FAQ - Nystagmus, medfödd
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What is the difference between Nystagmus and other random eye jerks?

If you have Nystagmus do your eyes constantly move? Or can you have a type where once or twice a day your eyes will randomly jerk really fast horizontally back and forth for just like 1/2 - 1 second? If this isn't Nystagmus what is it? Thanks.

well yeah nystagmus is constant vertically or horizintally

the random eye jerks is unknow to me, ma be tourettes. just a guess sorry

also i want to ask how does it affect your vision, my mum has it but i never wanted to ask she does every day normal things and sometimes its not as fast or even not here f shes concentrating on it

but yeah do you see things but its just constantly refocosing?  (+ info)

Can an albino person with nystagmus have laser eye surgery or LASIK?

Can someone tell me more about nystagmus and how it can be treated? Can a near-sighted person with nystagmus undergo laser surgery? Thanks!

Unfortunately, there are no effective treatments for nystagmus. If you are albino, the albinism is causing your reduced vision, not the nystagmus.

LASIK is a substitute for glasses. Since glasses don't correct nystagmus LASIK won't either.

The movement of the eye will make it very difficult for the laser surgery to work properly and I doubt if any surgeon would agree to do it.  (+ info)

What is nystagmus, and how can it be treated for the eyes, like how can my eyes?

What is nystagmus, and how can it be treated for the eyes, like how can my eyes?
get aligned as it was before, as before I had the disease, is it possible or not?
no, I wasnt born with that, it actually happened November 1st, and it cant seem to go away, any suggestion??

I'm so sorry about your diagnosis. This is a very tough condition to live with. Be prepared for a bit of a shock.

Nystagmus is a rythmic involuntary eye movement. There are several types, based on direction of eye movement. Downbeat nystagmus is when they drift upwards and snap down very quickly. Horizontal is side to side. There are others, but these are the most common. With nystagmus, there is generally a null point where your eyes get "stuck" so they stop moving, and you can use this to help you see a little better. I'm not sure about the other two, but downbeat's null point is looking all the way up. It kinda hurts if you hold it too long, but it makes the world stop bouncing for a second so you can get your bearings. Also, some things make it worse, such as being tired or certain lighting conditions. Flourescent lights are the worst because of the pulsing, harsh light. Try to increase the natural lighting in your home. Soft yellow works best for me.

According to my opthalmologist, nystagmus is almost always a neurological condition. You need to have an MRI scan of your brain to find out what's causing it. Be prepared for a very emotional and financial roller coaster from this point forward. Check with your insurance to see about requirements for coverage and what you need as far as referrals for seeing specialists. Make sure the doctors you see are on their list of preferred physicians if that is how they work.

Once the neurosurgeon (don't waste your time and money with a neurologist...they don't do surgeries) determines what has caused the nystagmus, he'll tell you what options you have. Basically, whether you're a candidate for surgery or not. He'll read the MRI and do a full neurological exam. Some of the exercises and questions sound silly, but there is a purpose to every one. You might find out you have more symptoms than just your eyes.

You'll want to have a consult with an opthalmologist as well. If you can afford it, I would suggest seeing them in this order...
1. Opthalmologist (or Neuro-opthalmologist if one is available in your area) for inital examination. This will give them a "before" reference to use, and they can give a referral to the neurosurgeon if need be.

2. Brain MRI with and without contrast (dye)

3. Neurosurgeon for full neurological exam, diagnosis, and surgical options.

4. Surgery

5. Followup with the Opthalmologist or Neuro-Opthalmologist. If you have successful brain surgery, you will have to wait 6-12 months post op for your brain and eyes to "settle" before any optical surgeries are done to see what effects the surgery had on your eyes.

6. Accept any remaining symptoms to be permanent at this point. It may not seem like it now, but you will eventually get used to it. Over time, you'll find ways to adapt. You won't have perfect sight, but you'll see good enough to function.

If all goes well, you should be free of doctors and as good as your eyes can get in less than a year and a half. I know it's a long time, but once everything is done, you'll be a lot better off. Honestly, the worst time for me was between diagnosis and brain surgery. Getting through the actual surgery was nerve-wracking. Once I woke up and realized I survived, things drastically improved. I was in the hospital less than a week and was released from my neurosurgeon at 8 weeks post op with no restrictions.

Both my doctors said nystagmus was permanent and does not improve over time. I guess I was one of the lucky ones; after brain surgery and strabismis surgery eight months later to correct a fourth nerve palsy (misaligned "lazy eye" from birth) my nystagmus has greatly improved. In certain lighting conditions it almost becomes latent. I still have it, but I've learned to live with it.
Good luck to you and you're in my prayers...Blessings  (+ info)

Is poor vision always associated with nystagmus?

I posted a question about nystagmus and many people responded that it lead to poor vision. But, there is a person that I see (I don't know this person) and they are able to run the steps, point out things at a distance and act perfectly normal. So, is this really nystagmus?

the person is probably borne with nystagmus. he would have already have deveploped a "null point" in which at a certain gaze, he will not have any nystagmus.
if you are borne with nystagmus, poor vision is defintely linked to nystagmus. however, you would already have developed you null point.
if your nystagmus is aquired later in life, it is unlikely that it is linked. but you will experience shakey motions in your vision like there is an earthquake. this might account for the poor vision  (+ info)

Is there any way to get rid of or reduce nystagmus?

I have heard of physical therapy working some times and somthing about surgery. I've had nystagmus since i was a baby and i would do about anything to be rid of it. any information you could find would be outstanding. thank you!

There are several different kinds of nystagmus and treatment really depends on which one you have. You should really consult your eye doctor to find out which treatment options are right for you.  (+ info)

Can Nystagmus be related to dizziness only?

Nystagmus is defined as involuntary movement of the eyes. I have an 8 year old healthy daughter that on occassion, when I wake her from a sound sleep, she says she's dizzy and her eyes move back and forth in rapid succession. We have seen our pediatrician and had a head CT with normal results. This has only happened three times and not recently, but in reading about Nystagmus, I am still concerned.

i think she needs more tests to confirm the origin of her nystagmus.

free online doctor available 24/7 on freemedicaladvise.synthasite.com  (+ info)

if i am on the computer constanntly everyday can i develop nystagmus?

or can it make the sympthoms worse of nystagmus?

Sometimes nystagmus (involuntary eye movement) can be caused by a brain tumor. Not sure what the connection would be to the computer . . suppose it could make the symptoms worse. If you are unsure perhaps you should get off the computer and go see a doctor.  (+ info)

What is "nystagmus", terms a 17 year old can understand please.?

I already know that "nystagmus" is an involountary eye movement that falls into two definitive categories of pathiological and physiological, I'm just trying to understand the types of movements are typical of a person with mild, moderate, and severe nystagmus. ** 'Scuse my horrible spelling. :">

Here is a great website that may help you to understand it more!

Nystagmus has also been described as “dancing eyes” or “jerking eyes”
they move back and forth like a pendulum or do they move slowly in one direction and then rapidly in another.

One thing you might want to do-- READ read everything, join forums, groups and get all the information you can. Empower yourself and you will be a survivor!

i wish you the best  (+ info)

is Nystagmus curable ? what is the treatment and where is it available?

Nystagmus is an eye disease where there is a contineous eye movement cause of which vission is poor .it is baeically a neurological problem.

there are indeed treatments for nystagmus, see an ophthalmologist to find out which may work for you.  (+ info)

Is there a cure for the eye condition Nystagmus?

After having a stroke, my friend has been diagnosed with "downbeat" mode Nystagmus, and would like know if there is a natural medicine treatment or cure for this condition.

Nystagmus isn't an eye condition - it is a sign of disease. If he has downbeat nystagmus this is very rare and is caused by some very rare diseases. More generally nystagmus is caused by having a stroke - perhaps he just has jerk nystagmus rather than downbeat nystagmus - this would make more sense.
There isn't much that can be done about it - its a sign of the cerebrovsacular disease he already has - the stroke.  (+ info)

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