FAQ - Paraneoplastisk cerebellär degeneration
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Are there any medical advances on treating macular degeneration disease?

Macular degeneration has been untreatable and irreversible, my question is, are there any new advances like eye transplants or macular cell transplants, and if not, when in the future can this be taking place ?

There was also something a few months ago about stem cells being injected directly into the retina that has shown very promising results in mice.

The article said that there was a lot of research to go before it could be tried on humans. Something like 6 or 8 years more of testing has to be done.  (+ info)

Are chiropractors worth going to for general nerve degeneration?

If there is no specific disc out of line - ie general degeneration of nerves due to arthritis/wear and tear etc can chiropractors do much good?

chiropractors job is to remove any nerve interference that can cause disease. Chiropractors specialize in the nervous system. They align your body so that your body can work for you and restore your health.  (+ info)

the new stem cell research for Macular degeneration?

I recently read that there is a stem cell research in progress for Macular degeneration. They said it seems promising in "treating" Macular degeneration. They have not yet translated it on humans though, only done on mice. They said within 5 years (if successful) it would be an actual treatment.

However, is it for both types? ( Dry and Wet)?
& how promising do you think it is?

Go to www.blindness.org for info.  (+ info)

Is surgery the only option for spondylosis or multi level disc degeneration disease?

Diagnosed last week or Multi level disc degeneration disease-I have CONSTANT pain in my arms and legs and feet-I was prescribed gabapentin but I am not sure if it will work or if it will just leave me drugged out. My question is has anyone had this that did not have surgery? Is there any other ways to help this without having surgery?

there are definitely other options. dont get in for surgery so quickly becuase there is a possiblity that it might not take care of the problem completely.

if available try to consult a "homeopaethic" doctor, and that should take care of it (homeopathy is the only medicine science which has solutions for all possible problems and diseases).

consult a homeopaethic doctor.  (+ info)

Any first hand experience in using AVASTIN for macula degeneration treatment?

My mother (81) has advanced macula degeneration and has very little vision left. Her doctor suggested avastin injection as prevention, but i'm a bit skeptical. Please, any comments on this matter much appreciated.

Your Mom must have the "wet" kind of macular degeneration. Now Avastin was not made for the eye, but for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. And they found it can stop Macular Edema or swelling of the macula. You see abnormal blood vessels start to grown in the macula and sometimes these vessels leak fluid or blood. The Avastin has been shown to stop this and prevent further loss of vision.
The Opthalamologist numbs the eye and injects the Avastin into the eye. Also used for treatment of wet macular degeneration is photodynamic therapy and Macugen. Two new treatments.
People I have talked to said it, (Avastin) works. I have dry macular degeneration and of course am asking questions of people who have the condition. Mine is only in my left eye so far and I am using prescribed tablets from Bausch and Lomb. When I look at TV with only my left eye, all I see is purple and black, with just the lower corners now visible with that eye. If I thought I could keep what vision I have with my eyes, I would go for the injections. Just my opinion, ask around especially at senior centers and you will get lots of information. I would be interested if your Mom is receiving any drops now.  (+ info)

since that i have degeneration disc desise in my back can i get medical merijuana?

i have serious back problems, like degeneration disc disease, herniated discs, and other problems and im only seventeen. and when ever i smoke merijuana i dont feel the pain. is there any way i can get certified for medical merijuana?

Move to california and get it at the corner drug store...  (+ info)

What is maculate degeneration, causes and treatments?

What can be done to save my sight, from maculate degeneration?

I think you mean Macular degeneration.

It's a medical condition where the light sensing cells in the macula malfunction and over time cease to work.

Wikipedia states that Macular degeneration that is not age related and is most commonly caused by an inherited condition but most other sites I have read say aging.

There are many sites dealing with AMD:

Good luck to you!  (+ info)

what's the best way to treat advanced macula degeneration?

Please, trying to find a way to help my mother(81) to treat advanced macula degeneration. She already lost vision in one eye, and has vision 3 in the other( very little). The puzzling thing is that till a couple of months ago, she had vision 6, and suddenly, came down to 3. Neurological tests are all fine. Any information on this disease would help me and my mother. Thank you!

treatment depends on the type of AMD
for wet AMD - treatment options include eye laser surgery, photodynamic therapy or eye injections of anti-VEGF

for dry AMD - there isnt a treatment that can completely cure the condition, but supplements can be used to slow the progression of the disease. they include antioxidants, and ocular lutein, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, zinc and copper.

low vision aids may also help people affected with AMD,

its best if you discuss about the treatment options with your opththalmologist  (+ info)

Has anyone stopped or reversed macular degeneration?

Have you or anyone you know had any good results in dealing with macular degeneration?

If you are referring to age related macular degeneration,then the answer is yes.Nowadays lot of drugs are available which can be injected inside the eye.They are called anti-VEGF agents.They can stop the vision from getting worse and in some cases can improve the vision also.For more info follow the link.
www.geocities.com/mihir_shah_m/armd1  (+ info)

Why Does Macular Degeneration start in the center of the eye?

The macula is the spot in the back of the eye were that image seen by the eye is focused. As the macula if dieing the center of the image is lsot/blurred.  (+ info)

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