FAQ - Paronychia
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Infection in toe, could this be paronychia?

I have had a infection in my big toe on my right foot for a couple of weeks now. I went to the doctors and they gave me some Fucidin cream, but it isn't really working. I did some research and found a page on wikipedia for Paronychia. I read through it and I found that I had similar symptoms. The right side of my toe is swollen, its a little warmer than the rest of my toe its red but the thing is it does not hurtor throb. There is also some pus that discharges from the wound every now and then. Could this be Paronychia

Rather than trying to self diagnose, go to a podiatrist, not a regular doctor. A podiatrist is much better at feet than a regular doctor.  (+ info)

paronychia treatment?

my middle finger is a little red and a little swollen on one side of my nail and i found out it was paronychia. theres a very small amount of puss i can see. will warm water soaks be enough because its really mild? or should i see a doctor to get it drained even though its not that bad?

Warm soaks in fifty percent warm water and fifty percent antibacterial soap for 15 minutes twice a day. Now if it persists, or you cannot move the joint(closest the nail) or you see red streaks going up the finger, you need to see your doctor. He can put a wick in under the nail to allow puss to drain.   (+ info)

Paronychia Staph question, please help.?

I've recently had a severe case of Paronychia, the doctor in the ER assumed it was MRSA, but didn't culture it. I took Bactrim. I've had a fever. The staph seemed to have spread because I got a huge lump under the skin near my vagina which eventually opened and drained what looked just like what came out of my finger. Anyways, my gynecologist gave me a new antibiotic for that. (I was on two) The Bactrim was for MRSA, and the new one was just for Staph. I couldn't come off of either because I didn't know which one worked because they didn't culture.
I finished Bactrim 24 hours ago and I woke up this morning with red blotches on my two fingertips next to the infected one. Also, a higher fever.
By recently I mean I still have it. It is not chronic, it just spread.
Also, the vaginal abscess was under the skin. As if it had spread through my body. Not from digital contact.

You need to go back to your doctor. This shouldn't be happening.  (+ info)

Can Paronychia & Misdiagnosed Herpes be related?

My daughter had a paronychia infection in her finger, my husband helped care for it. About the same time my husband came down with a nasty rash on his bum, the Doctor said it was herpes but the test came back negative, (Which is no surprise since we are each others only partners) Is it possible that after caring for her finger and not washing his hands that he spread it to his bum? But now we are at a loss as to what it is that is causing such great uncomfort.
I read that Paronychia and Herpes Whitlow can often be misdiagnosed for each other.
Is it possible that these are the same infection?

  (+ info)

Should I leave work because of paronychia?

I was recently diagnosed with paronychia and onychomycosis on my right thumbnail from a terrible nail infection at the nail salon. I had been getting acrylic nails consistently for the past 7 months and it's treated me badly now that I have an infection. The problem is, I work in a restaurant o during every shift I am constantly exposed to water for about 6 hours straight. However, I do not soak my hands in water or wash dishes--I simply wash when needed. I started wearing a finger cot on my thumb, but noticed that water can still get through. After my shift, I take off the finger cot and notice that my nail is still a bit moist from when water may have gotten through the cot. My doctor said to wear rubber gloves, but there is no way I can wear gloves as a server in a restaurant. If I continue to wear the cot, will it preven the oral antifungal meds from working and prolong the infection? Should I refrain from working fro 2 months?

moisture worsens the condition.  (+ info)

Acute paronychia (or finger infection)?

Do I need to get antibiotics for this? It isn't very severe and my mother just said to soak it in hot water. Will this work? When will it go away?

Soaking in hot water will bring the infection to the surface.
Watch it closely and see the doctor if it worsens.  (+ info)

what is paronychia?

Paronychia refers to inflammation of the nail fold. It can be acute or chronic.
See the pictures of paronychia in http://dermnetnz.org/fungal/paronychia.html  (+ info)

Paronychia... Should I worry?

I scraped my cuticle on my fingernail one day and didn't think much of it. But within two days the cuticle on one side of my nail was so swollen red and throbbing. The pain and throbbing progressed for two days to the point that it woke me up in the middle of the night and actually made me nausiated. The swelling looked about as big as a half of a pea under my skin. I had had enough and yesterday I noticed pus forming, just a tiny bit of green. So I thpuroughly sterilized my finger and a needle and drained it. I did again last night and put more alcohol on it and bandaged it. Today the swelling went way down and the pain has went away considerably and there is no throbbing. Its still swolen and soar but now I'm reading about how it can turn into an abcess? I was wondering if I should do anything else or just keep an eye on it until it gets better. Thanks
also there is no new pus forming so I'm assuming that my immune system is taking over. And excuse my erroneous use of the word "sterilized" I meant disinfected. If I sterilized my finger, I would have killed it. LOL

Acute paronychia can resolve spontaneously. If an abscess were to form, you would experience increasing pain/ pressure, redness and heat. If I saw you in the office, I'd prescribe an antibiotic, but if you drained it, it will most likely resolve on it's own. If you're not in a hurry, I'd just continue soaking in water to allow it to drain, apply antibiotic ointment and cover. If it will not clear without an antibiotic, it will let you know.  (+ info)

paronychia infection?

i had a hangnail and i tore it off and i had to wash the dishes every day this week and a few days ago i noticed my middle finger, the one that had the hangnail. was swollen and has a a greenish spot on the side of the nail. i researched it and i found out wat its called and how to treat it. but i cant find out how long it takes to heal because its hurting pretty badly. the swelling isnt terribly bad but its still swollen and i want to know how long it takes to heal and in case im treating it wrong, could someone tell me the right way?

you can try the above or go with warm to hot epsom soaks,,,it needs to drain..you may need to have it lanced and antibiotics
http://www.carpal-tunnel-symptoms.com  (+ info)

Paronychia? "Nail Infection"? Would Cephalexin work for this?

I was prescribed Cephalexin a long time ago for an infection to do with Poison ivy & I never took them, so I have a full bottle of 500mg cephalexin capsules & I have Paonychia Badly going on in my thumb. My entire thumb is swollen from the nail down to the first crease in my thumb so much that I can't bend my thumb. I have NO health Insurance & I'd like to try and kill this on my own. I am a nail biter and I ripped a piece of skin/nail down under my cuticle most likely the cause of this.
I've read people are prescribed Cephalexin for this.

Please Help?
Thanks So Much.

As long as you're otherwise healthy you're probably safe giving it a try. Unless it's really bad though I would just wait it out and take tylenol :/ Unless you go for a culture it's impossible to know 100% what it will respond to - but you could try it.

Also as far as health insurance options - you should first look into what your state offers. Most states have a cost sharing option (in ADDITION to Medicaid/Medical Assistance) so if you don't qualify for Medicaid, you can qualify for the other option. Other than that, you can also just walk right into a low cost clinic where they will see anyone and what you pay is a sliding scale fee based on income.

Your son should for SURE qualify for something. So I am assuming the insurance thing is just you...the only problem with the low cost clinics is lack of access to specialists - but if you're generally healthy that's not really a problem to begin with.  (+ info)

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