four hours earlier) and I eat chocolate ALL. THE. TIME. I don't think it's that.

could leftovers grow some bacteria that causes migraines, but NOT nausea? I never felt nauseated at all.
I have been tired and somewhat stressed lately. Could that have combined with something else? And what are your experiences with Zomig or Imitrex? I don't even think the Zomig started working until the second dose two hours later. All the first dose gave me was side effects.

first of all glad you were able to find and identify a direct cause...i was never able to altho as i have gotten older they have diminished on their own(i hope they do for you also).
o.k. in my own experience (I AM NOT A DOCTOR) migraine sufferers should never miss breakfast, it causes all kinds of stresses on your body that you are not aware of...next combine everyone's answers about the chocolate, the potatoes and the lack of sleep and then get yourself BACK to the Doctor and tell him exactly what you told us. Also ask him or the pharmacist what the ingredients are of the new medicine...there may actually be something in there that is affecting you. As a fellow sufferer i do hope you figure this out. I once had a friend who claimed he never had a headache...if we weren't so close i would have punched him out! :)  (+ info)

Sudden Migraine Aura?

I have been a migraine sufferer for years, Topamax has been a life saver! I neglected to remember it for my vacation (along with all my other meds...I felt like such a dope!) Anyways, I was getting ready to go on one of those 3-D thrill rides, you know where you wear the 3-D glasses and you sit in the chairs and they move the chairs around so you feel like you're in the movie. Anyways, I was standing up in line staring at the screen with my 3-D glasses on and all of a sudden it felt like my eyes were being squeezed together, I was suddenly very nauseous, and dizzy. I was very disoriented. I immediately removed the glasses and looked away from the screen. It was like a very sudden, intense migraine aura. It went away, but I didn't put those glasses back on! I've never experienced anything like it. I plan on discussing it with my neurologist, but unfortunately that appointment isn't until next month. Anyone else?

If the screen was flashing you could possibly have migraines caused by the light. I have a sensitivity to fluorescent lights and cannot stay under just that kind of light for more than an hour or so. My neurologist said that the lights flash very quickly and it causes a reaction in the brain similar to epilepsy, but not on such a severe scale. I would get terrible migraines and lose my short-term memory. Good luck!  (+ info)

Any advise on relieve of a Aura Migraine?

I just wrote the following answer to another question. First, do you only have the aura, or do you have an aura before a migraine headache (Migraine With Aura). If its the aura only, be careful of what treatments you try as most are aimed at the headache part of it. Personally, taking Flexeril every day helps with the auras but not the headaches (I get them separately). The Mayo Clinic is a pretty good starting place for any health questions, and the link is shown below. Basically, there are two types of medication - one to abort or treat a migraine, and one to try to prevent them occuring if you get them frequently. I'm assuming that you have one starting and are trying to stop it. There are various medical drugs that can help. The most common one are the family of Triptans - there are various types. The other well known one is Ergotamines (eg DHE45). However, personally I can't take them due to bad side effects, but they do work successfully for many people. You would have to talk to your doctor. There are other options, personally I take Tylenol 3s as soon as I feel the headache coming on or getting the warning signs and they will often stop it. Or failing that, at least they help reduce the pain. However, there are issues with them if you take them too frequently (rebound headaches).
Other methods include caffeine (coffee, coke etc) as soon as you feel it starting. Either by itself or in combination with something like Advil or Tylenol. Excedrin Migraine worked surprisingly well for me. For the nausea I highly recommend Gravol's Ginger tablets - they work really well without the side effects of traditional nausea reducing medication.
There are various pressure points that you can try to stop the migraine: http://taichi.snowcron.com/shiatsu_heada... Massaging the neck and/or scalp or face can sometimes help. Lying down in a dark, quiet place helps many people. Eating protein, lots of water and caffeine is what I often try first and I know many people who find it an effective and easy way to try to stop a migraine. Good luck - you have my sympathy!  (+ info)

long lasting aura migraine?

Has anyone ever had an aura from a migraine last longer than an hour? Should I go to the doctor or treat it like any other migraine?

Drink a couple servings of Tomato juice or V8 and/or take calcium, magnesium and potassium and your migraine will go away. The combination of the minerals will help your muscles relax and increase blood circulation in the constricted areas.   (+ info)

what does a migraine with aura mean?

a migraine with aura with ntrc mgrn

  (+ info)

Is Migraine with aura hereditary OR familial tendency ?

thanks in advance

I don't think it is hereditary because I get them but no one else in my family does. Try this article on treating and preventing migraines:


Hope this helps!! You're not in this alone!  (+ info)

Migraine with Aura!?

Hi, I have suffered classic migraine without aura for as long as I can remember, horrendous headache, pain that is that bad I cant sleep until I am sick, it lasts for a few days, horrible, I have recently been diagnosed with migraine with aura, a migraine known as hemiplegic migraine! I was taken to hospital with symptoms of migraine with aura and the Doc at the hospital told me he thought I had, had a TIA (mini stroke), scary as only 33 yrs old! I had CT scan, chest xray, ECG and blood test. My Doc has taken me off the pill (contraceptive), I can only have a barrier contraceptive. He has prescribed beta blockers which apparently reduce migraines with and without aura, is this true? Does anyone take beta blockers for their migraines? Do they work? Will I have to take them for life? I know I should of asked my Doctor but I was just happy that I hadnt had a TIA and couldnt wait to get home and tell my family. Please help!! Thanks in advance, serious answers only please xx
My migraine symptoms are: strange taste in my mouth, smell of burning, numbness in left side of body, mouth droops to left and dizziness. I dont have head pain, just slight ache over left eye.These symptons last between 10 mins to an hour! I had four of these in a week, then I had a classic migraine without aura, extreme head pain and vomitting! Other peoples symptoms may differ to mine!
Yes Marcus, I did mention taste to Doc, there was a time they thought my symptoms could be caused by a Temporal Lobe Seizure which is fits but they have settled for Migraine with aura for now!! I dont think they really know, I am due for a MRI scan so that should pick up what it is!! Cheers for your help xx

http://www.neurologyreviews.com/feb04/nr_feb04_foramen.html  (+ info)

how often is ok to have aura without migraine?

migraines with or without aura never feels ok. my mom has aura's several times every single day without the migraine. i however have migraines every day withOUT aura's. as long as you dont get the migraine, consider yourself lucky. some people can have many many auras in one day without the migraine.  (+ info)

How Can I Ease The Pain Of A Migraine?

2 or 3 times a year i get a migraine. They are always preceded by an aura (fuzzyness in the eyes), so i know that i have about 15 or so minutes before the pain begins. Is there anything that i can do in this time to ease the pain that i know is coming?

I feel your pain! I've been getting severe migraines since I was 4 years old. Migraine aura is caused by a constriction of blood vessels in the brain. When I get this telltale alert that I am about to get a migraine, I take Excedrin and drink some caffeine. This counteracts the constriction of blood vessels, causing them to open, allowing more oxygen to flow in the brain. If I don't do this, the blood vessels react on their own to the constriction, opening very, very wide, which (along with other neurological factors) causes migraine pain. A heat pack or hot shower can also help open up the blood vessels. If I take Excedrin and have some caffeine during an aura, it usually prevents a full blown migraine. If I miss that window of opportunity, usually prescription triptan medication (I take Relpax) will curb the pain and help me to feel better shortly. When possible during a full blown migraine attack, I also sometimes lay down in a quiet, cool, dark room with an ice pack. Good luck to you!  (+ info)

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