FAQ - Mitral Valve Prolapse
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What are the treatments for vertigo associated with Mitral Valve Prolapse?

Please recommend me some books or any peripherals or any sites of use.

Vertigo isn't treatable. All they can give is sea sickness medications (Antivert or melczine) which puts you to sleep but when you wake up it can still be present. You just learn to live with Vertigo. I have Vertigo or Meniere's Disease due to my ears. I've lived with mine for 10 years. It comes and goes but its always there so I've gotten use to it. I was finally diagnois with it in Dec 2007 after many years of doctors exams. Try these websites or go to Borders, Barnes & Nobles or your local library. Most diseases that have a dizzy effect is normal. Sometimes when someone is diagnois with a disease they forget about the stress that goes with it. Stress can cause dizziness. Vertigo and dizzines is the same concept. I hope you find what it is you're looking for as I am not a doctor or understand your health condition. Be safe and best of luck in your search...  (+ info)

If you have mitral valve prolapse, do you experience constant arrhythmias?

I've experienced arrhythmias, which can happen to anyone, but I've also noticed other symptoms that don't happen at the time of an arrhythmia, but match up with MVP. Is there anyone here who has it, or knows someone who has it, who can advise me? I don't have the money to talk to a doctor at the moment.
My arrhythmias are not constant. I can go a couple months without experiencing one.

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Do people with mitral valve prolapse tend to have certain personality traits?

My doctor said these people were usually more sensitive and creative than most, but I don't know if he was just trying to be cute or if a condition of the heart really can affect your personality.

I have never seen any literature on the subject but I have worked with thousands of heart patients. I absolutely see a personality type associated with MVP. Of course, a pattern does not an absolute rule make. There, of course, are exceptions. It is also impossible to know whether the personality type drives the condition or if there's some genetic connection between the two. It seems unlikely that a valve prolapsing causes a personality change - since MVP has no symptoms nor does it affect ones health. Its just one of those curiosities...like redheads usually having pale complexions.  (+ info)

Those of you with mitral valve prolapse - do you ever get pains in the center of your chest?

I usually have pains on the left side, but for the past week, they have been in the center and worse at night. I'm getting a little nervous now.

sometimes,it kinda feels like a hunger pang,and i get it when i go to bed at night,they eventually go away.  (+ info)

What is the best form of birth control for someone with mitral valve prolapse?

I have read that oral contraceptives cause blood clots, but what about something like the nuvo ring?

You will have to see a cardiologist or gynaecologist or both in order to sort out your problem, web answer can land you from frying pan into the fire.  (+ info)

Difference between mitral valve prolapse and mitral valve regurgitation?

dont send me to a website. keep it in simple terms. i do however know medical terms and the a&p of the heart, so lets hear it.

Prolapse, the "leaves" of the valve not coming together correctly, causes a characteristic sound, regurgitation, at the mitral valve site, which is between the Left atrium and the left ventricle. The regurgitation sound, sounds like a shrill, squeal or a humming sound and is caused by blood being pushed back into the left atrium. To hear it yourself, get a stethoscope and put it between your left nipple and the left side of your breastbone, closer to the breastbone. Most people will hear 2 sounds "lub, dub" pause and repeat. An MVP'er will hear Lub," that characteristic sound, "dub" pause and repeat. Hope you hear it  (+ info)

Do magnesium supplements really help cope with mitral valve prolapse?

I have MVP and was diagnosed 6 years ago. I get tired sometimes with palpitations and the occasional chest pain.

No, it has to do with myocardium, not valves of heart.  (+ info)

I have mitral valve prolapse, hypothyroidism, and maybe early Chron's disease. How risky would pregnancy be?

I had an uncomplicated pregnancy with my son, who is now almost four. However, my hypothyroidism did not start until after he was born. I have had both an upper and lower GI scope and blood tests that indicate possible Chron's disease. However, my results were very low positive and my symptoms are relatively mild, so I am not being treated at the moment. I would like another child, but want to know the risks and benefits of pregnancy with multiple autoimmune disorders.

This is a good questoin for your doctor.  (+ info)

Can a person with Mitral Valve Prolapse have cosmetic surgery?

I am considering breast augmentation next month and I was diagnosed with MVP back in 2002. Will this effect anything?

Consult a cardiologist before undergoing cosmetic surgery. In the past, some people with mitral valve prolapse were given antibiotics before certain dental or surgical procedures to help prevent an infection called bacterial endocarditis (BE). However, the American Heart Association no longer recommends routine antibiotics before dental procedures or other surgical procedures for patients with only mitral valve prolapse, unless they have had bacterial endocarditis in the past.  (+ info)

is it safe to be pregnant even if a woman has Mitral Valve Prolapse?

if safe, at what age should a woman with mitral valve prolapse be pregnant?

I have searched this article for you, this will help you out:
The mitral valve sits between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Oxygenated blood from the lungs flows into the left atrium, then passes via the mitral valve gatekeeper to the left ventricle in preparation for the burst of propulsion to the aorta. In MVP, the valve is weakened by causes unknown, and flaps backwards into the left atrium during the ejection of blood from the left ventricle. Although MVP is associated with many serious heart defects, it is usually a benign condition that merely provokes disturbingly weird symptoms.
Palpitations, then anxiety (either because of the palpitations or along with them), shortness of breath, unusual chest pains, and panic attacks are famously associated with MVP. It is difficult to separate the anxiety with as opposed to the anxiety because of the palpitations and chest pain, but the cluster is certainly a legitimately recognized symptom complex attributed to MVP. It's no fun to suffer from symptomatic MVP. In addition to the above discomforts, there are also the psychodynamics of being blown off as an hysteric. Anger, embarrassment, and the added expense of rotating doctors only make life worse.
It might be expected to be worse in pregnancy, since the increase in blood and plasma and the changes in cardiac activity that are normal in pregnancy should challenge the valvular system more than usual. But actually MVP improves in pregnancy in most women, because the physical changes in the heart tend to realign the mitral valve components into a more normal position.
With most pregnant women who have MVP being symptom-free, the biggest concern is whether to treat them with antibiotics at delivery as would be done with patients with other valve damage. Dentists often treat MVP patients with antibiotics before dental procedures, so patients may expect them at the time of delivery. But the current thinking is to forego any antibiotics unless there are abnormalities of heart function along with the MVP or complicated deliveries. Uncomplicated vaginal or Cesarean deliveries don't necessarily need the antibiotics for just the MVP.

In summary, Mitral Valve Prolapse for the most part poses no challenge in pregnancy, and its symptoms are even seen to improve. In fact, if there are troubling symptoms one should suspect another cardiac condition that may have not been challenged enough to be obvious before pregnancy.


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