FAQ - Neoplasms, Post-Traumatic
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how will i get over post traumatic stress?

will i get over post traumatic stress disorder if i see the person who attacked me twice a day?
im finding it very hard to come to terms with what happened to me and i want to know... will i get better?

I'm sorry you still have to see the person that has caused you such pain. It's going to be hard for you because you may keep getting traumatized. I hope you will get some professional help with this. Maybe you can find ways to minimize the contact with this person. Please get some help. Take Care.  (+ info)

I have Nightmares and I also have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

I have Nightmares and I also have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and I have insomnia your thoughts any suggestions or ideas?

Nightmares are a huge part of PTSD and not wanting to go to sleep because of these can cause insomnia. It's a cycle and therapy is needed to recover from it. Sometimes medication is given as well, but talking about the issue (with a professional) that caused the PTSD is the best way through this.  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of 'post-traumatic stress disorder'?

Can depression, agoraphobia, and social anciety be symptoms of 'post-traumatic stress'?

Yes those can be symptoms of PTSD. But, how does one know if they have the depression, agoraphobia, and social anxiety you mention?

A person who suspects the emtional problems listed should get counseling from a reputable pyschologist. One who has been recommended by others who have been helped. If a person can't afford counseling, they should invest in a good book on those ailments and try to work through it that way.

If the depression, agoraphobia, and social anxiety have already been diagnosed by any means, than yes they can be symptoms of PTSD. Be advised PTSD is caused by a traumatic event. It could be either abuse, a violent attack, a terrible car accident or fall or even witnessing a terrible event. I fear many of the people who survived the attack on the twin towers will one day experience PTSD, as will some of the searchers and rescuers.

With PTSD a person may or may not have nightmares about the actual event because the subconscious may be blocking it out. Other odd dreams can occur and sometimes no dreams. A person may find their daytime thoughts wandering and wonder why they can' t stay focused. They move things and can't remember where they put them.

PTSD can be emotionally disturbing and downright frustrating because the victim may not always know what is wrong.

Hope that helps..................  (+ info)

can you get a California medical marijuana recommendation for post traumatic stress disorder?

well i got diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder a couple months ago and my doctor prescribed me antidepressants and i really can't deal with the side effects and they don't help at all i actually feel way worse and i started to experiment with marijuana and its really the only thing that actually works for me so i was wondering if i can get a recommendation from my doctor or what other drugs are useful for PTSD and doesn't have as much side effects as the other anti depressants ?

Check out 420times.com its a forum, and it will give you loads of useful info ...

I wish they had medical marijuana permits all over the USA!


What is Post Traumatic Stress and how do you know if you have it?

I've had a few people say that I probably have this from the traumatic situations I've been in. (Like from years of abuse and being sexualy harrassed)

PTSD is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. I have worked with combat veterans for several years, so that is what experience I use to understand PTSD. However, I was drawn to the subject because I found myself, or my set of feelings and reactions to the world inside the veterans suffering PTSD.
My PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was from childhood abuse and I need to point one major difference in childhood PTSD.
Usually with childhood PTSD the child can not recall the actual experience in detail like an adult can recall the memory in one form or another. So the person suffering from childhood PTSD is forced to work without the full story. So they are completely lost in these strange and scary feelings and imagines.
You have to go with the symptoms to define the problem. Depression, nightmares, addictive behavior, inappropriate reactions to normal things, panic attacks, sleep disorders, anger/rage, alienation/emotional numbing/avoidance behavior, Isolation from others, feelings of guilt, Anxiety, Intrusive thoughts, Flashbacks, Hypervigilance, Startle response, difficulty concentrating, memory lose or impairment, low self-esteem, problems with authority, employment problems, relationship difficulties and
self medication with drugs or alcohol.
Another issue to consider is distortion of senses. For example, the hearing of the victim is distorted by combat because of the terrible sounds. This means that memory of the sounds are distorted. If something occurs that reminds the victim of this abuse, then a major distortion is reactivated, and the victim will not hear what the actual sound is or smell, or feel and so on. The victim may feel as if they are in combat at that moment and they panic, scream or act out in some other way.
You can imagine what that would mean, I think.
In sexual harrasment, the sounds of sweet talk and sexual pleasure become the sounds of abuse, fear, torror and overall panic. So you are not reacting in a normal manner because the experience is distorted and brings fear inducing sounds and feelings of confusion and terror and so on.
It turns the word upside down. So, it is for many victims that retreating from others is much more pleasant experience, it is called isolating.
In your gut, you are feeling what I am saying, and I am just positive about it. I have much more I could tell you, but enough for now. If you wish to email me please feel free to do so. I will then give you a more detailed statement about PTSD.
One thing is that you need counseling to come to grips with PTSD because your world is upside down. Nothing personal, it is just that way. Also, don't lose hope or give up, you can get over or get better if you work with this problem.
Great question!  (+ info)

Is Post Traumatic stress disorder in anyway related to Phobias?

writing a paper for my psyc 100 class on phobias and came across PTSD and kinda would like to see how the two are related. Are they similar? Have kind of found that Phobias can be caused by traumatic events and obviously PTSD is too.

both are anxiety disorders. There is also a pretty high co-morbidity between the two, meaning, basically, that many people have both phobias and PTSD.

It has been proposed (and supported empirically) that there is a trait underlying anxiety or that reflects a vulnerability to anxiety disorders--this is called anxiety sensitivity. Arguably, it could reflect vulnerability to any anxiety disorder.

You should be able to search for these terms and get a good bit of information.  (+ info)

How does post-traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam War differ from war in Iraq or the two World Wars?

What effects of these wars are left behind on the soldiers in United States and how are they different from those from other wars? Why?

PTSD is the same irregardless of the war or where it is held.

Each person has suffered a trauma that is specific to/for them.

'Nam was a war where we had no business sending the young to fight and it was in a country where the surroundings were totally different than most people sent there were used to and I believe it was more a wholesale killing spree than a controlled fighting issue.

Put anyone in another country or a totally different situation and have them kill and see horrors most people can't even begin to imagine and for some suffer physical injuries that they will never overcome and PTSD is a given. The Psyche is traumatized, usually for life.  (+ info)

Post traumatic stress sydrome and depression in the military?

How can I help my friend with who is suffering from PTSD and depression? When we talk he's always talking about suicide. Came back from Iraq couple years ago. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I will sit on the phone with him for hours and just let him talk, but I wish I could do more, any suggestions?
Considering I'm dealing with a self proclaimed "MAN", he feels as if he can't fix himself then nobody can. But at the same time, he relies on me for answers. I'm spending hundreds of dollars on phone cards everyday because I'm afraid he will intiate suicide. I don't wat to back away because he's me friend and I feel for his situation.I need something to tell him. Something that I can do or say to make him feel better.
Also he just recently went through a nasty divorce and his ex is constantly harrassing him and trying to ruin his career. I know I should stay away from that aspect, but considering his rank there is only so much he can do. I know I can get that B**** to back off, but would it be the appropriate thing to do?

Get him to join a VA (Vets) support group. It helps when peers have had a similar experience to share so that they will realize that they are not alone in what they are experiencing. You may not be able to do (unless you are a Vet, too) that but you can encourage him to seek help that is available, Also, he may think that he can deal with this on his own. Once suicidal ideas enter into the equation, that is no longer a viable option.  (+ info)

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and how it should be handled?

This is a very common word during disasters, but nothing much is done.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the term for a severe and ongoing emotional reaction to an extreme psychological trauma.[1] The latter may involve someone's actual death or a threat to the patient's or someone else's life, serious physical injury, or threat to physical and/or psychological integrity, to a degree that usual psychological defenses are incapable of coping.

Early intervention after a traumatic incident, known as Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is often used to reduce traumatic effects of an incident, and potentially prevent a full-blown occurrence of PTSD.  (+ info)

What type of doctor is best suited to treat post traumatic cervicalgia due to whiplash?

Was in a car accident 7 years ago and still suffer from head pain. Help.

1. Orthopedic surgeon
2. Neurologist  (+ info)

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