FAQ - Osteosarcoma, Juxtacortical
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osteosarcoma long term survival rates...please help me?

my brother had osteosarcoma in his humerous when he was 15 and 16. he's almost 19 now and it's gone. he's been in remission for 2 and a half years. i just found out that a very small percentage of people who've had osteosarcoma don't make it to live past 5 years of remission. this is really scaring me and i wish i knew that before. can you tell me if this is true? how you know and if you know anyone who had this cancer and has lived past 5 years. i'm ony 13 and i'm really worried about my brother. thanks so much

Unfortunately, there is no cure for cancer . . but there is treatment that can lead to an individual cure. Your brother has been in remission for 2 and a half years, the longer he is in remission the more likely the cancer is gone . . but no one can guarantee that it is gone. It only takes one loose cancer cell to start up a whole new tumor and this disease can lay dormant for an undetermined amount of time. So . . the good news is that your brother is in remission and alive and well today . . that is all any of us can really count on anyway. The longer your brother stays in remission the better chance he has that the cancer is gone. And, yes, there are osteosarcoma survivors. You may wish to join a support group where you may be able to locate resources and ask questions from others dealing with this type of cancer:

ACOR: OSTEO-SARCOMA email List group
http://listserv.acor.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ACOR.EXE?A0=OSTEO-SARCOMA  (+ info)

osteosarcoma cancer?

okay so i have had on and off pain in my knee mainly at night sometimes during the day. It gets very swollen and it hurts to bend and walk so i limp around alot i did some researching and came across osteosarcoma. I know its not very likely but im exploring all the possibilities i am 15 year old girl. I get knee pains most frequent in my right knee and it KILLS i get other pains in my bones at night but not nearly as much. Every once and a while I will get a killer pain in my side and it hurts to breathe. I want to ask others for opionions before making a fake warning of osteosarcoma to my mother. Its usually after I do a physical activity that my knee starts to hurt. Please give me any insights...

Alternatively, it could also be arthritis, however, that's unlikely at your age. You mentioned that it's after you do physical activity, it could be that you have weak joints or something. No need to tell your mum that you think its osteosarcoma if you think it'll worry her, simply ask her to book you a doctors appointment, at which time you may wish to bring up your fears.

Best wishes.  (+ info)

Will this product cure my friends sons osteosarcoma? Or should he have the surgery at childrens hospital?


That child should be in hospital getting treatment and be booked for surgery. Why would anyone ever question this? The bone cancer needs to be removed before it can spread.

I've heard of way too many children dying because the families delayed getting the surgery or refused treatment.
My mom's exact words when biopsy confirmed I had cancer was. " When can the leg be taken off."

In my case because of the location of the cancer and my age amputation was the only option. If acted on quickly many times the leg can be saved.

Waiting will give the cancer time to spread. once it gets to the organs treatment is much harder.

Osteosarcoma is the worst pain in imagination. It aches until the body can't bare to ache any longer. How can you even ask this question. The child should be in a hospital and plans made for surgery. Denying a child of this is nothing less then abuse. I've lost friends in hospital because their parents didn't want their child to loose a limb.  (+ info)

Is there a special section of a hospital for terminally ill patients?

I am writing a fictional book, and one of the characters is a woman who is dying from Osteosarcoma. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible. Are terminally ill patients placed in a special "ward" or anything in a hospital?
@$$$$$$$ - Thank you for the totally useless post, and the key word is not "fictional". I'm not writing a fantasy; I'm writing a story that could be true in our current world but isn't.

No. Hospitals are primarily for treating people or trying to save lives. There are no special sections set aside for the dying in most hospitals . . they are in the regular population and may die but hospitals are about 'saving lives'.

There are long term hospice facilities, however, where patients who are no longer in active treatment can go who still need daily medical care for other needs. They live out the remainder of their lives in hospice care. Some hospitals also offer these programs.

Types of hospice care
http://www.cancer.org/docroot/eto/content/eto_2_5x_what_is_hospice_care.asp  (+ info)

Are uterine sarcoma and osteo sarcomea related?

I am an osteosarcoma survivor and I have had some issues lately that have my gyn doing a cervical biopsy. Is it possible to be in the clear from one to have it spread to another?

sarcoma is simply a term meaning cancer, the osteo meant it was in the bone, uterine then would mean it was in the uterus. And of course cancer can travel from one area of the body to another.  (+ info)

Canine Osteosarcoma--Please help!!?

My son Merlin was diagnosed with canine Osteosarcoma today. I have been looking on line all day and night to get info. It looks like the ppl who choose chemo and amputation, only add about 3-4 months to there life. I don't know if I should do this. I do not have the funds but I also do not want him to be in pain.

80% of dogs are diagnosed with this horrible disease. Please share with me your story. I don't really know what to do.

Merlin is the big guy in my profile picture

Thank you
Merlin is currently on pain meds. I feel like if I do the surgery and cemo he will still have to go thru that pain. Its a no win situation.

I am so sorry about your dog/son. My wonderful Molly (blue heeler) is in a similar situation from primary breast cancer that has metastasized to lungs and bones. I have decided not to treat anymore. She has had three surgeries already but when the metastatic lung disease was spotted I called it quits. I am now giving her supportive care and pain killers. As long as she can be comfortable I will continue. But when the pain meds are no longer effective she will take a final car ride with me. She is my best friend and it is both the least and the best I can do for her because I will not allow her to suffer. Please be strong and give your best friend his final rest before he suffers without relief. God bless us both.

Edit: That is why I chose not to pursue any other treatment for Molly. She has been through enough and further treatment would only make her sick and not net any quality time for either of us. I want this to be over for both our sakes. It is agonizing for me to watch her become a shadow of the dog she was only a few months ago.  (+ info)

is it possible i have osteosarcoma cancer? please help.?

okay so i have had on and off pain in my knee mainly at night sometimes during the day. It gets very swollen and it hurts to bend and walk so i limp around alot i did some researching and came across osteosarcoma. I know its not very likely but im exploring all the possibilities i am 15 year old girl. I get knee pains most frequent in my right knee and it KILLS i get other pains in my bones at night but not nearly as much. Every once and a while I will get a killer pain in my side and it hurts to breathe. I want to ask others for opionions before making a fake warning of osteosarcoma to my mother. Its usually after I do a physical activity that my knee starts to hurt. Please give me any insights...

What you are experiencing could be caused by many different things. Usually people who have bone cancer can feel a distinct hard lump on the bone that is affected. Anyway I suggest you tell your mum that your knee is sore and have a doctor take a look at it. I doubt it would be something too serious.  (+ info)

My 14 yr old cat has osteosarcoma, the bad kind, without amputation of the leg, taking off the tumor help?

My husband believes that taking off the tumor without the amputation is going to do something for our 14 year old cat with osteosarcoma. The vets say it is mastesized inside of him, and the tumor may come back stonger and faster. I think why risk it and put him in more pain. He thinks that if he has a chance to fight we should. What do we do?
In response to the guy who said that the amputation is the only thing, that is what the vet said, and my stubborn husband still keeps insisting to the vet to taking off the top of the tumor he has a chance. The vet said she could do it just to appease him I think. Some vets and people say, that just that surgery has a chance of slowing the tumor growth and stop the skin problems that could occur.
Actually, he just told me the tumor is too high to amputate.


my newfoundland was diagnosed with ostersarcoma in jan. we had his leg amputated, which just gets rid of the pain. the bone becomes the tumor, so that is the the only way to eliminate the pain. after the amputation, he has been going through chemo for 12 weeks. this is what seeks out the other cancer cells that are just floating around waiting to attach some where else -- usually it it the lungs first. there are a few web sites that are good resources, just google osteosarcoma. the univ of wis madison vet school is one of the nations leaders in this type of research and is where our dog has been treated. it is really scary at first, but if a 120 pound dog can get around on three legs and be as playful as ever, i think your cat will be the same. it was the right choice for us, and we have never second guessed ourselves. good luck.  (+ info)

Which is a result oriented line of treatment for osteosarcoma ?Allopathy,Ayurveda or Homeopathy?

I have been detected with a tumor in my right sacro illiac joint & is lightly connected to the spine & its is suspected to be osteosarcoma. Primary biopsy reports also indicate towards possible osteosarcoma with 40% necrosis.

I am a bit confused to which line of treatment should be taken. A homeopath in the promises to cure it in about 5 months & he is a reputed one with a number of cases behind him.He says the medicines are his research products.An Ayurvedic doctor is also pretty confident of curing it.
The allopathic docs are saying to go for chemotherapy & then surgery.

I am confused, so please help!
Thanks in Advance

A homeopath who promises to cure cancer is the worst type of scoundrel and conman. Believe me, his eye is firmly on your wallet.

Homeopathy has no record of curing anything, let alone cancer; small wonder as its preparations contain no active ingredients.

The Ayurvedic 'doctor' who claims to be confident of a cure is conning you too.

I'm sure there are alternative practitioners who are sincere and who believe in their particular brand for treating certain ailments; but they all KNOW they can't cure cancer.

Your choice is between the proven and the unproven/disproven.

You will notice that the real doctors are not making you any grand promises. They know there are no guarantees.

But the treatments they are recommending have been tested and proven; they save many lives and prolong many, many more.

It's your choice. I know which I chose when I saw (among other alternative practitioners) a homeopath and an oncologist after my cancer diagnosis, and I'm still here and fit and well over six years later. No 'allopathic' doctor made me any promises, they just did their best with proven treatments.  (+ info)

Would osteosarcoma of the rib show up on a rib series x-ray?

Long story short, I found a painless lump on one of my ribs about a month ago, it's hard like bone, and I've had 2 x-rays done. The most recent one was a rib series and the doc looked over them with the radiologist and said that they looked completely normal, and to come back in 3 weeks for a follow up. So if osteosarcoma were advanced enough to have a significant lump, would it show up on a rib series x-ray?


Usually yes.  (+ info)

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