FAQ - Neurofibroma, Plexiform
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how can neurofibroma patient be treated?, and wat r the effects?

is there any treatment for neurofibroma [tumour ,soft, fleshy growths on or under the skin] . wat will happen to a neurofibroma patient ? like wat sufferings he has to undergo

Some people have only 1 or few neurofibromata. and, THEY MAY BE ONLY ON THE SKIN.
These can be surgically removed.
There is another condition called Multiple Neurofibromatosis.
In such people there may a very large number of small nodules on the skin and in the nerves inside the body.Sometimes even the optic nerve may be affected causing abnormalities of vision.In them necessary intervention has to be done depending on the signs and symptoms

There is no drug treatment for this condition.

In the latter group (multiple) the prognosis is unpredictable and depend, on what nerves are affected. When nerves in important organs like the brain are affected and if the tumours grow, some diseases can occur due to effects of pressures. They should get a medical assesment done by a specialist

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please help I have a rare cancer called neurofibroma sarcoma. What are the chances my kids can get it?

Soft tissue sarcomas have been linked within families, so it is hypothesized that neurofibrosarcoma may be genetic, although researchers still do not know the exact cause of the disease. Evidence supporting this hypothesis includes loss of heterozygosity on the 17p chromosome.so if researchers think it to be genetic there are chances your kid might acquire it.  (+ info)

what causes plexiform fibrohistiocytic cancer?


"It is due to excessive growth of the neural tissue in the subcutaneous fat. It is commonly seen in connection with the branches of trigeminal nerve. It is considered to be a hamartoma than a typical tumor."

There is more here, but the pics are not suitable for children.  (+ info)

can any one tell me that is there any treatment of neurofibroma.?

my uncle has Nero fibroma since childhood. if someone know any treatment of it by any line or method of treatment.

Here is a good website with some information about this disease.




Neurofibromatosis is a heridtary disorder, so if your uncle has it, you may want to to get your children checked for it. Sometimes the growths can be internal and cause kidney problems, learning disorders, or curvature of the spine.

There is really no treatment, unless the growth is affecting an organ or causing pain or disfigurement and then they may try to remove it sometimes. Here is a photo of a man with SEVERE neurofibromatosis growth of his face, which affected his ability to eat and function normally.
There are all variations and severity of this disease.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.orienttumor.com/czxnr/images/TumourFace3_468x347.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.orienttumor.com/czxnr/07-7-18_eg.html&usg=__0T0PhruqjsxuLdgh3M0C6OlG1xc=&h=347&w=468&sz=21&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=CylOv_qV_dtD2M:&tbnh=95&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dneurofibroma%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1B3GGGL_enUS213US214%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1  (+ info)

treatment for Neurofibroma in homeopathy?

please if any one can tell that is there any treatment for Neurofibroma in homeopathy plz tell me because i have that problem and as i have my kids also got the same problem i want to know if there any treatment in homeopathy i have suffered a lot with this problem mentally i dont want my kids should also face the same proble

Sir, I sympathize with you but you would be better off following the advice of your doctors rather than of homeopaths. I highly doubt that a homeopath even knows what neurofibroma is let alone treat it. For your sake, please follow the advice of your doctors on this one rather than go to a homeopath.

I wish you luck and hope for the best.  (+ info)

where is the best treatment for neurofibroma ?( i.e the fat bodies on some parts of the body)?

where is the best treatment for neurofibroma ?( i.e the fat bodies on some parts of the body) iam having this for the last few years.. they are all becoming larger .. iam very afraid about all that and also tell me are there any laser treatments available for this... pls reply me.. '

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Need Treatment for Neurofibroma?


I am 24 years old, suffering neurofibroma. I having small (< 2 cms) multiple tumors on both my hands. From last4 months, I am undergoing homeopathy treatment. But I could not find any change. Some doctors has prescribed me for surgery after the tumors stops growing. But I am looking for an alternate treatment for this. Can anyone suggest me.

Not a doctor. Didn't know anything about this until now actually. Just thought this website might be helpful.

http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/show/NCT00076102  (+ info)

Can anyone share their views on having multiple neurofibroma??

check nf.org  (+ info)


I am a female with neurofibroma, could this effect my dating and social life? I'm really looking for other females who have this, is it going to be harder for me to find a man who won't judge this? Also is it going to be hard for me to have children?

Well, leave the children up to God for blessing. As you already know about neurofibroma here is what it is:

Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder of the nerve tissue presenting in two forms. Type 1 (Nf1) affects one in every 2,500 people world-wide. This equates to more than 23,000 people in the UK. An affected person of either sex has a 1-in-2 chance of passing the defective gene on to any or all of their children. However, everyone is at risk because 50% of cases result from spontaneous mutation in families with no previous history of neurofibromatosis.

Type 2 (Nf2) affects one in every 35,000 people world-wide (more than 1,500 in the UK) and, as with Nf1, an affected person has a 1-in-2 chance of passing on the defective gene to any of their children.


Type 1 (Nf1) – Six or more coffee colored (café-au-lait) marks on the skin in the first five years of life and/or nodules (lumps and bumps) on or just below the surface of the skin.

As far as dating - be honest and trust me - one will come around with a - "no problem" for your illness.  (+ info)


Last week I went to my dermatologist to have some bumps removed off of my neck. His office just called and told me that the biopsy he took came back as Neurofibroma and he wants to see me because he is concerned because I have so many. Does anyone know what neurofibroma is and is this something that I should worry about? I can't go to see the dr. until the middle of next week...should I be really worried? I looked Neurofibroma up on the internet, but really couldn't understand what it is or if it's dangerous.

if u have many of them then u may have whats called NEUROFIBROMATOSIS. which is of 2 types : type 1 & 2.
its not really dangerous but causes those ugly lumps here & there.
some are associated with kidney problem, hopefully yours will not.
in anycase, u may need some more investigations to rule out other associated conditions.
its not a dangerous disease or life threatening.
i wish u the best, u may try this website
http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic287.htm  (+ info)

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