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What should we do for a mental health/eating disorders awareness week?

My friends and I are in charge of organizing a mental health and eating disorders awareness week at our high school. We are trying to come up with ideas to get students interested and educated on the stuff we're focusing on (EDs, self harm, suicide, self-esteem, etc.)

Do you have any suggestions? We are going to have things like petitions and a No-Diet Day, as well as information on resources, but I'm looking for interactive ways to get the school engaged. Thanks!

I would have available on display, the definitions of what is depression? What is ED's? Etc. Also get questionnaires that say, for example, do I have depression? Its great that you will have resources too. But let people know, maybe by percentage wise. How many people do suffer from mental Illness and that they are not alone. That mental illness doesn't
discriminate. It can happen at any age. That it also can be hereditary. Mention that fact that name calling does hurt.
And sometimes the people who are made fun of, it can have a long term negative effect. Let people know that if they think someone may hurt themselfs or threaten suicide that it is OK to go to a peer. Maybe they may not think the person is serious, or maybe its a cry for help. Teach that we all need to get involved. That Mental Illness is real. And to the suffer it can be very devastating. That it is OK, to seek help. That seeking help is not a failure, but a step in the right direction.  (+ info)

REPOST: Why do people show less compassion for those with different mental disorders?

It seems as though with some disorders or addictions, when someone finds out someone they know has it, they all flock to help them but completely avoid people and call them pathetic for others. Why is this? Shouldn't all disorders and addictions be treated with the same compassion?

It's unusual, and I have noticed this as well. It seems that so many people think that ADHD is just an excuse not to do work that you don't like doing, which is completely false. I did a project on this, to disprove this common stereotype, and found that MANY factors MAY contribute to ADHD, whose causes are unknown. Smoking, led, especially led-based paint, and even licorice can contribute to ADHD. So many people, it seems, think that ADHD and other mental disorders -- dyslexia, another common one -- are just "excuses," when they are really serious problems to some. In fact, ADHD shows up on brain scans. This doesn't necessarily address your question, but I do notice that a lot of people, especially adults, seem to think that these disorders are just "excuses," when really they are not. Why is this? I can't say for sure, as I am understanding of all mental disorders, whether it be ADHD, dyslexia, or anything of the sort -- more of my friends suffer from ADHD and dyslexia, but if I meet someone with another disorder, I am perfectly respectful to them, and I understand it, and I won't treat the person any differently because of whatever condition they may have. One of my friend stutters, which is a mental condition, although not one that affects her education in any way, but I don't treat her differently because she stutters. If she spoke "normally," I'd treat her exactly the same as I do now.

I suppose many people do this -- as in, don't believe in mental conditions, which is kind of answering your question -- because, for one reason, the United States has a very poor education system, compared to other countries, such as China and India, and Asia, generally. We are nowhere close to other countries. Assuming you're from the United States, many people from the States may think that ADHD and dyslexia are just excuses to either get "extra time" in tests because they're differently abled, or because they just don't want to do the work. This can be attributed to our education in the States, because, honestly, it's really sub-par to different countries. I can't say at all how other countries, like China, for example, think of ADHD or dyslexia -- I can only answer this based on what I know, and this could be one of the reasons: education is poorer in the United States than elsewhere, and the fight to fix our education system might throw some students "off balance," which may cause them to make excuses as to not do whatever work might be thrown their way. This leads into a whole new discussion -- is education supposed to be about economically competition? But I will try not to digress, although I am *so* tempted to do so.

Another thing that may cause people to wrongfully believe this is that ADHD is *so* misdiagnosed. The rate of teenagers with ADHD in the United States has skyrocketed since the eighties, and the pattern may seem very farfetched to some people, and may think, "Oh, a doctor misdiagnosed this person; it's not possible that he/she has ADHD." Yeah, the numbers are farfetched, but that does not mean that some people don't have the condition or disorder. ADHD shows up on brain scans, but brain scans can't be handed out like flowers on Valentine's Day -- they cost hospitals, and the government, a lot of money, and with the numbers of people who suffer from ADHD, it would send the country deeper into the toilet, and we're trying to get out of it, not into it. Thus, doctors diagnose ADHD, say, by conducting interviews with parents about medical history, and patients about behavior at school. Sometimes, they'll make up classroom settings to see how the patient interacts with other students, and how he or she behaves during school and elsewhere. Then, the doctor may make a diagnosis based on this. Of course, sometimes there are false negatives, as there always are, and this may cause people to believe that mental disorders are fake, or misdiagnosed.

I really hope that this answered your question =)
All the best ♥  (+ info)

How to care for children with mental health or Disorders?

My friend is going to take a test for a job and the job has to do with Taking care of chilren with Mental and Disorders and that is going to be on the test so she wnat to know.
All kinds of mental disorders
And Mental Retardation

Your question is some what ambiguous, please give more details, as I hire people do work with a child for many years now. I am the father of a developmentally disabled child.

Edit note; One of the very first things I do, is check to insure that the person that is going to be with our son has no record of sex abuse. The second thing that I do is give them very fair warning that I will hurt them very badly if they do anything to him. I always ask if they have any experience with retarded people. I like it when they tell me they have a brother/sister with a like problem. I am less enthused about some one that has experience, we have had them, but we have to unlearn them and teach them how we do it. Tell your friend that she/he must realize that people like my son are just as unique as you or I. They should make sure that who ever does and interview with them that they say that they understand that each of these people are in fact unique and as such needs to be treated with thoughtfulness and respect. I would also advice your friend to up date or do an Initial CPR class before going to the interview, not a requirement but it would be a tie breaker. I would also ask why do they want to do this. If it is just for money I don't hire them. Mostly tell her to be herself  (+ info)

What kind of treatment can you get for eating disorders?

I am doing this for school and i really need to know what kind of treatment of medical help can people get for eating disorders. So if you would be kind enough to help me out, that would be nice. Thank you.

I have had anorexia and bulimia. I still have an ED myself which is an EDNO ( eating disorder not otherly specified ).

You usually go to psychiatrists or clinics or something.  (+ info)

How long does it normally take a peaditrican to diagnose autistic spectrum disorders?

How long does it normally take a peaditrican to diagnose autistic spectrum disorders?
After a number of difficulties with my little boy of almost 9 years ,my GP suggested that he may have something related to the autistic spectrum disorder.He mentioned aspergers syndrome and has refered him to a local peaditrician.We are due to see him this week,will they they be able to tell us on the day if this is the case or is it usual to have a lot more tests etc. Does anyone know the procedure in the UK for this type of diagnosis

They will be able to tell you what they feel based on their assessment from that day, talk to your Son's school SENCO as well as they have access to speech therapists and educational psycologists who can also help with the diagnonsis.

It can take a long time sometimes, if you do it privately it will be quicker but you can start doing things that help autistic children cope with the world anyway now and see if it makes a diffference to him or helps him anyway.  (+ info)

What kind of disorders would an adult crack baby have?

What kind of disorders and other problems would an adult that was born addicted to crack have?

Common possible impairments would be:

ADHD, learning problems, allergies, asthma, greater risk for substance abuse, depression and angry outbursts.

But for the most part, they grow up and become functioning happy adults.  (+ info)

Disorders that may reduce secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide?

After myocardial infarction, in the short term, Atrial nautriuretic peptide rises, however, what are the long-term effects?
Does ANP decrease in the long-term?
Are there any disorders that may decrease or inhibit ANP?
Could scarring of the atrial tissue due to heart failure result in decreased ANP?
Are there any acute disorders that can result in decreased ANP?

about it you can get information from here http://mdmedusa29.notlong.com/8AAbudL  (+ info)

What are some examples of anxiety disorders?

I was told not to long ago that I could possibly have an anxiety disorder. Any lists of symptoms or types of disorders would be great. thanks.

A few basic ones are:
1- Generalized anxiety disorder - you have a "free floating" sense of anxiety that's not really attached directly to one thing in particular. The anxiety is uncontrollable and excessice. So really you're just worried about everything.
2- Phobias - You have one thing that really freaks you out to the point that it interferes with your normal daily functioning
3- Panic Attacks - A lot of people experience these. You get really anxious for no reason at all with a lot of physical symptoms (racing heart, feeling of chocking, sweating, etc). Or, your anxiety is really out of proportion with the situation. (Totally sucky. I get these often)
4- Panic Disorder with Angoriphobia - You get panic attacks and because of the fear of getting them you find it hard to leave the house or go into public situations
5- Social Phobia - When you're in public you get really anxious. Primary concern is being embarassed or humiliated

Etc, etc. I know of a few more but those are the most common forms. If you have any specific questions about them feel free to ask. :)  (+ info)

What kind of disorders would a person have if they were severely abused as a kid?

What kind of disorders would a person have if they were severely abused as a kid?

split personality, depression, anxiety, low self esteem, an eating disorder, cutting, inability to trust people, and the list goes on.  (+ info)

What are the best chatrooms, or livejournals, or something to get support on eating disorders?

I am looking for a very supportive chatroom or something about eating disorders.
I guess it could be labeled a 'proanorexia' site...but I don't mean that, I don't want tips or tricks...I don't need those...I have those...I have an eating disorder...I do not condone helping others try and get pushed into this hell.
I was just curious if there are any really really supportive sites or things out there that are constantly being updated or are always populated for help and support.

Try : http://www.dailystrength.org/
It is a support site for all sorts of problems including yours.
It is free and private ( you make up your own name etc.)
my partner goes on it for his Bi polar and depression and has told me he talks to people with all sorts of problems.
There are a lot of young and older people all supporting each other.  (+ info)

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