FAQ - Paronychia
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paronychia help?? plz?

I recently went to the doctor bout a month ago for a toe infection. It was swollen and really red so i went and she told me it was a paranoychia. Well, she gave me an antibiotics shot and some pills then i went home and took em two times a day. Well, soon after i got food poisoning and had to go bk to the doctor. i told him bout the pills she had prescribed and he laughed b/c he told me they were for a urinary tract infection. he said they might work and they did but now i feel like its coming bk. i am really broke and i cant afford to go bk to the doctor right now. is there any over-the-counter medicine i can purchase. its not BAD again, it just feels a little tender. TY!!

No medication is 'just' for one thing. A UTI is a bacterial infection, so the antibiotic she gave you for a bacterial infection of your toenail would work just fine. That other Dr is clueless, honestly, I wouldn't return to him...  (+ info)

Has Anyone had Paronychia? "Nail Infection"? Would Cephalexin work for this?

I was prescribed Cephalexin a long time ago for an infection to do with Poison ivy & I never took them, so I have a full bottle of 500mg cephalexin capsules & I have Paonychia Badly going on in my thumb. My entire thumb is swollen from the nail down to the first crease in my thumb so much that I can't bend my thumb. I have NO health Insurance & I'd like to try and kill this on my own. I am a nail biter and I ripped a piece of skin/nail down under my cuticle most likely the cause of this.
I've read people are prescribed Cephalexin for this.

Please Help?
Thanks So Much.

Nail infections are notoriously hard to treat. Sometimes they have to drain the pus, and sometimes they have you put on stuff every day to dissolve some of the nail so the medication can get under there. You need to go to a doctor. Those infections can be worse than they seem.

Tell them you have no insurance, and request a payment plan and free samples for meds.  (+ info)

my right toe got infected..its look like Paronychia..because tiny tissues came out..black circle around my?

right toe.my doctor suggested to remove my nails..but nail seems to be fine..only top edge of the right toe only tissues came out..i took injection..i am taking tablets..its really necessary to remove my nail..if i am taking tablets means how the tissue will go in..thats my doubt..if i am not removing my nail..it will cause any serious problem..how many days it will take the new nail to grow?..anyone can help me plz.i am really thankful to you

  (+ info)

Will my nail grow back and what do I do?

I got an infection in one of my nails called Paronychia, I went to the doc's and firstly they gave me antibiotic cream which did nothing so went back 5/6 days later and got oral antibiotics. I had to take them for a week and the infection cleared. Now, however, although the redness hasn't fully gone down, my main concern is the nail seems to be dying. All down the side where the infection was has gone yellowy colour and has started to lift and it is flaking away at the cuticle. I'm in no pain but I've been told if my nail comes off in this way it won't grow back. Please can someone tell me if this is true and what, if anything, I can do to prevent it coming off??!!! Many Thanks

If the nail bed has been damaged, the nail will not grow back. If not, it will. You will probably have to wait it out to see if the nail will grow again. Nails generally grow at the rate of about 1mm per month. One thing to remember is that the spores of the fungal infection can get into your shoes and re-infect your toenails. You will need to get new shoes, or at the least wear socks. You can try spraying the insides of your shoes with Lysol or another disinfectant.  (+ info)

I recently got a finger infection, is this normal?

So about 5 days ago I got a finger infection which I believe to be staph from Paronychia. The finger is very swollen and red on half of the upper digit. I thought it was getting better yesterday but today it throbbed all day and i had sharp stinging pains in it. I was also nauseous and dizzy with a headache all day....
Is this serious? Or should I wait it out.
Please help me... It hurts so much.
(Doctors not open till Monday)

It does not sound like it is getting better. Infection in an extremity is hard for the body to fight as well, because of limited blood circulation...the end can get swollen and then not get blood in and out as well.

You tried to wait it out. Not working. Infections still are dangerous, even in modern times. Modern meds don't work if you don't use them. Go to a doc and get some antibiotics.

If there are red streaks running from the finger to the hand, GET HELP TODAY! That is very serious - I can't over emphasize it.  (+ info)

Is the hospital necessary?

I have a swollen infected finger, pretty sure it's staph. I thought I'd wait it out but today I've had headaches and dizziness and nausea. I've now I've got all of the above and chills... my finger is throbbing with sharp burning pains in it.
Please help. It hurts incredibly bad......

You best see a doctor before it gets worse. Better yet go to an emergency clinic if it's late. Hospitals are for real sick people. This does not fit the bill unless it's contagious.  (+ info)

Magnesium Sulfate Paste?

I have a paronychia (swelling around the nailbed) and I heard that magnesium sulfate (epsom) would work well if I either soaked it or applied the paste to it. I heard that it causes the pus to come to the surface and cause the paronychia to burst. Does anyone know where I can get Magnesium Sulfate Paste? Or will a soak in Epsom Salt work.

The paste is more convenient than soaking, but actually not as good as several soaks in hot (hot, but still comfortable) epsom salt solution. With the paste, you put it on, cover it, and forget about it. With soaking, you need to get a container that is large enough for the water to hold the heat for 10-15 minutes, and sit there with you hand in the container several times per day.  (+ info)

Which one do I have. Acute or Chronic?

Ok so I got a manicure and I got paronychia. But how do i know which one I have?!? I got a manicure 5 days ago and the red bumb started about 2 days ago. It looks like I have acute, but can it change into chronic? Or does chronic start out like acute then get worse? And how can i help it?!

it could possibly change to cronic, but you will not know that unless it keeps coming back.. right now it is acute... if it returns or stays, then it will be cronic..  (+ info)

The cost of antiBotics?

My girlfriend just recently went to the doctor for a finger infection. She had paronychia and the doctor prescribed her some antibotics. We asked how much it would be and they said it was only 100$ but then later on they sent us a bill for 800$. Now what i'm wondering is how much is the cost of the antibotics to treat this fingernail infection. I forget the name of the antibotics but she had to take it 4 times a day for 10 days so that's 40 pills.

Woah I knew healthcare was pretty bad in this country but I didn't think it was that bad. Well if she has health insurance then that has got to be wrong unless this is an extremely serious infection that requires very rare medication. If she doesn't have health insurance then that might explain why its so expensive. You should call the pharmacy or the doctors office and ask. Call a couple places and compare and see what they say. That seems like waaaay to high of a bill for a fingernail infection. Good luck with that.  (+ info)

My Nail is Coming Off!?

My nail is coming off from the bottom and I don't know why. A few weeks ago I discovered I had a nail infection in the same finger called paronychia. Does this have something to do with it?

Nail infections can cause the nails to fall out. Did you get the infection treated? If so then your nail will fall out and then a new one will grow back without any problems. Just make sure to keep a band aid on the nail bed for a while as the skin will be really sensitive. If you still have the infection, you need to see a doctor to get treated for it so the new nail can grow in healthy.  (+ info)

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