FAQ - Myocarditis
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diphtheria toxin question?

do you know how diphtheria toxin damages the myocardium and causes myocarditis?

Diphtheria toxin catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of, and inactivates, the elongation factor eEF-2.[5] In this way, it acts to inhibit translation during eukaryotic protein synthesis. The toxin enters the host cell and is hydrolysed by a trypsin-like protease to give a fragment with enzymatic activity. The toxin then transfers an ADP-ribose from NAD+ to a diphthamide residue, a modified histidine (amino acid), which is found within the EF-2 protein. EF-2 is needed for translocation of tRNA from the A-site to the P-site of the ribosome during translation.

When a level of toxin similar to that
which might be engendered in a naturally acquired
fatal infection is administered parenterally into
guinea pigs, inhibition of protein synthesis occurs
only in heart tissue, skeletal muscle, and diaphragm.  (+ info)

coxsackie viral infection.?

some month's back i fell sick for quite a while,i have improved but am still getting symptoms.Im having problems with my chest amongst other things now.I have found out i have a coxsackie viral in my body and belive it can cause myocarditis,my strain is an a3 coxsackie virus,im not sure if its only coxsackie b that causes myocarditis.I hope some one knows what im talking about and can give me some info on my type of coxsackie.THANK U.






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Drugs: he's ill and won't stop taking them?! What do they do?

If this have been covered then please excuse this...

I have a friend who takes a fair amount of drugs... e.g. Pot/Marijuana and so forth.... he'd never take E's so I guess that's where he draws the line. It bothered me a lot when we were going out 'cause I feel it's a 'cop out' a bit like alcohol is sometimes... It bothered me but he refused to stop taking it, he said he wasn't addicted to it and that he could stop whenever he wanted - ha, somehow I don't believe that but if you know otherwise do tell! The other day I found out he's incredibly ill, he said "Apparently I've got a mix of the flu, Reye's syndrome and Myocarditis..." and a few days later I said "You're not going to take drugs while you're ill right?!" and he goes "No, I can't right now I can't do anything but sit. However the minute I can I will." which makes me sick. Sick to think he can't keep off the stuff...

What I want to know is, what do drugs do to young people? He's probably been taking it for 3/4 years & he's
17 now and so he's been taking it on a daily bases... I know he uses a bong sometimes but otherwise smokes it, splif or whatever... what could the drugs be doing to him and the illness he has right now, could it be caused by drugs?

How to Beat Drug Addiction
Here are some helpful tips for those who are trying to get clean and stop using drugs.
1.Decide that you do really want to stop using drugs. Unless you have the desire to change you will never be able to.
2.Be completely honest with yourself and others. Your chances of recovery are not good if you cannot face yourself and deal with confrontations from others.
3.Remove influences that enable your drug use from your life.
4.Avoid relying on someone to stop doing drugs with you, as he or she may not have the willingness to change. You must be willing to stop spending time with people who use drugs, and to avoid temptation. Learn to walk away from those that insist on using or talking about using in front of you. It may require you to be alone for a while or find a whole new set of friends to hang out with. It will shock you to find out how much healthier your friendships will be once you are not using drugs to smooth out the rough spots.
5.Stock up on nutritious, easy-to-eat foods such as soup to keep your strength up while clucking (going through withdrawal). Be especially sure to focus on your protein intake. This will help keep your blood sugar level stable, which in turn helps keep your mood on an even keel.
6.Find a group in your local area such as Narcotics Anonymous. It will help you deal with the issues that come up when stopping drugs. Although the name may be misleading, recovering users of all kinds are also welcome at Alcoholics Anonymous.
7.Get in touch with a reliable friend who does not take drugs, if you have one. Ask him or her to stay with you to help out while you go through the worst of your withdrawal.
8.If you feel you cannot deal with withdrawal by yourself, then see a doctor or go to a hospital emergency room.
9.Write down a list of things you enjoyed doing before you started using drugs or things you've been interested in doing that you haven't done yet. Drugs have been a big part of your life and it will be easier for you if you plan ahead to fill the void that their absence will create.  (+ info)

Stupid acne gel caused erythema.?

This is great!! Just 2 more weeks until my first year of high school, and even better!, tomorrow's my cousin's wedding. I just looked at the side affects for using Stievamicyn and i found 'erythema' which is a disorder that reddens your skin. I already discontinued the stupid acne gel product 2 days ago and it appears that it has gotten better. Forget the wedding tomorrow, but do you think it'll heal in time in 2 weeks for high school. What types of things can I do at home to speed up the heeling process and I looked at possible future complications and this is what i found.
Permanent skin damage and scarring
Occasionally, lesions on internal organs causing:
Pneumonitis (lung inflammation)
Myocarditis (heart inflammation)
Nephritis (kidney inflammation)
Hepatitis (liver inflammation)
Secondary skin infection (cellulitis)
Systemic infection, sepsis
Loss of body fluids, shock

Can this possibly happen just because of a medication, or will it heal after i discontinued it. Thanks in advance

Well, I reckon some of those side effects are a bit far fetched. The vehicle that the antibiotic in Stiemycin is dissolved in is alcololic based so it probably irritates your skin although Acnes itself reddens skin.
In all honesty benzyol peroxide, topical antibiotic lotions etc are a waste of money...you're better off with minocycline antibiotic or go for the cure= accutane (Roaccutane)
I went for Roaccutane at 30 years of age! In the waiting room we all talked about our acne and it was the same story..it ruined our lives, we were all single and we wished e'd tried roaccutane in our 20's
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SOS: a fatal disease to be diagnosed -- sodium losing?

medical experts, plz help!!!
Please come to a quick rescue of a Chinese college girl student (20 years old), who is suffering an unknown disease. She can not retain any sodium in her body. She keeps losing it. She is now hospitalized in Beijing. Doctors there can not tell why it happens and can not stop the lost. All they can do is prescribe salt in capsules for her to take in to supply the losing element needed in her body. And she has to minimize the water-taking, as she loses sodium in urinating.
It all happened four weeks before when she began to get ill like she was having a cold. She felt weak and had a fever. A doctor examined her and asked about her health history and the girl reported that she had suffered myocarditis when she was 14. The doctor concluded that her cold induced the outbreak of the past disease and prescribed some medicine by fluid infusion. However, she got worse after the injection: she had violent spasm and run into great danger. She then was transferred to a Beijing hospital and doctors there can not decide on her case, either. Now the girl looks quite pale and is very weak. She is losing weight increasingly. She has fever and occasionally it runs very high.
Can anyone help the poor girl?
I am very sorry that I can’t give sufficient information for her illness. I’m one of her teachers and I’m not in medical field. We are now in different cities: she is in Beijing and I am in Tangshan, 240 km apart. I am trying to collect the necessary data about her condition but it takes time. My appeal is to attract attention from advanced medical experts worldwide, who want to know more and have a golden heart to help the needed.
A thousand thanks!!!

The condition is called hyponatremia. There is no way to guess at the cause because the balance between water and sodium is complex, and affected by all sorts of things. It takes a series of tests to figure out the cause. These links contains more info:  (+ info)

Lupus as cause of Michael's death?

I researched Lupus and i got this result:
Heart and circulatory system. Lupus may cause inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart (pericarditis; pronounced per-i-kar-DIE-tiss) or of the heart itself (myocarditis; pronounced my-o-kar-DIE-tiss). When this happens, various heart problems may develop, such as an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia; pronounced uh-RITH-mee-uh), heart failure, and even sudden death. Blood clots often form in the blood vessels. These blood clots can break loose and cause a stroke (see stroke entry) or other complications.

Couldn't that have been a major factor in MJ's death??? Why's everyone stressing out over drugs being the reason...
n that whole IV n him being put to sleep previously n no one knowing how... did u all forget he went through surgery a lot in his life?? Ofcourse he's felt what its like to be put to sleep.

Just type "Michael Jackson lupus" on google.com (I've included a link that works regardless of browser). A week or so before his death I was OFFICIALLY diagnosed with lupus (I am 24 yrs old) and typed into google "Celebrities with lupus" and Michael Jackson was listed as one of them. I have extremely high blood pressure that cannot be controlled (I am only 100 lbs, it is due to kidney problems and vascular inflammation). It is quite possible that even with his premium personal care as a very wealthy man at age 50 these same things left untreated killed him. Mix those problems caused by lupus with the alleged drugs he took for pain and depression (all probably caused by uncontrolled lupus) and you might have heart failure. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes your immune system to not only fight invaders to your body but your body's own healthy tissue, and his heart and vascular system may have been attacked, as well as his skin (Vitiligo). I have vitiligo on my left arm that started out the size of a silver dollar and is now covering my entire arm. That is also from lupus.

Remember in the 90's how he was so scared of dying/aging that he got into that clear lung machine thing? This death is due to negligence on his medical staff's fault, he put his life into their hands and they didn't take good care of him.  (+ info)

My daddy's autopsy report...I don't understand it.?

My daddy dies of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and it was a "natural" death. But I don't understand anything they gave me. I have 4 sheets of paper going into great detail, and none of it makes sense to me. Please help!

I. History of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:
A. Bilateral Pleural Fibrous Adhesion's
B. Pedricardial and Epicardial Fibrous Adhesion's
C. Focal Peri-Splenic Adhesion's
D. Splenoegaly
E. Nephrosclerosis
F. Chronic Myocarditis and Fibrosis
G. Focal Vascultis and Periductal Inflammation in Pancreas

II. Mild Degree of Mitral Valve Stenosis with Annulus and Leaflet Calcifications

III. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

IV. Interstitial Chronic Inflammation and Fibrosis of Kidneys

V. Postmortem Toxicology Results:
A. Atropine = positive
B. Caffeine = positive
C. Morphine - Free = 160 NG/ML
D. Citalopram/Excitalopram = 840 NG/ML
E. Cyclobenzaprine = 100 NG/ML

SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! I don't know what any of this means.....I miss my daddy and want to know why he left me so early. Please help.....

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Serious illness?

8 years ago I had a serious illness with my heart. It was very traumatic & frightening. Turned out to be myocarditis (viral inflammation of the heart muscle). I was under the cardiologist for 5 years, discharged 3 years ago (thankfully).
Although I am physically recovered, I haven't got over the trauma & fear the illness caused. All the scary heart investigations (including angiogram...& I was only 38 at the time) & the fear I might actually die. The memories have come flooding back again recently & I don't know how to get over them.How do you recover from the emotional scars a serious illness causes? I am really glad I'm ok physically now & don't understand how emotionally it takes so long to recover. And how do you recover? Please help with answers if you can.Thanks.

It sounds like you may actually have a posttraumatic stress syndrome. You may want to consider a counselor or a psychiatriast to see if this could be your diagnosis. It may be that there is some anti-anxiety medication that could help you. I'm not talking heavy-duty or long term, and it may be that simple counseling will help you get your emotions smoothed out. But emotional scars are every bit as real as surgical scars, and a little bit of help could just the thing to help you get past it. Good luck. You certainly have been through a lot, you deserve to be well.  (+ info)

Could I have high cholesterol?

Last year, my uncle, who appeared to be fit and healthy, had a heart attack. This was linked to high cholesterol. Now my mum, who also seems to be fit and healthy, has also been diagnosed with high cholesterol. She was told by her doctor that it was genetic, and this would seem to make sense as my uncle is her brother. In addition to this, through researching our family history, we discovered the grandmother of my mum and uncle on their maternal side died of myocarditis, heart disease. Someone I work with suggested that I get tested, but as I am only 28 I'm not sure it is necessary yet?

Just get your cholesterol checked.  (+ info)

I am 5' 10", 145 lb, 22 y/o male. My resting pulse the last few days is about 90 bpm. What's happening?

I am 5' 10", 145 lb, 22 y/o male, and I usually run twice a week.

About two weeks ago, though, I developed a fever of 103 and on the third day of the fever, I went to see a doctor and ultimately was sent to the emergency room. My resting pulse at that point was well over 100, which they attributed to the fever. They ruled out strep and mono, but ultimately were unable to tell me what was wrong with me. They only sent me home and told me to take ibuprofen and acetaminophen for the fever until it went away. My discharge papers said only that I had viral pharyngitis. However, later that day and for about six days afterward, yellow-colored sores appeared on the inside of my mouth, with one on my lower lip; my gums were inflamed and brushing my teeth was very painful.

So, my understanding is that the culprit was either HSV-1 or a coxsackie virus. I live in Florida, where the prevalence of coxsackie virus infection does not depend so much on the time of year. Also, I have almost no reason to suspect HSV-1 infection because to the best of my knowledge, I had no contact with anyone else's saliva before the fever.

Now here I am, two weeks and two days later and my resting pulse is elevated. I haven't run since the week before the fever. I generally eat healthy food and drink plenty of water. I also noticed that more than usual, when I stand up, I become dizzy and my vision goes haywire. Following such head rushes my pulse is of course even more elevated, but it does not go much lower than 90 after quite a while of resting.

My first question is, what's going on with my body? Could this be myocarditis resulting from a coxsackievirus infection?

My second question is, when should I see a doctor? Should I see a doctor? Might this fix itself?

My third question is, is exercise contraindicated? Or would moderate exercise possibly help to strengthen my heart again?

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