FAQ - Myocarditis
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Looking for someone with myocarditis taking medication living on social security?

My husband was diagnosed with myocarditis as a child and latter with arvd as an adult. His medications are rendering him unable to work. I'm looking for people who may have the same diagnosis and are on social security. Hi applied and got denied but we are appealing. I just wanted to know if anyone out there had a similar diagnosis and was on social security. We are having a hard time dealing with his illness.

What will you do if you find such a person? Are you seeking advice as to how to better afford the meds on a set income? Suggestions about coping with the inflammation? You haven't asked a question, my friend.  (+ info)

What does this mean: Acute diffuse Pneumonitis, Multifocal chronic myocarditis in a child please.?

The last result of her condition is Anoxic Encephalopathy but I already know about that one, its just the first 2 we are having troubles with. We are assuming the first one is her lung problem the 2nd one is toxins to her blood that caused heart failure then third is her her brain starved of oxygen? Please elaborate if you know about these conditions and know what kind of causes for the Multifocal chronic myocarditis.
Thank you very much

it is an infection of the lungs and heart tissues. the myocarditis causes severe inflamation of the heart muscles and when its gone it causes major scarring. The pnumontits is an infection of the lungs.  (+ info)

I have Myocarditis , Can I smoke Marijuana. Need to know URGENTLY.?

So I have a mild case of Myocarditis, and I am a frequent Marijuana smoker. I need to know wether it is okay. The doctor ( not cardiologist ) said to stay away from Coke. Which I have, but what about Marijuana?

Well after a quick briefing of what that was via wikipedia. I would say it is probably okay. (IM NOT A DOCTOR!) Im guessing this because most doctors say you should not smoke if you shouldnt be smoking. Im sure if marijuana was going to do a ton of harm the doctor would have mentioned that. Because theres probably a better chance youd be wanting weed over coke anyways.  (+ info)

looking for a lab/school/org.to take my son's viral myocarditis case on as a case research study?

need awnsers n help in researching this disease that killed my child.

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is Giant Cell Myocarditis curable?...?

is giant cell myocarditis curable without a heart transplant?
jw my friend has it and had a berlin heart put in today and will be in icu and it gives her actual heart a rest

There is no proven cure because of the unknown nature of the disorder. Heart transplantation looks to have the highest survival rate.

Check these sites to learn more. The second link looks to have a message board where you can post questions and learn more:

I hope your friend is feeling better and gets cured quickly.  (+ info)

what arer the nursing interventions for myocarditis?

Treatment is supportive, aimed at promptly recognizing and treating cardiac arrhythmias, preserving myocardial function, and preventing heart failure and other complications, such as dilated cardiomyopathy. Supportive care includes bed rest and avoiding strenuous exercise until the ECG returns to normal. Diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and sodium restriction are indicated if heart failure develops.

If an underlying autoimmune disease is a factor, the patient may receive steroids or immune globulin to reduce inflammation. Anticoagulation therapy may be indicated to treat cardiovascular problems, such as an MI or a thrombus. Depending on the underlying cause of his myocarditis, he also may receive antibiotics or antiviral medications, although this hasn't proven beneficial in most cases.

Monitor for worsening symptoms, the patient may require vigorous diuresis, mechanical ventilation, and a pacemaker. If severe cardiomyopathy develops, treatment options include a left-ventricular assist device and heart transplant.

If the underlying cause of myocarditis is Lyme disease or another bacterial infection, the patient will receive antibiotics as indicated. Monitor for arrhythmia development, especially in the acute phase.

Provide supplemental oxygen, limiting myocardial oxygen demand, and enhancing circulatory support and cardiac output if needed. Patients who develop heart failure may be treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, diuretics, and sodium restriction. Anticoagulation may be indicated to reduce the risk of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. In more severe cases of myocarditis, the patient may need inotropic support with such intravenous drugs as dobutamine.

Myocarditis appears to make patients sensitive to digoxin. If your patient is taking digoxin, monitor him for toxicity. Intravenous immunoglobulin may be given to enhance the immune system and limit the disease. In severe cases, the patient may need heart transplantation.

During the acute phase of myocarditis, keep the patient on bed rest because activity increases myocardial oxygen demand. Teach him about his medications and when he can resume activities and exercise.

Depending on the presence and extent of myocardial damage, the patient may fully recover or be left with chronic heart failure. Before discharge, explain any activity limitations or diet restrictions and teach him how to recognize the signs and symptoms of heart failure. Tell him to contact his cardiologist or dial 911 immediately if symptoms worsen.

Good luck to you in school.  (+ info)

what is the use of azithromycin in patient with myocarditis? please help me. i need it for my case study.?

Myocarditis is an inflammatory state of the heart muscle. The most common reasons for this is due to viral, toxins, allergic reactions, or bacterial illness. Azithromycin is commonly used because it has a broad spectrum to what it can kill, but a bacterial myocarditis is typically found in people who also have immune deficiencies -- so, if the patient does not have HIV / AIDS, then the use of Azithromycin may be more for "protection" than anything.

Most cases that I've seen have been related to drug abuse -- typically intravenous users.

Best of luck!  (+ info)

information on myocarditis.?

last sep i had a viral infection,which i never fully recovered from.i've since discovered i have two strains of coxsackie a.i am getting quick sharp pains in the chest and a dropping feeling in my heart mostly at night.i understand there is a connection between coxsackie and myocarditis.i've had an ecg done today,how much can that tell me.
i've posted this already on a diffrent section.

Well an EKG will be able to tell you if there is some sort of poor electrical problems going on and sometimes the heart can develop an abnormal rhythm if it's infected - like with the viral infection. You really need a Holter monitor which is a 24 hour heart monitor, because if you're not having symptoms at the time of the EKG then it's not going to pick up crap. It could also be simple heart palpitations which happen more at rest than anything else. Cut down on caffeine until you have a straight diagnosis.  (+ info)

myocarditis?!?! Please help!?

Ok so I am a worry wart and I have anxiety. I heard about myocarditis and I am so scared that I am going to get it. I currently have a cold and I am scared that I am going to develop myocarditis, Do I have to worry every time I get the flu or a cold I could get myocarditis? How common is this? I am so scared! Please help ease my mind!!


No you don't have to worry as chances of flu or the common cold causing myocarditis are slim to none. I'd love to tell you more about what does but you kind of sound like a hypochondriac with a panic disorder so I think I'm not gonna do that. What I will tell you is myocarditis is not that common and is responsible for only 1.3% of sudden death. You have a better chance of dieing in a car accident or by suicide then of myocarditis.  (+ info)

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