FAQ - Neoplasms, Adipose Tissue
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how to decrease brown adipose tissue?

IN certain people the adipose tissues that stores fat gets converted to brown adipose tissue that will convert all the fats into heat. so i am lean . is there any way to avoid this?

That isn't entirely true. People are naturally born with brown adipose tissue, but it is undeveloped in human beings in comparison to hibernating animals, like say, a bear. In babies, however, Brown adipose tissue serve function as provider of warmth. In adults, they eventually lose their function and really are quite insignificant.

I do not think there is really anyway to seperate normal adipose tissue from brown adipose tissue in adults, and to decrease it may just be impossible.  (+ info)

Is a hernia due to overeating or due to excess adipose tissue pushing on the stomach?

So is a Hiatal (Hiatus) Hernia due to overeating which pushes the stomach into the Hiatus, or is it due to fatness (excess adipose tissues) which push the stomach upwards???
If it is due to overeating, would a liquid diet or eating SMALL meals make it slide down?
If it is due to adipose tissue, would weight-loss help it slide down?
Does anything make it slide down?

THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need help!!

  (+ info)

difference between alveolar and adipose tissue?

Alveolar tissue consists of Type 1 and type 2 cells. Type 1 forms the structure of the alveolus while the type 2 secrete a lipoprotein called surfactant which keeps the alveoli from collapsing every time you exhale.
Adipose tissue is fat.  (+ info)

what is white adipose tissue(opposed to brown adipose tissue)?

Brown is sometimes refered to as baby fat
A specialised form of adipose tissue in human infants, and some animals, is brown fat or brown adipose tissue. It is located mainly around the neck and large blood vessels of the thorax
White adipose tissue or fat is loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat.  (+ info)

distinguish the types of connective tissue areolar,adipose and bone?

also osteocytes,haversian canals,cartilage,and chondrocytes within lacunae

what s the question?  (+ info)

Adipose tissue question?

Hi I was wondering if you have the same amount of fat cells always no matter what your weight is or if you are adding on to the ones you have and subtracting them as you gain and lose wieght. It is my understanding the cells you allready have are merely expanding with fat gain.

You can never lose fat cells, but you can gain them. For example, when you gain a significant amount of weight, your fat cells swell in size, and you can also gain new fat cells, and those cells can swell in size. When you lose weight, your fat cells shrink, but fat cells can't disappear.

Therefore, with weight gain, fat cells expand, and are also created. With weight loss, fat cells shrink, but do not disappear (except with liposuction). Lipo can be a bad option if someone regains weight at a later time, because fat cells will move, or be created in different area of the body, causing lumpiness.

Hope this was helpful.  (+ info)

Calories consumed in excess of requirements are stored in tissue called?

I think it is adipose, but I am not sure.


It's adipose, yeah.  (+ info)

Ladies: any of you tried DHEA for converting adipose tissue to muscle?

Dosage? What about side effects?
I have read there can be testosterone side effects which as a female I would like to avoid.
What is your experience with DHEA?
I know all about exercise, metabolism, etc, I have hypothyroid so it harder for me to keep a handle on weight without starving myself. THANKS
Shoegal: Convert was wrong word, I meant burn fat, and promote lean muscle. Nutrition, I am A+ there, and exercise. I am a life-long nutritionist myself.

DHEA is a precursor of a male hormone. I think you should check web sites, ask a pharmacist next time you are in a drug store. Some remedies work for people with no side effects and some are a disaster.

The girl above does not consider age, hormone disorders, or other variables. Kind of scary that she claims to be a nutritionist.

Check on line. If you try Hydroxycut, start out in small doses.  (+ info)

Which of the following tissue types would be most likely to be destroyed by chemotherapy?

Which of the following tissue types would be most likely to be destroyed by chemotherapy?

a. Cardiac muscle
b. Simple columnar epithelium
c. Dense regular connective tissue
d. Adipose tissue
e. Elastic cartilage
f. Nervous tissue

It divides regularly, and hence more susceptible to effects form form chemotherapy.  (+ info)

What is the connection between malignant neoplasms and crabs?

The more common term for malignant neoplasms, cancer, is Latin for crab, and the word "carcinogen," meaning a cancer-causing agent, comes from the Greek word for crab, "karkinos." What is the connection between these two seemingly unrelated things?

Cancer, both the disease and the astronomical constellation, derive from the Latin cancer or cancrum, meaning crab. The astrological sign, of course, is said to resemble a crab and the disease was so named by the ancient Greek physician Galen (129-200 A.D.) who noted the similarity between a certain type of tumor with a crab as well—the swollen veins around the tumor resembling the legs of a crab.

Old English adopted cancer directly from Latin and used it for a variety of spreading sores and ulcers. This early sense survives in the modern word canker. From c.1000 in a manuscript called Læce Boc (Leech Book), collected in Oswald Cockayne’s Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England, Vol. II, 1865:

Gemeng wið þam dustum, clæm on ðone cancer.
(Mix with the dust, smear on the cancer.)

And from Wyclif’s 2 Timothy, 1382:

The word of hem crepith as a kankir

The word was being applied specifically to the disease we today call cancer by the beginning of the 17th century. From Philemon Holland’s translation of Pliny’s Historie of the World:

Cancer is a swelling or sore comming of melancholy bloud, about which the veins appeare of a blacke or swert colour, spread in manner of a Creifish clees.

The astronomical sense of cancer is from the Latin name for the constellation of the crab. The name was known to the Anglo-Saxons, but only as a Latin name and was not assimilated into English until the Middle English period. It appears in Ælfric’s De Temporibus Anni, written c.993, in a list of the constellations of the Zodiac:

Feorða • Cancer • þæt is Crabba
(Fourth, Cancer, that is the crab.)

The Anglicized name appears c.1391 in Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe:

In this heved of cancer is the grettist declinacioun northward of the sonne...this signe of cancre is clepid the tropik of Somer.
(At this first point (head) of cancer is the greatest declination northward of the sun…this sign of cancer is named the tropic of summer.)

(Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition)  (+ info)

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