FAQ - Nystagmus, medfödd
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i am confused am i having nystagmus or problem with my eye lid?

i guess it is eye lid twitch. the vision is not affected when i have feeling of eye lid movement how does nystagmus feel like

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can a 20 year old's eye problem of CONGENITAL NYSTAGMUS be cured ?

i come to know that his maternal uncle,
his mother's maternal uncles,
his mother's maternal nephews,


I suppose the eye people will first try a treating by covering the good eye and see if this will correct the problem. If not then they will do surgery on the muscles which control the movements of the eye ball.  (+ info)

Hypotonia, Ataxia, Dysmetria, Nystagmus and intention tremors are all symptoms of what type of disease?

I'm not a doctor but I imagine these are common to brain inflammatory conditions, like MS, ALS... or any of these that I lifted from the NIH site Medline:

* Acute Disseminated EncephalomyelitisFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Cerebral AtrophyFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Corticobasal DegenerationFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Cysts in the Brain(American Brain Tumor Association) - Links to PDF
* EncephalopathyFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Infantile Neuroaxonal DystrophyFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* KuruFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Neuronal Migration DisordersFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
* Progressive Multifocal LeukoencephalopathyFrom the National Institutes of Health(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary

Here is the link:
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/braindiseases.html#cat42  (+ info)

ok would you date someone with nystagmus and is legally blind?

well nystagmus is when your eyes move and they jerk in ways that you can't control it legally blind your vision is 20/200 and you can't see as good as others can

im 18 and i have nystagmus and i was wondering would the girls out there answer this question for me would you date a guy that had nystagmus and tell me why or why not

ya if your sweet and funny and kind i would not care what the hell yours eye's do any one else that said they wont date because of your eye's is a a$$ you dose not deserve you  (+ info)

Can I wear contact lenses if I have nystagmus?

I don't know if I can. I hate wearing glasses and I really want to wear contact lenses. I have nystagmus (there's a link if you want to know about it) and I'm 14. I desperately want them because I really hate glasses.
please help xxx
thanks xxx

Yes, in most cases, you can wear contact lenses even if you have nystagmus. As long as there is nothing else wrong with your eyes that would make your eyes unsuitable for contact lenses. Ask your optician or book in for a fitting appointment  (+ info)

Nystagmus, What are its causes and how to stop it?

This will help with your questions, just click on it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nystagmus  (+ info)

Is anyone familiar with latent nystagmus?

my 5 year old has it and I can't get a straight answer on what causes it and if it will go away.
my daughter had surgery for strabismus almost 3 years ago

Congential nystagmus:
Rapid, rhythmic oscillation of the eyes; movements may be vertical, horizontal or rotary. It may occur with poor vision or it may be due to a disorder in the brain.

LATENT nystagmus occurs when one eye is covered and rapid, rhythmic oscillation of the uncovered eye occurs. Is he wearing a patch for lazy eye?

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What is the scientific name for Nystagmus?

April is, as usual, right. The UN-SCIENTIFIC name for it is rapid eye movement, usually from side to side.  (+ info)

I Have Nystagmus and have a couple questions about it.?

I was born with nystagmus and people say my eyes shake all the time but i can never see it....why is that ? and how does affect my vision.? why do i have it? also i see more clearly if i turn my head to the side. how is my vision different from everyone else. also people say my eyes shake more when im nervous mad or sad.

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I need info about downbeat nystagmus in a six month old baby?

This conditon is when the eyes move continuosly up and down or side to side in a rhythmic motion and then snap back to normal position. The cause is from a defect which lies within the brain not a extraocular muscle so surgery will not correct this. I have work in opthamology for 10 years and i have seen this over and over. I hope I answered your question.  (+ info)

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