FAQ - Parkinsons sjukdom
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What does the rabble know about Lyme and Parkinsons?

Are they now related diseases or is there Lyme induced Parkinson's symptoms. This is serious because I am being analyzed.
"Rabble" actually means "vociferous crowd" and not derogatory.

There are strong indications that Lyme and Parkinson's can be related.

You need to be seen by a Lyme-literate doctor who's affiliated with ILADS (Int'l Lyme and Associated Diseases Society.) Go to:
and click on "flash discussions." Then click on "finding a doctor."

Good sources of info about Lyme disease:
http://www.mentalhealthandillness.com/lymeArticles.htm  (+ info)

What are 3 common factors in people without parkinsons disease?

Parkinson's disease is the 2nd most common neurodegenerative disorder, affecting over 1 million americans. Scientists already know being over age 50, MPTP, and several genes make it more likely somebody will develop the disorder. They also found several factors that are more common in people without the disorder and that they maybe somehow be protected by them. What are these 3 factors and why do they seem to protect these individuals?

I'm really not sure if there is a strong connection between these factors, but some things that are thought to prevent PD in individuals is caffeine, physical activity and ibuprofen. Others have also suggested a prevention link with Vitamin E. Again, I believe all the links are just speculation.  (+ info)

What are some evident signs of parkinsons disease?

I dated this guy whos hand always shook non stop, but he would never say anythng about it. It drove me crazy and I didnt want to ask because I didnt know if it would embarrase him.

Check out the symptoms on web.md:

http://www.webmd.com/diseases_and_conditions/parkinsons_disease.htm  (+ info)

what benefits to people with parkinsons disease suffering anxiety?

what type of help in the form of benefits are available for people suffering from Parkinsons disease, and the best contacts fpr help claiming the benefits

Hi the benefits available depend on whether the person available can work or not - if not then there is incapacity benefit available if the person has three years national insurance contributions - if not there is the possibility of income support but this depends on your current level of income and savings. Also available is Disability Living Allowance - this is not means tested so not dependent on income - if you go to the Citizen's Advice Bureau they will advise you on how to claim and what you are entitled to. All the best.  (+ info)

Looking for good foods for Parkinsons patients?

Does anybody know if there is recommended foods for the health and well being for somebody with Parkinsons?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "good food" so pardon me if this isn't what you mean. My wife has an uncle with Parkinson's and he enjoys the new "Compleats" meals made by Hormel. They're sort of like frozen dinners, but they're not frozen, they just sit on the shelf. He warms them in the microwave about 1 minute (or I suppose you could serve them room temperature) so there's really no cooking. The food is soft but not liquidy (her uncle chokes easily on liquid foods), and there is a huge variety to choose from. They're about 400 calories or less each, so they aren't fattening for someone whose activity level is low. We eat them occasionally as well, and they're actually quite delicious. Jello makes individual pudding packs for dessert, and I'd imagine that would make a nice meal.

So, not sure what you were looking for, but these are tasty, good consistency, low to no preparation and storage, lower than average calorie and fat content... Is any of this what you were asking about?

Hope this helps...
  (+ info)

Friend with severe Parkinsons + trachaeotomy in hospital seeks to communicate but how?

Nothing too complicated - the simpler the better.

Use a letter chart. On a poster or sheet of paper, write the alphabet in block letters. You can also include simple phrases like "I need pain med" or "Reposition me" and "Yes" and "No". Your friend can point to letters or phrases.  (+ info)

If you could ask a question about Parkinsons disease what would it be?

If you could talk to someone who was a specialist in Parkinsons what would you ask?

i hate to say this because right i am estrange from my aunt by her behavior told my whole family since my dads death not her!!!

any1 beside micheal j fox either because i do not believe in stem cell research.

i would say god he is all knowing god  (+ info)

How bad can Parkinsons Disease get?

My dad has parkinsons disease, and I want to hear the truth off someone.

How bad can it get? I don't want to hide from the truth if it is what could happen to my dad. I am 18 so I can deal with it!

First of all I am sorry to hear that your Dad has Parkinson's disease. I assume that he is still rather young which might mean that slow progression is on his side.

Below are two of the scales for measuring the stage progression of Parkinson's. I've only listed the last few stages of the Schwab & England ADL because that is sufficient to give you an idea of the degeneration that can occur.

Hohen and Yahr Scale
Stage one: Symptoms on one side of the body only.
Stage two: Symptoms on both sides of the body.
No impairment of balance. (this is not true for all patients
- some have balance issues early on)
Stage three: Balance impairment. Mild to moderate disease.
Physically independent.
Stage four: Severe disability, but still able to walk or stand unassisted.
Stage five: Wheelchair-bound or bedridden unless assisted

Schwab and England activities of daily living
I am only listing the end stages because that tells you how bad PD can get.
30% - With effort, now and then does a few chores alone or begins alone. Much help needed
20% - Nothing alone. Can do some slight help with some chores. Severe invalid state
10% - Totally dependent, helpless
0% - Vegetative functions such as swallowing, bladder and bowel function are not functioning. Bedridden

A few immediate causes of death for PD patients: PwPs have trouble swallowing, they often choke and when they do they can inspire particles of food into the lungs which leads to aspiration pneumonia.
Because stiffness, rigidity, bilateral tremors, balance, contracture are symptoms it is not surprising that the next leading cause of death is from falls.

What is important is that you and your family not look at PD as an instant death sentence, the patient is not waiting to die. Rather than being a PD patient, be a person who happens to have PD.

By being informed about treatments which can slow the progression, knowing about diet, exercise therapy programs, nutritional supplements (vitamins, antioxidants, herbal supplements) regular medical massage patients can have significant impact upon progression.

There are some very promising treatments in the pipeline and the slower your Dad's progression, the better the chances that he wil have that these treatments can help him when they have reached the market.

While it is important to understand where the journey can end, it is also important to know the stops along the way. How to get the most out of each step and perhaps even stay in one place for a few years.

That's what we're doing about my husband's PD. Trying to hold the line with Azilect and Isradipine, trying to improve his muscle weakness through massage and exercise, controlling the tremor with CoQ10...the list goes on.

I can be reached through Yahoo Answers and at through Contact Us at the site below.

Best wishes you you and your family.  (+ info)

What is the prognosis typically of a 44 year old diagnosed with Parkinsons?

Just wondering.

With conventional medicine, not good.But, there are alternatives that the medical community refuses to accept.I noticed that this question is in the Cancer category.That being the case, do a search on ' A World without Cancer ' and scroll on down until you see the 55 Minute Video by G. Edward Griffin.Click on it, and watch it.Vitamin B-17 just might help you out.Also, go to http://www.naturalnews.com and enter Parkinson's at the top right of the Page, and do a search.And while you're there, read thru some of the other info on the page.Lots of goodies there ! It sure helped me ! Hope it helps you !  (+ info)

What are the adverse reaction of valium given to a parkinsons disease?

Hi Penny

Here is a method to help heal the issue. Cleansing the body is the 1st step. Many different cleanses to choose from, but my teacher (herbdoc.com) has helped many people overcome all diseases in life. All diseases are caused by one or all of these type of blockages (physically, mentally, energy (meridians of the body), and/or spiritually) Must remove the blockages in the body for it to function properly.

Although the cause is unknown, an imbalance of two brain chemicals, dopamine and acetylcholine, seems to be involved. A deficiency of dopamine in the brain can be due to underlying nutritional deficiencies, cerebral vascular disease (blockage of blood vessels in brain), side effects of anti-psychotic drugs, carbon monoxide poisoning, abuse of certain designer drugs, and a rare infection (encephalitis lethargica).

Parkinson's disease has been associated with toxic buildup of heavy metals in the body, especially mercury from dental amalgams. To slow the progression of Parkinson's amalgam fillings should be replaced, followed by a detoxification program.

1. This herb (lobelia) would be my choice to help with nerves or tremors:

Although sold in drug stores throughout Europe, and regarded as a potent healer, this herb has been highly criticized by medicine in the U.S.
It is also misunderstood by herbalists, who never used it, or never used it on serious cases, and do not understand what it can do. Lobelia contains over a dozen alkaloids, one of the strongest phytochemicals found in plants.
Commercial lobelia tinctures are so weak and useless you could drink the whole bottle and feel nothing.

Therapeutic Benefits: Antispasmodic, Emetic and Whole Body Purgative in high doses.
Major Benefit: Seizures, Fits, Convulsions, Spasms, Asthma, Bronchial Dilator. In large dosages it is a whole body cathartic, diaphoretic, diuretic, and emetic.

NOTES: When in doubt as to what herb to use, alternate Cayenne and Lobelia with ½ hour in between. Also, please note that lobelia can be used successfully on newborn children.
Seizures: A girl who was having a violent seizure for ten minutes before she received the lobelia had blood spurting out as her face and was thrashing from side to side, locked in this seizure. Within 15 seconds of the dispersion you could see her whole body relax. Her eyes came back down from the back of her head. And that’s how quickly you can stop seizures with lobelia !

Remember, lobelia tincture can also be used in a rectal implant to stop seizures. You can use a dropperful to a tablespoon of strong lobelia tincture in the implant.
Always do your own research when trying alternative therapies, but be open enough to learn and comprehend them. All the information is out there, the question is who wants to heal their body naturally or correctly? Most people wont because it takes some work and discipline. Not easy to change. You will though, if the right purpose is there.

Best of health to you.  (+ info)

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